Alright guys, I'm starting a new story, again. While I still plan to get back to my other stories, I've just kind of lost interest in them for the moment. Now, this story will probably be updated more regularly than the others and will hopefully get me back into writing again. I will be accepting OC's but I've already created some characters that I wanted to put into the story. I'll go ahead and list the decks that are currently taken, by the characters I made and by a couple of friends who wanted to submit a character ahead of time. Sorry if a deck is listed that you wanted to use.

Ghostricks (Main Character)

Chaos Dragons (Created by me)

Horus the Black Flame Dragon (Created by me)

Galaxy/Photons (Created by me)

Blue-Eyes (Created by me)

Six Samurai (Created by Aaron26)

The Agents (Created by a friend)

I'll need plenty of bad guys for the delinquent group and quite a few people for the good group, people who aren't in either group, and a few teachers. I've already created one teacher myself so I'll need at least five more. Each dorm now has girl and boy dorms, instead of the girl's only being in Obelisk. So I'll need a male and female teacher for both Ra and Obelisk and a female teacher for Slifer. Think that's all for now. Alright, have at it and I look forward to your OC's!




School Year:

Background (Can be as lengthy or short as you want, whichever suits you. You can even leave it blank if you don't care. Nothing too dark if you don't mind, but if you do, make sure it affects the personality. Another general thing I'm against is being related to cannon characters. Only one character in this story is related to a cannon character and it's for a good reason. So I guess that makes me a hypocrite.):




Hair color and style (You guys are allowed to go a little overboard with this if you want, it's Yugioh you know?):


Skin tone:



General Personality (give me as much you can please):

To Friends:

To Enemies:

To Acquaintances:

To Love Interest/Crush:

To Slifers/Ras/Obelisks:

To Duel Spirits (if any):



Dual Style:

Ace Card:

OC Cards (if any):

If you're reading this part then I guess that means you've filled out my bio-sheet and submitted an OC. If that's the case then thank you very much! If not, well then I guess that's cool too. Now if you're submitting an OC, and have a question about OC cards, then I'll say that everyone will probably be allowed some, so long as they're balanced and they've been talked over with me. Good luck!
