Note: So, I had the idea of what if Rumple had a sister while under the curse and how that could have changed some of the events after the curse was broken. The first chapter is just him getting to know her on the first day of the curse. The rest of the chapters take place after the curse is broken, meaning season two. This is not a tie in to The 7th Sister although Sybelle is in both stories. The story focuses on her relationship with Mr. Gold. So, when it reaches season 3 there will be an unhappy ending to the tale.

The First day

Rumpelstiltskin smiled to himself as he opened his eyes and found himself on a comfortable instead of in a cage. The curse had been cast and it the Evil Queen had kept her word. He thought to himself as he slowly pulled himself out of bed. Although, he had known the curse would work and that he would have power and money in this world, it helped to be able to finally know for sure that he would soon find his boy. He only had to wait a few more years.

The Dark One heard a noise coming from below his room. It sounded like someone moving something around. That was odd. As far as he knew, he hadn't seen anyone living with him in this new realm. To be fair, he hadn't really looked at his years in this realm until Ms. Swan would come to town and the curse would be broken. He wondered what he could have missed as he left his room to find where the sound was coming from.

He traveled downstairs and slowly entered the living room area to find a teenage girl with long black hair sitting with her legs crossed. She seemed to be mediating. Rumpelstiltskin guessed that was why he heard all that noise. She must have been moving things around so that she could sit on the floor. She rose her head to look at the demon and opened her eyes as she flashed him a bright smile.

"Did I wake you?" She asked. "Sorry. Mom and dad let me mediate ever morning." She explained. "and I thought that their gone I need it more than ever..."

"No, you didn't wake me." Rumpelstiltskin said as he watched her bow her head.

"I know that our father hasn't much of a father to you..." Their father? So this girl was meant to be his sister. "But I'm really thankful that you took me in when dad and my means a lot to me."

"It's not a problem." He said as he watched her brush tears from her face.

"You keep saying that Richard." She sighed as she uncrossed her legs. "But dad's death has to mean something to you."

"It wasn't like I knew him." He stated. "He was as good a stranger to me as you are now."

"Still..." She bit her lip as she pulled herself up. "You must have felt something to take me, a strange, in."

"Yes, well." He frowned as he looked her over. "Just don't get in the way and we will be fine."

"Yea," She cocked her head to the right and closed her eyes. "It'll be like I'm not even here."

"Let's keep it that way." He said as he left the room.


Sybelle Gold. That was her name or at least the name she had under the curse. He tried to think of any Sybelle's he may have known. He drew a blank. That meant that she may not have been from his land or that she didn't matter to his plans. He watched as she started to make them lunch. It was a Saturday and she hadn't found a job yet. She hummed to herself as she danced around the kitchen.

She seemed to be a natural in the kitchen, but that didn't mean she was lower class. The curse had created new memories. It was possible that she had household skills from the curse and not her life before. She smiled at him as she asked if he needed any help with his shop. She seemed a nice enough girl. He could tell that she was the motherly type. She most likely took care of others, but he could also tell she had a touch of heart break.

"I had to leave my boyfriend to come here." She said as she brushed hair out of her eyes. "I kind of told him I didn't want him to bother me any more, that he was a waste of my time and I could do better. I was real nasty about it."

"Now, why would you do that?" He asked her.

"Richard, why wouldn't I?" She asked as she laughed the matter off. "We're young and I was moving far away. I didn't see a point in staying together. Although, he would have fought me if I told him that. So, I lied instead. Much easier."

"And you miss him?" Rumpelstiltskin asked as he watched her work.

"Very much." She said with a frown. "But Malcolm is better off without me." She touched the locket around her neck when she said the boys name. Richard Gold wondered if there was even a photo inside it and why out of all names the boys name had to be that one. "And I'm sure that my future will be better too. Besides, if it was true love, we would find a way back together. Not that I believe in true love. That's silly." She laughed nervously.

"Yes, that's silly." Rumpelstiltskin agreed.

"I think I can get work at the bakery and working at the Day Care place." Sybelle said as she changed the subject. "I promise when I save enough up in the next year I'll move out."

He knew that wasn't going to happen. The curse would keep her living with him until the day Emma Swan broke it. Although, when she looked at him with such thankfulness, Richard Gold wasn't sure if it bothered him to have her around.