Day 21

Buried self in shiny pile. Amusing.

Day 22

Thought about dwarves by accident.

Day 23

Escaped to Internet to rid thoughts of dwarves.

Day 24

Escaped dwarves. Found fangirls.


Day 25

Attempted to wash eyeballs out after discovering Thorin Oakenshield fangirls. In terrible pain.

Day 26

Wallowed in self-pity and stolen gold.

Day 27

Built large statue of dwarf-lord out of gold. Knocked it down.

Repeated action until smug.

Day 28

Had disturbing dream about fangirls burning me in effigy for disparaging comments about Thorin Oakenshield. Shall bury myself in gold to soothe my pain.

Day 29

Sick of wallowing.

Day 30

Experienced mild gratification at the realization that I have been writing in this journal for vaguely a month. Possibility of literary achievement still conceivable.

Day 31

Felt brave enough to venture back onto the Internet.

Was wrong.

Day 32

How could they DO that to me? The fangirls will be the death of me!

Day 33

"Little Smaugie?!" Really?

Day 34

Remarked upon the futility of life and the Internet. Realized I was alone, and no one could hear my statement.

Day 35

Lone tear rolled slowly down face. May become great dramatic actor, if literary genius doesn't work out.

Day 36

Feeling melancholy. As the young whippersnappers would say, "#foreveralone."

Day 37

Still brooding. Need friends.

Day 38

Should I- no.

Not an option.

Day 39

I'm not that desperate...

Day 40

I'm that desperate.

Have resorted to Internet for friendship and merriment.