Note: The Dusty mentioned in the below chapter is a made up popular rock artist.

Chapter: The Video

The press was a lot nicer now since Mom Racer filled them in with the correct information about Trixie's pregnancy. Indeed, life was really good for now.

One day during a regular week, Trixie was out doing some shopping while Speed was trying to get some much needed rest for a big race. He was sitting down in front of the TV, eating an apple while flipping through the stations when he stopped on that famous sport's station. A couple of racers were around a table talking and laughing about their trip to Europe. One was Rusty, who had interrupted Speed and Trixie when they were kissing in the elevator, and the other, Doug.

Rusty was the one doing most of the talking on the television. "Being single men at a party in Europe, I'll admit we were checking out all of the women. I mentioned to some of the other guys that my brother, Dusty, was looking for a beautiful model to be in his new video. There were so many beautiful women at this party, who were not models, we decided to pick one of them for the video. I knew my brother Dusty would listen to me."

"Anyway," Doug said cutting in, "right or wrong, we were sort of rating the women as they walked in."

The interviewer was a female and while lifting an eyebrow up, she said, "I wonder if the girls were rating you."

"Probably not," Doug said. "We get kind of stupid when we drink."

"Speak for yourself," Rusty said looking at his friend with a look saying 'let me do the talking' written all over his face. "Now, I won't mention any names yet but the owner of the track's daughter seemed to be the one we would pick to be in the video."

"But then," Doug said taking over, "A beautiful woman walked in and everyone knew immediately who the winner of our little contest was."

Not letting Doug say another word, Rusty said, "It was Speed Racer's girlfriend, Trixie. Well...we didn't know she was his wife at the time. I guess we should have figured it out by the way they were steaming up the dance floor."

Speed stopped eating his apple as he remembered Trixie in that sexy, red dress. He then remembered holding her close as they kissed on that dance floor. Suddenly his mind was back on the TV as he stood up with his eyes wide open not sure of how to react.

Rusty smiled and continued, "Let me tell you, she won hands down. Every racer agreed that I should tell my brother Dusty about her. I'm glad one of us had a video camera with us."

Suddenly, a song came on and there was Trixie on TV wearing that red, sexy dress, and they shot her from every angle.

Speed was grateful that her dress covered everything but he didn't like the thought of other men possibly fantasying over his wife.

As if Rusty had heard him, he appeared back on the TV and said, "We didn't want to treat her like a sex symbol because we knew her husband would come after us. So in this video, we decided to show her as a beautiful, tough, strong woman."

The video appeared on the television once again. This time, there was Trixie in her Go Team outfit driving the Mach 5, then she was flying in her helicopter, and then saving Sparky in the helicopter and more. It seemed a scene from everything she had done in the past year was in this video.

Speed wasn't surprised that the press had so much on Trixie, though he hadn't known at the time they had been filming her. Continuing to watch, he was amazed since it did look like an action/adventure movie rather than just a rock star's video.

Of course Speed ended up being in some of it since Trixie was usually with him when these things were happening to her. It ended with Speed and Trixie running to each other to embrace after he won a race, and Speed didn't mind that at all.

Rusty started speaking again. "We hope Speed's alright with this. My brother Dusty couldn't resist the idea."

Speed stood there speechless. For a minute he wondered if he was dreaming and then Trixie walked into the apartment carrying a couple of grocery bags.

"Speed," she said putting the bags down on the table. "I thought you would be sleeping. I was going to come snuggle with you."

Looking at her and pointing to the TV not able to get anything out for a few seconds, Speed then just barely said, " were on...I can't believe they put you on..."

"Speed. Are you alright?" she asked walking up to him with a smile on her face cause he was quite funny. "Now I know you really need some sleep."

Suddenly, the music to Trixie's video came on once again. Speed spun around to the television screen.

"Speed," Trixie said walking in front of him but he just looked around her.

Trixie folded her arms and said, "Okay. Why won't you look at me?"

"I am," he said with excitement in his voice as he pointed to the screen.

Trixie turned to the television and there she was on the screen in her red dress. All she could get out was, "What the ...I mean why am I on TV?"

"You were picked to be in Dusty's video," Speed said still watching.

"He doesn't even know me," Trixie said confused.

"I know," Speed said still watching. "Well... you know that Dusty is Rusty's brother. Right?"

"Yes," Trixie said, but that didn't' help.

"Rusty had some kind of contest at the party in Europe won."

"Did you know about this contest?"she asked still watching herself.

"I had no idea," Speed said dumbfounded.

After the video, they both stood there in silence for a few seconds.

"I can't believe it," Trixie said in shock. "I was picked to be in Dusty's video?"

Speed proudly said, "Yes. You are beautiful, you know."

She gave him a smile that said thanks. "I still can't believe it."

"You should have been me when it first came on," Speed said looking amazed and alright with it.

"So you're okay with the video?" Trixie asked.

"Well...," Speed said sitting down on the sofa as he pulled her by the hand to sit on his lap. "At first I wanted to jump in my car and go kick their asses but now I realize it seems harmless. I liked the action part of the video."

Trixie laughed, "I did too. They also made sure to point out that I'm yours."

"That was the best part," Speed said making eyes at her.

"Oh, really," Trixie said and then she noticed a half eaten apple on the floor. "What is that apple doing on the floor?"

Speed looked at it and said, "I think I dropped it on the floor when you first appeared on the TV."

Trixie laughed and then leaned to pick it up to put it on the coffee table. She almost fell off Speed's lap but he pulled her back up against him making their lips only about an inch apart.

"Mr. Racer," she said jokingly. "You have to get some rest for that race tomorrow."

"Mrs. Racer. I will sleep...later," he said just before kissing her lips and then kissing her behind her ear.

"I have no problem with that," she said without a fight as her eyes closed making him laugh lightly before he continued to kiss her and show her how much he loved her.

About an hour later, Trixie woke up with her back against Speed's chest and his arm possessively around her.

There was a knock on the door. At first, Trixie just hoped the person would go away because Speed needed his sleep and she hated to move, possibly waking him up.

Unfortunately the knocking began again and it was louder.

Speed groaned as he snuggled closer to his wife.

Again the knocking started.

"I'm going to kill whoever that is," he said opening his eyes.

"I'll get it. You're suppose to be sleeping," Trixie said sitting up to grab her clothes and getting dressed very quickly.

"No," Speed said. "I'll get it. It might be the press." Speed stood up and quickly got into his clothes and then walked to the door. He looked through the peep hole to see Sparky. "What is your problem?" he asked opening the door only wearing his pants.

"Speed," Sparky said walking in. "Put your shirt on. You're not the sexy one in the family anymore."

"What?" Speed asked closing the door and then putting on his shirt.

"Don't tell me you don't know," Sparky said excited that he knew something Speed didn't. Sparky started singing Dusty's latest hit.

"You saw the video," Speed said sitting back down on the sofa.

"Man, you saw it? I wanted to see your face when I told you," Sparky said disappointed.

"Well if it makes you feel any better," Speed said, "I'm sure my face was priceless when I first saw it."

Trixie sat down next to her husband and said, "Sparky. When did you see it?"

"See it," Sparky said. "I voted for you."

"What?" Trixie asked totally surprised.

Speed made a mean face and said, "Where was I when this voting was going on?"

"Let's see," Sparky said with his thinking face. "You were both there when the contest started but Rusty said that you and Trixie were attacking each other in the elevator when the actual voting was taking place."

Speed looked at Trixie as he said, "Do we get any privacy?"

"Apparently not," Trixie said folding her arms but she really wasn't mad this time.

"Come on," Sparky said. "It's not like we saw what went on in your room that night."

"Shut up," Speed said throwing a huge pillow at Sparky while Trixie blushed.

"Well, I'm leaving," Sparky said. "I have to make sure the Mach 5's perfect for the race."

"You should get some rest too," Speed said yawning. "If you're going to be the navigator this time, you need to be awake."

"I'll be fine," Sparky said with no doubts. "I think the crowd would rather see Trixie than me though."

"Can you blame them?" Speed asked taking her hand.

"They wouldn't rather see me," Trixie said not believing it.

"No, really," Sparky said. He looked at Speed. "I don't mean just the men want to see her. There's been a bunch of girls on the sports radio station calling in saying how much they like Trixie. They were saying she's not fake and that she's tough."

"Alright. Speed has to rest," Trixie said standing up. She was getting a little embarrassed.

"I'm leaving. I'm leaving," Sparky said walking to the door.

When Sparky walked out, Trixie called behind him, "Hey, Sparky."

He turned around and looked at her.

"Thanks for the nice things you said...and for your vote."

"No problem. I'm just glad Speed didn't kill me," Sparky said before dashing off.

After Sparky left, Speed spread out on the sofa and fell asleep.


The next morning, Speed and Trixie were at the race getting the car ready when the phone in the garage began to ring.

"Speed," Pops said after getting off the phone with Sparky. "We have a problem. Sparky is sick. He said he was up all night throwing...

"I got the picture, Pops," Speed said. "I guess he won't be my navigator."

Speed looked at the Mach 5 to see Trixie checking those tires once again and knew she'd be glad to be in the race.

"Trixie," Speed said kneeling down by her side. "Sparky's got the flu or something. Do you want to be my navigator?"

Trixie smiled back and said, "What do you think?"

"I think you poisoned Sparky's dinner last night so you could take his place today."

"Ha, ha, very funny," she said standing up with him.

"You are up for it. Right?" Speed asked remembering the last time he was to be in a race she had gotten into the helicopter accident."

"I'm fine," she said with a wink.

Speed didn't say it but he was glad she'd be in the car with him instead of in the air. It was just too soon since the accident. The thought of her up there again made him nervous. He put out of his mind that in the Mach 5 they'd be going over 200 mph.


Since this race required a navigator, the driver and the navigator would each be introduced.

The crowd was cheering for all of the racers but they went wild when Speed's name was announced.

Trixie smiled watching him run to the Mach 5 and she looked down at herself to make sure she looked neat. She had on her G-Team white shorts, red shirt with the jacket open over it. She also had on a baseball cap with Go Team on it.

They called her name as Speed's navigator and something happened. The music from her video started to play as she ran out. The crowd screamed louder for her than anybody. When they started singing along with the song she couldn't believe it. She pulled her hat down more as if to hide her face from embarrassment.

Speed was beside himself listening to them.

Trixie walked up to him as if to say please hide me.

"Uh…just wave to them," Speed said smiling.

Trixie put her arm up and waved. The crowd of course loved it.

Speed laughed and said, "Maybe I should let you drive."

"Not if you want to win," Trixie said with a wink.

The race ended with Speed and Trixie in the Mach 5 getting across the finish line first.



Author's note: Please don't hesitate to review if you actually read this whole story. I really would love to know what you think, no matter how old this story is. Thanks, Jen