This is my first fan fiction that I've ever done so... I'm sure I'll mess up, and any comments help!

For months now Gilbert had known about his little brothers boyfriend. How could he not? He was too awesome to be fooled so easily. He was never at their apartment with out the little Italian, looking at him with those eyes, and when he wasn't home, he was doing Gott knows what at Feliciano's house. Ludwig would try to hide it saying that they were just study buddies. Then last week he had started to avoid him.

The Prussian didn't quite get why his brother was so intent on keeping his sexuality a secret. Gilbert himself didn't mind but he supposed that it was the Germans pride holding him back. He might put his manly reputation in jeopardy with their peers, as well as the studious one he held with the teachers.

Gilbert lounged on the worn leather couch with the sun reflecting off the new layer of snow to the equally pale skin. Shifting to shield his eyes from the blinding rays coming from the window, he tried to clear his mind of his brothers' problems, and think about his own. His eyes settling on the shadow from the old fire escape he let his mind drift to the quiet blonde.

He had escaped to the bathroom to get away from Elizabeta's scoldings throughout math class. He was tired enough as it is without her bickering, and it was last block on a Friday, he could care less about the quadratic… thingy he was supposed to be learning.

Upon arriving in the men's room he ran into a skinny kid in a huge red sweatshirt who was crying his eyes out. The boy looked up at him with stunning violet eyes from the floor like a kicked puppy. It was so pathetic and cute it made the Prussian freeze up.

The boy had seen Gilbert and ran, leaving his books scattered about the floor. Being confused and curious, he had quickly gathered up the books, and ran after him. When he caught up to him, he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the bell. The Canadian grabbed the bag from his hand and Gilbert yelled after him, "Wait, what's your name?" The boy just paused to look back at him with more tears falling down his pink cheeks before he scampered off into the throng of students heading home for the weekend.

That boy and his violet eyes had been seeping into his thoughts over the long weekend. (Their had been a blizzard yesterday that lasted into early this morning canceling school thus giving them an extra day). He wondered about the crying boy, and if he'd see him again. Was in his grade? But if he was, how had he not noticed him before? Yet over these he just wanted to know if he was okay. Had he been bullied? How bad was it if so? How long had it lasted? How could he stop it? Nothing was coming to him the more he thought about it, besides more questions!

With a huff he sat up and went to check on Gilbird. In the corner of his room by the window a large cage sat as the bird mansion to a tinny yellow fluff ball in the corner farthest from the window as possible.

Gilbert scolded himself aloud, "Oh Gilbird! I Should have moved you away from the big, bad, cold window!" He flicked the lock on the cage door and gently scooped up his best friend. On his way to the living room he mumbled a few more apologies in German while petting him as lovingly as he could.

The albino teen spent most of his time in the living room because his room was too messy and cramped for the awesome him. He liked to stretch out and put his feet on the table as if he owned the place, which is far from the truth, but he could pretend.

Ludwig always keeps the living room clean because as he says, "I'm the one paying rent, so I will try to at least keep it decent for guests." Which translates in Prussian to "I will clean up all your messes out here so I can make out on the couch when I want."

Gilbert let out one of his famous 'kesese' laugh to the empty room. He wasn't quite sure why, maybe he was going crazy from the lack of sex, alcohol or any from of human interaction. He looked down at Gilbird who made a funny face at him as if to say, "Weren't you always crazy?" He sighed and deflated into himself letting his white hair fall down in front of his eyes.

His moment of silence didn't last as long as he hoped, for then the door burst open to reveal his brother and Feliciano falling over each other in a drunk fit of giggles. His brother was giggling.

Gilbert jerked his head up and raised an eyebrow at them, "You're drunk at," he checked his phone, "5:30… on a Monday…. That's soooo not awesome."

"Whaaaa? We're not", he paused to hiccup, "Drunk at allll!" the Italian said in response.

"I-I have a chemistry test tomorrow" his brother giggled, "And I don't even have my homework done… but you'll help me right?" he asked the little Italian he was half carrying

"Well be studying ve~!" Feliciano explained as the burly blonde carried him to his room.

Gilbert groaned and decided to go to bed early with extremely loud music. He moved the bird mansion to the other side of the room, kicking some clothes around to make room for the cage before putting Gilbird back. He laid down, putting on his headphones, turning up the volume as he heard a moan from the other side of the wall, and trying to think of anything but his brothers choice of activities at that moment. He just thought of those sad eyes exuding tears of pain and suffering that the albino couldn't imagine as he fell into a restless sleep.