I'm sorry for the long wait (again).

I told myself that the next time I write a multi chaptered fic, I'm going to write the whole thing before uploading it.

Anyway, this is the last chapter to this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thank you all for sticking with me and reviewing.


Weeks passed by and life returned back to normal for Sam and Andy. Andy stayed over at Sam's on a regular basis, but also went to her dorm frequently.

Their relationship was still stable, even though Sam still hadn't found the strength to tell Andy that he loved her. Andy wanted nothing more than to keep expressing her love, but she didn't, because she didn't want Sam to feel pressured.

Sam realised what she was doing and was having a hard time. He blamed himself for not being able to tell Andy what he felt. He knew she deserved someone who could express his feelings and he hated that he wasn't that guy.

She let him know that it was okay though. She was giving him time to readjust to their relationship.

After Sam told Andy about his childhood, Andy got where Sam was coming from. She was willing to give him all the time he needed.

Besides, whenever she was with him, she felt loved. That didn't mean that she didn't want to hear it, but Andy realised that the feeling was enough for that moment.

''Are you okay?'' Sam asked as he watched Andy. She was sitting at his table with a pained expression on her face.

''It's this book,'' Andy explained. ''We have to read it for this test, but it's the most boring book ever. I'm on page 245 and I seriously have no idea what I have been reading.''

Sam chuckled and stood up. He walked towards the table and took the book out of Andy's hands. 'Isn't there a recap online or something?'' he wondered.

''A recap?'' Andy asked. ''This is like the biggest test I'll ever make. I can't just use a recap for that.''

''I always did,'' Sam told her. ''In high school I always paid one of the smart kids to write me one.''

''Didn't you tell me that you were definitely not an A student in high school?''

''Not an A student, but I did pass just fine.'' Sam handed Andy her book back and smiled at her. ''But that isn't enough for you, is it?''

''No,'' Andy admitted. ''I want to do great.''

''You will be,'' Sam promised. ''With the amount of work you're always doing, you'll be the best in your class.''

Andy sighed and shook her head. ''I'm done for tonight. I just can't focus.''

Sam's hands found Andy's shoulders and gently massaged them. His hands moved to her neck and when he brushed his lips against the sensitive skin there, Andy moved her head to give her more room.

''Studying is definitely done,'' Andy repeated. Her lips landed on Sam's and their mouths moved together.

Somehow they ended up on the couch and fell asleep there. When Andy woke up, she was lying on Sam's bare chest.

Andy shivered and that movement cost Sam to wake up too. ''We fell asleep here?'' he asked. He moved his neck a little and flinched when he felt the effect that the couch had on it. ''You're cold,'' he noticed. He took the blanket that was on the end of the couch and pulled it over Andy.

After that he put his arms under her knees and lifted her into his arms. ''Let's go to bed.''

Andy laughed as Sam hoisted her up. ''I can walk, you know?'' she asked as he put her arms around his neck.

''I know,'' Sam simply said.

When they reached his bedroom, Sam lowered Andy onto the mattress and gently covered her. He moved to the other side and joined her.

Andy moved to his side of the bed and put her head on his chest again.

''You're seriously freezing,'' Sam said. ''I'm sorry.''

''Not your fault,'' Andy replied. ''We were both stupid enough to fall asleep on the couch without any clothes on.''

Sam rubbed his arms up and down Andy's arms in an attempt to warm her up. ''Want a hot shower?''

Andy smiled to herself. She loved Sam's caring side. She knew that it was his way of showing his love for her. ''No, I'm already getting warmer,'' she told him.

It didn't take Andy long to fall asleep again after that. Sam stayed up for a while, keeping his hands on Andy, making sure that she was warm. The way she made him feel scared him more than anything, but he knew he needed to tell her how he felt soon.

He needed to deal with his demons and do it fast.


A week later Sam was riding together with Oliver again. They had just wrapped up a B&E case and were headed to a diner to have a quick lunch.

''I tell you Sammy, Zoe is going crazy. She decided she wanted to be a vegetarian and now she's forcing me in it as well.''

''Happy wife, happy life?'' Sam asked. He looked at his friend and couldn't help but grin.

''If she wants to be a vegetarian, fine. She has my blessing. I need meat though,'' Oliver said. ''I would kill for some decent bacon right now.''

Before Oliver could actually park the cruiser at the diner, the radio interrupted him. When they heard there was a school shooting going on, Oliver quickly turned the car around and left the parking lot again. ''What is with kids and weapons these days?'' he wondered out loud.

When Sam didn't say anything, Oliver looked to his side. He saw his friend with his cell phone in his hand.

''Andy goes there,'' Sam explained while all colour left his face. ''Damn it, pick up your phone McNally.''

''Sam, she's probably fine,'' Oliver tried. ''She's a smart girl. She's probably out of the school already.''

''She's not picking up her phone,'' Sam said again. ''Drive faster.''

''I'm going as fast as I can,'' Oliver told him. ''You need to stay calm. You can't go there acting like a lunatic. They'll have you out of there in no time.''

Sam tried Andy's phone again, but once again she didn't pick up.

''Are you sure she had classes?'' Oliver asked. He looked over towards his friend. Of course Oliver understood Sam's behaviour. He hoped that Sam could keep his cool on scene, because nobody would benefit if he would react badly.

''She was suppose to have classes all day long,'' Sam answered. When he realised that he wouldn't be able to get in contact with Andy, he quickly dialled another number. ''Tommy, you heard?'' he asked.

Oliver didn't need to hear Tommy's response to have the answer. A school shooting wasn't something that was kept quiet. Every cop in the city was probably aware of what was going on.

''I haven't heard anything either. She's not picking up her phone.'' Sam's worry was obvious, but there was nothing that Oliver could do to. ''We're ten minutes out. See you there.''

It took them eight minutes to get to the school. During those eight minutes, Sam kept listening to their radio. When they finally reached their destination, they already heard about three bodies that were found and four people with injuries.

''What building would Andy be in?'' Oliver asked as he saw Sam scan the scene.

''I don't know,'' Sam admitted. ''Why don't I know stuff like that?''

''Sam, calm down,'' Oliver tried again. ''Andy is smart. Tommy taught her well, okay? She's probably hiding somewhere. Or she's safe already and lost her phone.''

''Smart doesn't mean anything if you've got someone with a gun in front of you.''

Oliver and Sam walked towards their staff sergeant, who was giving out orders. Sam kept looking towards all of the students he saw, hoping to see Andy.

When their staff sergeant was updating them, Oliver noticed that Sam wasn't paying attention. ''She's here somewhere,'' he whispered towards Sam. ''We'll find her.''


Andy felt that she was beginning to panic. She had no idea what to do in that moment. Just forty minutes before nothing was wrong. She was sitting in class and just listening to everything her teacher was telling.

When gunshots were heard, people looked up. Some people wondered out loud if the loud noise was cost by firework. When people started to scream, panic took over.

Everybody quickly left the class and started to run. Andy had tried to do the same, but when she passed a boy with a gunshot wound, she couldn't leave him there.

She had screamed for people to help her, but everybody else was too busy to safe themselves. After that, Andy scanned the room and decided that she wouldn't be able to carry the boy outside. She sat behind him and put her arms under his shoulder. ''I'm getting you out of here,'' she promised.

There was a closet close to where the boy was shot. With some effort Andy managed to push the boy inside. She locked the door and made sure that it really stayed closed. When she joined the boy, she was finally able to look at the damage.

His abdomen was covered in blood, so Andy guessed that he was shot there. ''I'm going to put pressure on it, okay?'' she said. ''Just keep breathing. They'll come with help.''

''I'm going to die,'' the boy screamed. ''I'm going to die here.''

''No, you're not,'' Andy told him. ''Just stop screaming, okay? Whoever did this might still be there.'' Andy took off her sweater and pushed it to the wound.

When the boy cried out, Andy flinched. ''What's your name?'' she asked.

She saw the boy swallow away his tears before he answered. ''Jason.''

''Okay Jason. I'm Andy, we're going to be okay, alright? I'm sure that there are already a dozen of squad cars and ambulances out there.''

Andy looked at her sweater that was already covered in blood. Jason was losing blood quickly and Andy realised that they needed help as soon as possible.

''This is it,'' Jason said. ''I never took anything seriously and now I'm dying.''

''You're not going to die,'' Andy told him. ''We're going to get out of here.''

''Just tell my mom that I'm sorry, okay?''

''You'll tell her that yourself,'' Andy tried. When the boys eyes fluttered close she furiously shook her head. ''Stay awake,'' she ordered. ''Don't close your eyes. Just keep looking at me, okay?''

When Jason kept his eyes closed, Andy shook his shoulder with her left hand, while holding pressure on the wound with her right hand. ''Jason, do you have a phone with you?'' she asked. ''I left mine in class.''

''Dropped it in the hallway,'' Jason tiredly said.

''Keep your eyes open,'' Andy begged. ''I need you to stay with me.''

''Tired,'' Jason muttered.

''Jason, I know,'' Andy said as a tear ran down her cheek. ''I know you're tired, but you need to stay awake, okay? Help will come.''

''They won't find us.''

Andy took a second to gather her thoughts and then moved Jason's hands to his stomach. ''I need you to keep pressure here for a moment, okay?''

She knew she didn't have much time to make sure that Jason followed her instructions. So Andy got back on her feet and listened carefully if she heard anything on the outside of the door. When she didn't, she slowly opened the door and looked into the hallway.

After taking a deep breath, Andy decided that the coast seemed to be clear. She quickly sprinted towards the spot where she had found Jason. She found his phone and quickly ran back to the closet after she picked it up.

Deep down she really wanted to call Sam or her father, but she didn't know any numbers by heart. ''You still awake Jason?'' she asked when she took over his job of applying pressure to his stomach.

''Trying,'' he answered.

Andy quickly dialled 911 and kept looking at Jason. After explaining to the emergency service what was going on, Andy felt herself calm down a little. She knew that everybody was doing everything in their power to get them out of there.

''My dad,'' Andy said to the woman on the other end of the line. ''He's a detective at 15th division. Tommy McNally. Can you let him know that I'm alright?''

Andy knew that they would probably find a detective faster than they would find Sam. Besides, her father would let Sam know that she was okay as soon as he heard.

''They're coming,'' she promised Jason. ''They're coming Jason.''

''Will be too late.'' Jason's voice got weaker every time he spoke up. ''But thank you for trying.''

''Jason,'' Andy said. ''You just need to fight a little longer, okay?''

Tears filled her eyes as she saw the boy's eyes flutter close again.

She needed help and she needed it now.


''Swarek,'' Tommy yelled as soon as he spotted him in the crowd.

''She's not here,'' Sam said immediately. ''I checked all the lists.'' The worry was written all over Sam's face. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. ''Maybe she's hiding somewhere.''

''She is,'' Tommy explained. ''She called 911 a few minutes ago. She's okay, but she's hiding in a closet with another student who got shot.''

''What building?'' Sam immediately asked.

''They're going in now,'' Tommy said. ''They don't have the shooter yet, but apparently the boy Andy is with needs medical attention right away.''

Sam closed his eyes for a second to gather his thoughts. He knew that his girlfriend was though, but he also knew she had been through hell in just a few months. Adding a shooting to all of that wouldn't be easy.

''I'm going in with them,'' he said as he looked at the SWAT team getting ready.

''You're not trained for that Sam,'' Tommy tried to stop him. ''They're already moving in. There's nothing we can do. We would only be in the way.''

As difficult as it was to accept, Sam knew the detective was right. ''You're sure she was okay?'' he asked again. ''You know her, she's always fine.''

''Apparently she was trying to run, when she saw one of the victims.'' Tommy rubbed a hand over his face and shook his head. ''She stayed with him instead of making sure she was safe herself. She's already a copper deep inside.''

''She's damn stubborn, that's what she is,'' Sam protested.

''We would have done the same,'' Tommy simply said. As worried as he was, he was also proud of Andy. He knew that she was doing the right thing, even if it meant that it put her in harm's way.

''Where in the building is she?'' Sam wondered out loud.

''Shouldn't take them too long if it's just a simple in and out,'' Tommy replied. ''She was pretty close to the exit.''

Sam nodded and kept his eyes focused on the building. It was very much unlike him to stay away from the action, especially if Andy was in danger. Deep down he knew that it would only cost time if he would have insisted on going with the SWAT team. It wasn't easy to do nothing though.

It seemed to take hours, but in reality it was just ten minutes later when members of the SWAT team walked out again with Andy next to them.

The first thing that Sam noticed was all the blood that was covering her. His feet carried him towards her as soon as possible. When he reached her he pulled her close to him, not bothered by their audience. For a second he closed his eyes and took in her scent. ''You need to get checked out,'' he said.

''I'm fine,'' Andy quickly responded. ''It's not my blood.''

''Enough reason for them to look at you,'' Tommy interrupted.

Before Andy could reply, a medic was already next to her. He ushered her towards one of the ambulances as Sam and Tommy watched her go. When Sam tried to follow, Tommy stopped him.

''She's okay,'' Tommy said as he clapped Sam on the back. ''She's going to be fine.''


After Andy was found, Sam had received orders from his boss. They needed him and even though he wanted to go with Andy, he knew he had a job to do.

Together with Oliver he kept the crowd away from the scene. While he was doing that his mind kept wondering back to Andy. He knew that Tommy went with her, so at least she wasn't alone.

He wanted to be the one that was with her though. Deep down he knew she was physically okay, but he just needed to see her to be sure.

Half an hour after they found Andy, they also found the shooter. He had taken his own life and left everybody with nothing but question marks.

After that they just needed to keep the journalist at a reasonable distance. After two more hours Sam finally got permission to leave. Together with Oliver he drove towards the barn where he changed as quickly as possible.

As soon as he was in his own clothes, he went to the parking lot and got his truck. It took him fifteen minutes to reach the hospital and then another ten minutes to locate Andy.

''Hey,'' Sam said as soon as he found her, sitting on a gurney in the ER.

Andy smiled sadly when she saw him. ''You didn't have to come all the way down here,'' she said. ''They'll let me go as soon as they did some tests.''

''You've been here for hours,'' Sam stated. ''Something wrong?''

''They've got more victims than they can handle,'' Andy explained. ''I'm just waiting for someone to draw some blood, but I guess that pretty low on their priority list right now.''

Sam cupped Andy's cheek and ran his thumb over her cheek. ''You sure you're alright. You're not hurt?''

''I didn't even see the shooter,'' Andy explained. ''They just want to do some test because I got someone else's blood all over me.''

''You know that what you did was stupid, right?'' Sam asked as he took a step back. He looked Andy in the eye and shook his head. ''You didn't know if the shooter was still there.''

Andy's eyes found a spot on the floor as tears filled her eyes. ''Like you would have left,'' she shot back. ''I couldn't just leave him there. He was bleeding out.''

Sam closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. He knew she was right, but he couldn't help but hate the fact that she had been in danger. ''I know,'' he softly answered. ''You just freaked me out.''

Slowly Sam rubbed circles on Andy's knee with his thumb while his other hand was on her waist. ''Where's your dad?'' he asked after a second. ''I thought he went with you.''

''He did. I asked him to find out how Jason is doing,'' Andy explained.

Sam assumed that Jason was the boy Andy had been with. ''Was he conscious when they arrived?''

''No,'' Andy answered. ''I really tried Sam,'' she continued. ''I told him to keep his eyes open and to talk to me, but he was losing so much blood.''

Again tears were threatening to fall. Sam quickly cupped Andy's cheeks as he whipped away one of them. ''I know,'' he told her. ''You did everything you could. If he's going to make it, it's going to be because of you.''

Andy took some time to take control of her emotions again. ''Do they have a motive?'' she wondered. ''I mean, why do people do stuff like this? All those people were innocent.''

They were interrupted when Tommy walked in again. He greeted Sam and then took Andy's hand. ''He's in surgery, they couldn't tell me anything else,'' he told Andy.

''That's a good sign,'' Sam reasoned. ''It's probably because of you that he made it this far.''

Andy didn't really respond to that. She just gave her father a small nod and thanked him.

''Sam,'' Tommy said. ''Are you okay to take Andy home?''

''Of course,'' Sam replied. He looked at the detective and raised an eyebrow. He knew that Tommy was off shift and he didn't get what would be so important that he had to leave.

Apparently Andy was thinking the same thing. ''You okay dad?''

''I'm good,'' Tommy promised. He swallowed and shook his head. ''I was worried sick about you today.'' His eyes went to Sam for a second and then settled on Andy again. ''I don't want to fall back into old routines,'' he tried to explain. ''I'm going to see my sponsor.''

Andy nodded and quickly hugged her father. ''I'm alright dad.''

''I know kiddo. I just don't do so well when I think you might be hurt.''

''I'm really proud of you,'' Andy whispered in Tommy's ear. ''You've come so far.''

Tommy squeezed Andy's shoulders as a silent thank you. He was so grateful that she was alright, but that day also made him realize that he would always be an alcoholic. He needed someone to talk to. He knew that Sam would take care of Andy, so that wasn't an issue.

When Tommy left, it took another thirty minutes for someone to take Andy's blood. When a doctor finally came to see Andy again, she had been there for a few hours. ''I'm really sorry about the long wait,'' the older doctor apologised. ''With situations like these the ER gets crazy.''

''As you know we'll just check your blood work to make sure you weren't infected with anything. The chances of that happening are very slim, so try not to worry about it too much. We'll call you with the results in about a week.''

''Can I go home now?'' Andy asked.

''Of course,'' the doctor smiled friendly. ''I just wanted to tell you in person that the guy you saved is going to make a full recovery. That's because of you.''

''Really?'' Andy asked. Her eyes brightened a little and she smiled her first genuine smile since that morning. ''You're sure?''

''There are always some risks,'' the doctor explained. ''But so far everything looks good. He just got out of surgery and we wanted you to know.''

''Thank you,'' Andy answered. ''Thank you so much.'' She smiled up at Sam and blinked away a few tears. ''He's going to be okay Sam.''

''Thanks to you,'' Sam added. ''Good job there copper.''

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and helped her off the gurney. ''Ready to go home?''

Together they walked out of the hospital. Sam held Andy's hand and kept a close eye on her. She looked okay, but Sam knew that it was just a matter of time before everything would sink in.

''My place?'' he asked when they were seated in the truck.

Andy nodded and put on her seatbelt. ''Yeah, that's fine.''

Sam kept Andy's hand in his as he drove home. Every now and then he looked at her to make sure she was doing okay.

When he parked in front of his house, Andy hadn't said a word. They walked into the house in silence and Andy sat down on the couch. Sam sat down next to her and cupped her face in his hand. ''You sure you're okay?'' he asked.

Andy nodded and bit her bottom lip. ''I was really scared.''

''I know,'' Sam answered. ''Me too.''

''I'm really glad that he's going to be okay,'' Andy continued. ''I just didn't know what else I could have done.''

''You did great,'' Sam told her. ''You saved that guy's life.''

Andy nodded again and closed her eyes. ''I just really want to shower,'' she said.

''Go do that,'' Sam instructed. ''I'll make us something to eat.''

''Dinner in bed?'' Andy requested.

''Of course.''

While Andy was in the shower, Sam quickly put together a meal. He knew Andy wouldn't be hungry, but she needed to eat something. He brought it upstairs and found Andy in his bed.

''Here you go,'' Sam said as he handed Andy one of the plates.

''Thanks,'' Andy replied. She took a bite and ate everything. ''I was more hungry than I thought.''

''That's the adrenaline,'' Sam explained. ''You're probably exhausted by now.''

Andy leaned over Sam to put away her plate and then kissed his jaw. ''Not that tired,'' she said. ''Want to feel you.''

Sam moved so Andy was on her back. He hovered above her and gently kissed her on the forehead. After that he pressed a kiss to both her cheeks, the tip of her nose and her chin.

He needed to feel her as much as she needed to feel him. He knew she wanted to feel alive and he was going to make sure that she felt exactly that.

For a moment he just stared at her. He looked her straight in the eye while Andy nervously smiled up at him. ''What's wrong?'' she asked.

Sam swallowed away the lump in his throat and held himself up with one arm, while he cupped Andy's cheek with his other. ''I love you,'' he said.

The words came out so soft, that Andy wondered if she heard it right.

''I love you,'' Sam said again, this time a little bit more confident. ''You really scared me today.''

''I'm okay,'' Andy promised. ''Everything is going to be okay.''

With that Sam lowered his mouth to hers. That evening he didn't leave a spot on her body untouched. He showed her exactly how he felt about her and gave her everything he had to give.

Afterwards they were lying side to side, legs entangled.

Sam was drawing figures on Andy's arm with his finger, while she played with the soft hairs on his chest. ''I love you,'' Andy said before she pressed a kiss to his chest. ''Feels good to say that again.''

''I'm sorry..'' Sam started, but Andy shut him up with a kiss.

''Don't be sorry about anything,'' she told him. ''Just live in this moment , right now.''

Sam closed his eyes and nodded, silently agreeing with her.

''You think you can sleep?'' he asked.

''I don't know,'' Andy admitted. ''What if I get restless again?''

Her nightmares had been over for a while, but she wasn't sure if today would be a trigger to start them up again.

''I'll be here,'' Sam promised. ''Whatever happens, okay?''

''Whatever happens,'' Andy agreed.

Life wasn't perfect, both of them knew that. But they would be able to deal with anything.



The end.