So, I originally gave up on "True Feelings" because I have a bad habit of dropping a story halfway through and losing interest. However, some of you have asked for more chapters, so I'll do my best to deliver them to you. Don't be surprised if they're few and far between; my inspiration is limited these days.

Abbie and the horsies

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater.


'I wasn't expecting this.'

'I don't think anybody was.'

'How did it happen?'

'It was Soul's fault,' somebody growled. Kid was sat in a seat. 'He didn't do what Maka told him to do! He wanted to fight his way! And now it's his fault!'

'I wouldn't blame it on Soul,' Tsubaki scolded, looking pale. 'It's our fault too. We didn't pay attention. We could've blocked that attack.'

'I'm really sorry, Kid,' Black Star whispered. He was eerily silent, but then, one of his best friends was lying in front of them.

'It isn't your fault,' Kid choked out. He held a small and delicate hand in his. 'It's all his! If I ever see Soul again, I'll kill him!' Tears slid down his nose and landed on the two twined hands. 'It's his entire fault Maka's in a coma!'


Every day, Kid would sit by Maka's side and talk to her. She'd taken up residence in one of the spare rooms in Kid's mansion. He'd refused to have her anywhere else. Every day, without fail, Kid would search relentlessly to find the key to waking Maka up, then he would come back, dirty and tired, and talk to her about it. At the end of the day, he kissed her on the forehead and whispered 'goodnight' before returning to his own room to sleep.

Since the day of the accident, Soul had been missing. When Maka was hit by the Kishin, Soul phased out of his weapon form and stood looking at his Meister helplessly. Black Star destroyed the Kishin quickly, and ran to join his best friend.

'No, Maka...'

'What's wrong?' Kid had asked. 'Where's Maka?'

Soul's face twisted into a horrified mask and he narrowly avoided being shot by Liz.


Soul threw a last glance at his Meister and took off down the street.

'Coward,' Kid whispered, as he picked Maka up. 'She tried to fight, but he ran away. How could Maka partner up with somebody with so little courage?'

Fuming and crying, Kid carried the girl he loved away from the battle scene, all the way to his house, where he decided she would stay, so he could look after her.


And then, one day, something peculiar happened. Kid was walking through his house, thinking about different methods to wake people from a coma. He was outside of Maka's room when he heard a loud bang. Inside of the room, somebody swore. Kid opened the door and peered in, hoping to find the best.

Instead, he found the worst.

Soul was crouched on the plush carpet, looking around wildly. He gave off the impression of a wild animal, with a five o'clock shadow covering his chin.

'Mr Evans,' Kid began coolly, 'why are you in my girlfriend's room?'

Soul gasped loudly, and phased into a scythe. Kid crossed the room and picked him up, one eyebrow raised.

'I can still see you, sir.'

'Pfft. No you can't. I'm a scythe.'

'What drugs are you on?' the death god snapped. 'You're being beyond stupid. Wake up and face what you've caused.'

Quite rudely, Kid dropped the scythe on the floor and sat down on the edge of Maka's bed. Her hair was fanned out on her pillow, her eyes shut, her lips parted ever so slightly.

'Wow. The bookworm became bangable,' the weapon whistled. 'I would do her. Y'know. If she was awake.'

'What the hell happened to you? You're a sex maniac.'

The scythe wriggled around on the carpet. 'I did a couple of chicks while I was running around. None as quirky as Maka though. I think she'd fight back and make it interesting. These girls just lay there and giggled.'

Kid glared at him, disgusted. 'I can't believe you're telling me about this. You're like a rabid animal.'

Soul phased into his normal form, and shot the other boy a dirty glare. 'Oh, puh-lease. I'm still the same old Soul.'

'Very deep down.'

'Yeah, well, I came to collect Maka. But she's still sleeping. Why isn't she awake yet? Have you even been trying?'

Kid fumed silently, hands balling into fists, his skull rings digging harshly into his palms. 'Of course I have!' he growled. 'I spend all day searching for something! I found something about a kind of skin oil in Morocco, I think, and it made her move, but she didn't wake up.'

'Have you tried something like, I don't know, more oil?'

'It isn't that simple,' the death god sighed, rapidly losing his patience. 'Besides, she's allergic to it anyway. She broke out in a rash for a few days.'

Soul stopped paying attention and began to finger the books on a shelf that drew level with his nose. 'What's this?' he asked, bringing out an old book bound in leather and covered in dust.

'They're all books that I think will help me wake Maka. They all say different things, though. That's how I found out about the skin oil, in one of those.'

'What'd this book say?' the scythe asked, flipping through it. He couldn't find anything to read, however; it was in a completely different language.

Kid rose from the bed and quickly plucked it from Soul's grubby fingers. 'One, this book is extremely rare – please don't touch. Two, this book didn't give me a solid method. Three, no, you can't read it. It's written in the ancient Death Tongue. Only somebody like me and Father can understand it. Although, I was in the process of teaching it to Maka; she's so intelligent, she picked it almost instantly.'

'That's cool, dude,' Soul yawned, and he crossed the room to his Meister. 'So. Do you want me to wake her up?'

'Excuse me?'

'I could probably wake her up. Look!'

Kid watched in horror as Soul straddled Maka and began to slap her repeatedly across the face.


'GET OFF OF HER!' Kid bellowed, grabbing Soul and tossing him away. 'What the hell are you doing?!'

'I thought I could wake her up this way!' the shark-boy protested, scrambling backwards. 'Honest!'

His blood ran cold as he realised he was pressed into a corner. 'Hey, Kid, why not help and old pal out, hey?'

Conflicting emotions ran through Kid's mind. Yes, Soul was the cause of Maka's coma, but really, he should've been ready to defend her. Memories of basketball games and drinking in bars and late, midnight parties flittered across his mind. Soul had been a very close friend.

But he'd hurt his closest.

'I'm not going to help you. It's your fault this happened. Now, I suggest you apologise for touching my books, for slapping Maka, and then leave.'

'Through the window?' Soul joked.

Kid reached up and slid the ancient book back into it's place on the shelf. 'Door or window – whichever you prefer.'

With a heavy sigh, and a fleeting glance as his Meister, the scythe crouched on the windowsill.



'I'll be back for her. When she wakes up. I'll come back and we'll leave.'

'We'll see about that.'

With a grunt, Soul jumped, and in a flash, he was away, darting across the immaculate green lawns of Kid's home.