AN:Here you go guys I hope you like it

The Goddess Guard

Artemis quikly flashed to Athena's palace. She ran through eah hallway searching for the wisdom goddess. She pushed open the doors to the library to find Athena reading a very large book."Hello sister why have you come?" Artemis nodded to the boy in the shadowed corner of the room before returning her attenetion to Athena."I think Perseus is to powerful" Athena looked up from her book."So" Artemis gave her a bewildered look."Enough power to controll an Olympian" Athena didn't look surprised."And what would you like me to do about it?" Artemis had to think about that one. She didn't realy know what to do about his power. All she knew she couldn't let him walk around with it.

"We can't just let have the power without restrictions" Athena shook her head."That didn't answer the question" Aremis put her head inbetween her hands."I don't know,what can we do?" Athena thought for a second."Why do we even have to do anything? You just need to trust him. If Iris raised him, there is no doubt in my mind that he is a good enough man to do the right thing" Artemis nodded."And besides if he does have that much power then he could have killed us millenia ago" Artemis' jaw drop."And please do not give him another reason to kill us" Artemis nodded."Tell Percy I said hi" Nico shouted from the corner of the room. Artemis smiled before flashing back to the hunter camp.

When Artemis reached the camp she saw that the hunters were all bunched up in a long line side by side. She walked over to see what the commotion was about. The second she reached the area she realised they were all staring at Perseus shooting his bow at small animals hidden in trees with more skill then any of them have. The only one who looked like she has seen this one million times was Zoe, which she has. Artemis walked up to Zoe."What did you do this time" Artemis gave her a enquisitive look. Zoe sighed."He only does this when he is angry" Artemis nodded."He told me something and I told some one else the information he gave me" Zoe shook her head."You better make it up to him" Artemis nodded.


The rest of the day Percy sat in a tree and avoiding Artemis. When dinner came Percy jumped from his tree and walked to the table. He picked up a plate and started back to the tree until Artemis jumped in front of Percy. He scowled and tryed to go around but she jumped in front of him again."Can I talk to you" Befor getting an answer she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away from the others."I didn't tell any one" He crossed his arms."Why should I believe you" Artemis rolled her eyes."I swaer on the styx that I didn't tell anyone that Eros is your father" Percy shook his head."I only went to talk to Athena to tell her that you are powerfull enough to manipulate us, and I didn't know what to do" Percy's eyes went wide."So you gave her a reason to kill me?" Artemis shook her head."She doesn't realy care any way" Percy nodded."Fine" He tried to walk away but Artemis grabbed him."I want to give you something" He gave her a confused look. Artemis waved her hand and Percy's old silver bow appeared in her hand. She smiled before handing it to Percy who looked down at it. A tear slid down his face before he looked back up to Artemis with a huge smile on his face. He embrace Artemis in a bone crushing bear hug.

"Thank you so much Arty, I can't believe you kept this after all of these years" Artemis blushed slightly."Of course I never forgot you Percy" Percy beamed at her one more time before running to the archery range. Artemis watched happily as Percy shot arrow after arrow, each one splitting the other. Percy groaned when he heard a giant clap of thunder."Looks like we have to head to Olympus" Artemis told Zoe to watch the hunters before flashing her and Percy to the throne room.

When Percy reached Artemis' throne he put the bow on his back before sitting indian style at the bottom of the throne. When every god and goddess were accounted for Zeus began talking."As all of you know my daughter's guardian has returned and I have been watching him since he has returned" Both Percy and Artemis' eyes widened."It has come to my attention that Perseus has to much power for his ow good" Athena's eyes widened this time."I cannot let him run around this new land with the power to manipualate the gods" Almost every one in the room gasped."For this he must die, but he has to swear to go through rebirth for a second time" Percy shook his."I Perseus swear on the styx that if the gods can kill me I will go for rebirth" Zeus smirked before standing up with his master bolt in hand, and Percy's eyes glowed."Give me the bolt Zeus" Zeus stiffened before walking to Percy and giving him the bolt. Percy examined the bolt before throwing it at Zeus. He was sent flying into his throne making him go into a slumped sitting position. Every olympian except for Artemis, Athena, and Aphrodite stood with there weapons at ready. Percy's eyes glowed so bright you would go blind if you looked into them for to long."SIT DOWN OLYMPIANS" His voice sounded ancient, and held immense power. Every Olympian sat in their seats."If you follow Zeus' orders and come for me be prepared to be sent to Tarturas" Percy looked to Artemis who was in tears. She nodded and smiled sadly."I will come back some day" Percy ran from Olympus, cursing the fates for what they just did. In his head his fathers voice said three words."It has begun"


In a small cottage sat a handsome man with white hair and blue eyes that goes bye the name Jackson.

AN:I hope you liked it guys liked it, remember to review

Yours Truly Ocean's Son