Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who nor do I own this episode. This is just what I thought should have happened once I found out Clara had lived and died to save the Doctor many times. Most of this is from the transcript which I found online. I am just trying to write what I thought would happen, not trying to steal anything.

Right outside the edge of the universe, there was a tiny planet. It glowed a soft sickly green and looked like it was just a giant compilation of trash. Inside one of the tunnels, an old woman with worn clothes that looks like they've been sown together haphazardly, leads a smaller, much younger woman to the central area of the tunnel. The sides of the tunnel are full of clutter and glow the same green as the rest of the planet. Smoke rises from some pipes sticking out of the wall at odd angles.

They stop in a large cavern where a man is waiting. He is a strange hunched over man with eyes that look much younger than he seems to be. "Will it be me, Uncle?" the young woman asks is a shaky voice, clutching at the skirts of her torn scarlet red Victorian dress. Her once bright brown eyes are worn and scared as she looks between the man and woman.

The man nods, his lips pulled back into a permanent sneer. "Yes, it's going to be you. I only with I could go in your place,Oswald." He tilts his head to the side, pretending to think for a second. "Nah, I don't, cause it's really going to hurt."

An alien looking creature steps out from the shadows. It is an Ood. The Ood has strange glowing green eyes, unlike a normal ood, which has normal eyes... for an Ood. It does not speak, only grips Clara's arm tightly.

"It's starting," Oswald whispers, her voice cracking with fear. The Ood takes Oswald and leads her up the two steps to a small platform. Underneath the platform is a vent, where a glowing green light is emanating. "What will happen?"

The raggedy woman's eyebrows scrunch together as she tries to figure out how to say it. "Oh. Um, er," she mouths words a few times before she speaks again, "Nephew will drain your mind and your soul from your body and leave your body empty."

The strange ood places a hand on either side of her head, looking like he's about to telepathically communicate with her.

"I'm scared!" Oswald cries, her eyes fluttering closed at the slight pressure. Smoke begins to rise from the grate and the brunette falls to her knees, her breathing becoming harder and harder.

"I expect so, dear," the raggedy woman nods. "But soon you'll have a new soul." She smiles in an extremely creepy way. "There'll be a Time Lord coming!"

A few hours later, Oswald feels a new kind of energy fill her. It makes her mind burn but, since there is no other entity inside the empty shell of her body except a few particles that remember who she used to be, it doesn't hurt as much as it should. The young woman sits up with a gasp, her eyes going wide. They glow a soft golden color and golden particles stream out of her open mouth. Each time Oswald breathes, a strange grating or whooshing noise comes out of her mouth.

The pathetic beings that have made her this way watch in fear as she raises her hands, watching as they light up the interior room with a golden glow. Never has she felt more powerful in all of her life.

Oswald gasps, her eyes fluttering open when she feels the presence of something akin to warmth caressing her mind. She feels as if a lost loved one has come back to her. Her mind has melded with the other inside her, the one that is much more powerful than the lowly beings that guard her.

When she tries to stand, she wobbles a few times before she gets her bearings. Auntie and Uncle follow behind her as she breaks out into a run, her mind bursting with so much happiness that she feels like humming. But she keeps the humming inside, at least for now.

"Thief!" she cries when she enters the largest room on the desolate planet. She notices the red head and the man with the big nose right off, but she feels no connection to them. Neither of them are her Thief. No, that tittle is for the man standing in the middle of them, looking around in what she might call concern. "Thief!" Oswald calls again, her mind beginning to hum happily, reaching out for the other man. The one in the tacky bow tie and the tweed jacket. "You're my Thief!"

She can feel the presence of Auntie and Uncle behind her, calling out for her to stop. They cannot halt her, however, because she is much stronger now. They have given her the power over the knowledge of the universe, of space and time. Oswald remembers a time when she had another body, a blond with hazel eyes. The human her heart called Bad Wolf is gone now, but the shadow of her presence remains forever within her heart.

"She's dangerous," Auntie warns, making the Doctor step back. Oswald disregards the words and throws herself at the Doctor. "Guard yourself!" The man with the big nose and the red head step back, but the Doctor stands his ground. Just like she'd expect from her him. Because he was hers… she'd stolen him.

"Look at you!" Oswald beams, reminding herself of a kid in a candy store or, more accurately, the Doctor when he discovers something new within her infinite walls. "Goodbye!" She frowns. "No, not goodbye," she purses her lips, "what's the other one?" Her mind surges forward, wishing to be as close to her Thief as possible. She's seen him close to other girls, like Bad Wolf, when he pressed his lips to hers. So she did just that. He flailed and waved his arms around in patters she could trace in her mind and she smiled.

"Watch out!" Uncle halfheartedly says, chuckling. "Careful, keep back from her!" His warning a little late seeing as the woman's already attached to the Doctor by the mouth. The man in tweed pushes the strange woman off of him, even as she struggles.

Too soon, what she knows is a kiss ends when hands pull her back from her Thief. Uncle smirks and she wants to smash him into little bits for keeping her away from her Thief. She pouts and struggles to reach for him again. Auntie and Uncle each keep a tight grip on her arms, but she continues to wiggle in their grasp.

"Welcome, strangers, lovely," Uncle bows from his place holding Oswald from going after the Doctor again. "Sorry about the mad person." He gestures with his head back at the young woman.

"Why am I a thief?" the Doctor asked, looking contemplative. "What have I stolen?"

Oswald giggled, her eyes lighting up like a firecracker. But the gold stayed below, knowing she cannot show him yet what is inside her. "Me," Oswald pressed a hand to her chest. "You're going to steal me." She blinks, looking confused again. "No," she shakes her head, "you have stolen me." She shakes her head again, hating these tenses and strange speech. "You are stealing me." She smiles at the Doctor's confusion and even his current companions' confusion. She moves her mouth for a few seconds before she smiles at the Doctor. "Tenses are difficult, aren't they?"

"Oh, we are sorry, my dove," Auntie apologizes. "She's off her 'ead. They call me Auntie." She vigorous shakes the Doctor's hand, making his arm wobble up and down.

"I'm Uncle," the short strange man smiled, but in a creepy way. "I'm everybody's uncle." He roughly gripped Oswald's arm tightly. "Just keep back from this one," he points at Oswald, "she bites."

Oswald's eyes widen and she giggles insanely. "I do?" She finally gets out of Auntie and Uncle's hold and runs over to the Doctor. "Excellent." She reaches the man in tweed and bites into his neck. She has to jump up to reach it, but the golden haze in her mind and the magical energy flowing through her body helps her reach out to her Thief.

"Ow!" the Doctor cries, struggling against Oswald. "No, ow, ow!" Auntie and Uncle manage to pull Oswald off of the struggling man.

The red head and the man with the big nose shrink back from her and she grins. "Oh, biting's excellent!" Oswald cries happily, spinning around. "It's like kissing," Uncle pulls her away but she reaches out for her Thief, "only there's a winner!" The red head laughed at her joke, even though she's completely serious.

"Sorry," Uncle apologizes again. "She's doolally."

Oswald shakes her head, glaring at Uncle. "No, I'm not doolally," she shakes her head. "I'm... I'm...It's on the tip of my tongue." She sticks her tongue out before she turns her confused frown into a smile. "And and I've just had a new idea about kissing." She opens her arms and races after her thief, her Doctor. "Come here, you!" She chases after her Doctor.

"Oswald!" Auntie cried. "No, no!"

The Doctor hid behind his companions, the red head and the nose. Her Thief looks scared and she stops, watching him with worried eyes. "Oh, but now you're angry," her eyes turned sad. "No, you're not." She shakes her head. "You will be angry. The little boxes will make you angry." She smiles at him, although her mind is still jumping from place to place.

"Sorry?" the Doctor blinks. "The little what?" He tries to understand him. "Boxes?"

Oswald cackles madly. "Your chin is hilarious!" She pinches the Doctor's chin. Suddenly, she starts and looks at the big nosed man, who she realizes has a name... Rory Williams, the Last Centurion. "It means the smell of dust after rain," she tells him before she turns back to the Doctor.

"What does?" Rory asks, looking at her in confusion. She watches him and smiles.

"Petrichor," she replies.

"But I didn't ask."

"Not yet," Oswald replies, "but you will."

Rory, Amy, and the Doctor share a look before Auntie cries out, "No, Oswald, I think you should have a rest." She takes a step to hold onto Oswald's arm.

"Yes, yes, good idea!" Her eyes light up before she spins around. "I'll just see if there's an off switch," she mumbles to herself before she falls into a chair and everything goes dark. Blackness is all she knows.

A rewrite of the episode The Doctor's Wife. Instead of Idris, I've decided that it would have been interesting if Clara was the vessel for the TARDIS. I own none of the spoken lines in this story. Please review and tell me what you think.

One of the reasons I think Clara's echo would have been there is because she's already been though his time stream, so she can survive the Matrix. And the chin comment just got me.

P.S. This story only includes moments when Idris is present. Most of the scenes with just Amy and Rory or the Doctor and the other House mates are not going to be included. Because most of the story is in Clara's 3rd person POV.