Hi, thanks for clicking. If you're here after being directed from my Doctor Who fic, then hello again! A few announcements before you begin reading.

1) My experience with the French language is my French class, of which I am in my first year, and Google Translate (out of desperation). I apologize for any mistakes, and I would love if you could notify me of my mistakes, whether with French or with grammar/spelling/etc.
2) There will be some "coarse language" at times, but not every sentence and I think there's only one big one in this chapter. I don't think it's in this story enough to get an M rating, as language is a fickle, made-up thing, and one could argue that there is no word that is worse than any other word, as there are too many languages and meanings to really tell.
3) I wrote this story across a six month period, and this chapter was written last July. Comparing July 2013 to January 2014, when I finished the story, my writing style is a little different.
4) The title of this story is from the Mumford and Sons song
Home, which will come into the story later.

Anyway, enjoy. :)

On July first, exactly a week and two days into her summer holidays, Dom Weasley slept until noon before her mother woke her up.

"Lazy girl," Fleur said with a smile.

"Tired girl," Dom replied. "Girl who finished her sixth year needs sleep, Mum." Dom rolled onto her stomach and pull a pillow over her head. Fleur promptly pulled it off.

"Get up, Dominique," Fleur sighed.

Dom sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Merci," Fleur kissed her daughter's head and walked out.

Dom sluggishly dressed in jeans and a tank top, and walked down to the kitchen. She got a bowl of cereal and sat at the kitchen table, with her fist supporting her head.

"Where's Lou?" Dom asked her mother, who had taken to leaning against the counter and watching her daughter eat.

"Louis is trying to catch a fish." Fleur pointed out of the window, where they could see the thirteen-year-old boy stabbing at the saltwater with a net. Dom snorted.

"What's the point of that?"

"Victoire visited early zis morning and said zat if he caught a fish, and she and Teddy have a boy, she'll name him Louis."

"I have money on it being a girl," Dom stood up and put her bowl in the sink. "I'm gonna go into town, alright?" She slipped her sandals on and stuffed her wallet in her back pocket.

"'ave fun," Fleur kissed her daughter's cheek before the girl was out the door.

"Try waiting and catching the fish, instead of stabbing it!" Dom called to her brother.

"'Kay!" Louis replied.

Dom continued on the sandy road to the nearby town, Tinworth, which was, she supposed, the smallest town in Britain. And, like usual, she went straight for the little cupcake shop in the center of the town.

Pacing outside the shop was a teenaged girl with strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing very short jean cuttoffs, a mustard yellow sweatshirt, and black Converse high tops; she was on one of those iPhones that Hugo had told Dom about.

"No, Tanner, you don't get it," the girl said in an American accent, still pacing. "I will be in England for the rest of summer. I'm not coming back until school starts. This is my choice; my parents said I could stay home. So, you can either deal with it or go fuck Dinah Manning like I know you've been dying to do." The girl tapped her phone and shoved it in her back pocket. Dom walked into her line of vision.

"Sorry, I'm probably blocking everything, aren't I?" the girl winced.

"No, it's okay, I'm not in a hurry," Dom replied quickly, before holding her hand out. "I'm Dom Weasley."

The girl shook her hand. "Emily … Carrigan. I'm Emily Carrigan."

"Boy troubles?" Dom asked, shamelessly prying because Emily Carrigan was very pretty.

"Ugh, yeah. Assholian boyfriend is pissed that I'm in England, but I'd rather be here than with him," Emily smiled.

"Guys generally suck," Dom replied. "What part of America are you from?"

"Mississippi. Which is why I think it's freezing here."

"Do you want to go inside?" Dom tilted her head towards the shop. "Amazing cupcakes."

"Sure, I love cake," Emily pulled Dom inside. They started looking at all the different flavors.

"Why are you in Tinworth?" Dom asked.

"My granny moved here last year, and my auntie and uncle have lived here forever. We come visit every summer, but we usually go to London, that's where Granny used to live."

Emily suddenly put her nose to the glass window between her and the cupcakes.

"S'cuse me, ma'am?" she smiled at the middle-aged woman behind the counter. "Could I have that chocolate cupcake, please?" her finger was pointed to a devil's food cake with chocolate icing and sprinkles.

"Two quid, love," the woman replied.

Emily handed over three pound coins as the woman handed her the cupcake in a pink box.

"Thank you!"

Dom bought a red velvet cupcake with vanilla icing, and the two girls started walking towards the beach.

"My house is right on the beach," Dom mentioned. "Shell's Cottage."

"Oh, yeah, my auntie mentioned that place!" Emily exclaimed, taking a giant chomp out of her cupcake and licking the chocolate from around her mouth. Dom stopped breathing for a few seconds. "She said it's a gorgeous cottage."

"You wanna see it?"

"Sure," Emily smiled again and nodded. "Beach first, though, love the beach."

Dom heard a buzzing noise and Emily groaned. She took the phone out of her back pocket and growled.

"Sorry, it's my boyfriend," she said, before answering.

"What, Tanner?" she said coldly. They continued walking, and Dom could hear every word of the conversation.

"Emmy, listen, I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't 've snapped like that," Tanner said in a stereotype Southern accent.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have."

"I just miss you, babe. I woke up early so that I could call you."

"I miss you, too."

"I'm just worried you'll find some British guy over there."

"Well, I promise, I'll send all my loving to you."

"Okay, love you, Emmy."

"Love you too, Tanner. Bye," Emily tapped the screen and put it back in her back pocket.

They stepped onto the sandy beach and kept walking.

"How long have you and your boyfriend been together?" Dom asked.

"Three years," Emily smiled. "He asked me to the first dance in my first year of high school. I was fourteen and he was fifteen."

"His name's Tanner, right?"

Emily nodded. She folded the now empty cupcake wrapped and stuffed it in her pocket. "Think I could see Shell Cottage now?"

Dom nodded.

Louis was still trying to catch a fish, but he had taken Dom's advice.

"Hi Lou!" Dom called. Louis nodded to her; he didn't want to move. "My brother Louis," she explained to Emily.

"I have a brother. Pete, he's fourteen. How old's Louis?"


"What's he doing?" asked Emily.

"My sister's pregnant, and she told him that she'd name the baby after him if it's a boy and if he could catch a fish in that net."

Emily threw her head back and cackled. Dom watched the way her neck arched, before pinching her own arm hard. This ginger American beauty had a boyfriend. Dom pinched herself again.

"Home's this way," Dom lead Emily up the beach, up the sandy stairs, and to the cottage. Emily stopped and looked up at it.

"This is gorgeous, Dom. How do you get anything done here? I'd just stand here all day and stare."

"I'm just used to it," Dom shrugged. She motioned for Emily to follow her inside.

Fleur was still standing at the sink, watching Louis, but she had her shoes on and her purse with her now. She turned when she heard Dom come in.

"Maman, this is Emily Carrigan," Dom introduced. "Emily, this is my mother Fleur."

Emily stepped forward and put her hand out. "Nice to meetcha, ma'am." Her smile was wide.

"American?" Fleur asked.

"Yes, ma'am," replied Emily. "French?"

Fleur laughed quietly. "Oui."

"Tres bien."

"You speak French?" Fleur asked, surprised.

"A little. I took three years of it in school."

"Emily's visiting from Mississippi," Dom told her mother. "She'll be here the rest of summer with her family."

"Enjoy, Emily," said Fleur. "It is a nice town, and ze beach is lovely. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go into Tinworth and get some groceries. It was a pleasure to meet you." Fleur patted Emily's shoulder and kissed Dom's cheek, then left.

"Your mom's nice," said Emily.

"Yeah," Dom agreed. "So, what would you like to see?"

Emily took a moment to look around the room. "The inside is even better than the outside. God, this place is beautiful."

"You've said," Dom chuckled.

"No, I mean this whole country. All of England. The beaches, the cities, the towns, the shops, the people," Emily took a breath. "Everything's just so pretty. It's annoying. Annoyingly pretty."

Dom laughed. "I've never heard that before."

Emily flashed her a smile. "Could I see your room?"

Dom nodded. "Upstairs, come on." Dom lead Emily up the stairs and to the second floor.

Dom pointed to rooms as they passed and told Emily what they were.

"Mum and Dad's room … Bathroom … Louis's room … and here we are at my room."

The room was at the end of the hall; small, but not terribly so. It was symmetrical in its furniture. Two twin beds were separated by a single bedside table with two drawers. The top had Victoire painted in pink cursive, and the bottom had DOM carved roughly into it. The bedside table had two lamps on it, with shells on the cover. Identical dressers were on either side of the room. But the left side of the room was spotless, and the right side was messy; there was a window on the left side above the dresser and an identical window on the right side above the headboard. On the right wall were posters with the Gryffindor colours and mascot. Luckily, Dom had charmed them not to move a few years ago. The roaring of the lion had stopped her from sleeping. The other side of the room still held Vic's Ravenclaw posters. Dom's Hogwarts trunk was still standing by her dresser, as she had been too tired to unpack the day before.

"I used to share the room with my sister Victoire," explained Dom, "but she moved out a few years ago."

"How old's your sister?" asked Emily as she looked around the room. She didn't notice Dom grab her wand from her dresser and shove it into the top right drawer.

"She's twenty-one," Dom replied, leaning against the dresser, "so we're about five years apart."

"You're sixteen?"

Dom nodded.

"Would've figured you for older," Emily said. "I'm seventeen." She pointed to the bed with the rumpled covers. "Your bed?"

Dom nodded again. Emily fell back onto the bed. Dom sat beside her.

"Seriously, I thought you were, like, eighteen or nineteen," Emily continued. "You're really tall. How tall are you, six foot?"

"Five foot ten," replied Dom. "Taller than my mom, almost as tall as my dad, taller than my siblings. Gives me a certain advantage."

Emily laughed. Dom silently absorbed the sound, deciding that she would do everything to make Emily laugh again. It was a beautiful sound.

"Maybe I'm just short," said Emily.

"You're not short."

"I'm five foot six."

"Relatively average height," Dom assured her.

Emily turned onto her side and looked up at Dom. "Is 'Dom' short for anything?"

"I'm not short, I'm tall."

Emily shoved Dom halfway off the bed; they both laughed.

"Dominique. Everyone calls me Dom now, but they called me Domi when I was little. Some people still do."

"My brother called me Emsy when he was little. Sometimes still does."

Emily scooted over on the bed; Dom laid down beside her.

"What's with the posters?" Emily asked.

Dom recited what she had heard Vic say to muggle friends when they were younger. "My school has these things called 'houses' that separate the students based on character traits. Mine is Gryffindor. My sister's was Ravenclaw."

"Boarding school?"


"That must suck."

"It's actually really fun," Dom replied. "Well, not at first. I was really homesick for a while. But it's brilliant now. Away from home in a big school and weekends without supervision. There's a town nearby with a good pub and some good shops."

"What's your school called?"

"Hogwarts," Dom replied.

Emily hmm'd. "Never heard of it."

A loud crack resounded through the house. Shit, Dom thought.

"DOM!" a voice bellowed from downstairs.

At least she didn't apparate into my room, Dom thought.

"My cousin Roxie," Dom explained to Emily as they sat up. Dom pulled Emily up, and they headed downstairs.

"Rox, I've got company!" Dom yelled to her cousin.


"Shut it!"

Roxie was standing in the kitchen eating an apple. "Who's this then?" she asked, nodding at Emily.

"Emily, meet my annoying cousin Roxanne Weasley. Roxie, this is Emily Carrigan. She's from America." Dom mouthed muggle to Roxie, who nodded her acknowledgment minutely.

"Were you two in Dom's room?" Roxie waggled her eyebrows. Dom felt the blush creep up her neck and to her face. She was sure that her face was bright red.

"Roxie, shut up," Dom tossed the nearest thing she could find at her cousin: a dirty dish rag.

Emily laughed. "Oh yeah, but I'd be so lucky to catch a babe like Dom."

Roxie laughed and Dom felt the blush leaving slowly. I'd be so lucky...

"Louis called me," Roxie said. "He asked for help catching a fish?"

"He's outside... in the ocean... where the fish are," said Dom.

"I figured as much, but I wanted to see my favourite cousin," Roxie shot a smile at her. "I'll be with the fish," and she left.

"She's nice," said Emily.

"She's annoying," Dom replied.

"So, are you a lesbian?"

Dom coughed. "Uh, well … pretty much. Does that bother you?"

"Hell no," Emily lifted up her yellow sweatshirt to show a NOH8 tee. "No hate."

Dom smiled. "Wanna go back down to the beach? We can shout things at Lou and Roxie."

Emily nodded. "Race ya!" She took off; Dom raced after her.

Emily won, and promptly fell backwards into the sand. Dom sat beside her.

"If you're seventeen, have you finished school?" Dom asked. "I know the schools are a little different in America, but I'm not sure about the ages."

"I have a year left," Emily replied. "I go back the second week of August, and I leave here the first week."

"I go back to school in September, and I got home yesterday."

"Seriously? I've been out, like, a month."

"How long have you been here?"

"A week, so I'm no longer jetlagged. God, I hate flying." She laid down and put her hands behind her head. "Can somebody invent teleportation already?!"

Dom smirked and mimicked Emily's position.

"How long was the flight?"

"I had three," said Emily. "Jackson to Atlanta, which wasn't long at all, Atlanta to Amsterdam, which was about eight hours, and then Amsterdam to London. We had a layover in Amsterdam, thank god. It was five in the morning their time, don't know what the hell time it was back home, probably some ungodly hour. Anyway, they have these chairs on the second floor that you can sleep on. I got about two hours of sleep, then my dad was nice enough to buy me some fries at the McDonald's and a beer from the bar. Worst thing was that the flight from Atlanta had a broken air conditioner in the row we were on. I nearly got sick."

"That must be horrible," Dom replied. "I've never flown before."

"Seriously? You've never flown anywhere? You've never been out of England?"

"No, I've been to France, we just didn't fly."

"Then what did you –"

"Dom! Dom! Domi!" Louis came running up the beach, with Roxie hot on his heels. "I caught a fish, I caught a fish! Teddy and Vic have to name their son after me!"

He dumped the flopping fish onto the sand at Dom and Emily's feet. Louis promptly collapsed beside it. He groaned.

"Good job, Lou," Dom tousled his hair.

"Who's the ginger?" he asked, flopping a hand down in the general direction of Emily.

"Emily Carrigan. She's from Mississippi and she's here for the summer."

"Hi Emily Carrigan from Mississippi and here for the summer. I'm Louis and I just caught a fish which means my big sister has to name her future offspring after me."

Emily laughed.

"Seriously, Lou, it's gonna be a girl," said Dom.

"No way, it has to be a boy. And if it's a girl, they can just name her Louise."

"How far along is your sister?" Emily asked. "Victoire, right?"

"We call her Vic," said Roxie. "When is she due? It feels like she's been pregnant for ten years."

"End of the month," answered Dom.

Emily's phone rang. She dusted the sand off the screen and answered, "Hey Mom"

"Hon, I need you home now."

"But, Ma, please, I've made friends."

"You said you were going to the cake shop and back. Your uncle wants to take us somewhere."


"Like usual, they haven't decided. Where are you?"

"At the beach. Tell Auntie Anne that I went in Shell Cottage."

"She'll be jealous. By the time you get here, they'll have decided. You don't have to come with us, but Pete and Granny can't watch over the twins alone."

"Fine, I'm on my way. Love you," she hung up and put her phone in her front pocket. Dom stood and pulled her up.

"I gotta go," Emily told them regretfully.

"Nice to meet you," Roxie said with a smile.

"I'll let you know if my sister names her son after me," said Louis.

"Please do," Emily gave a single nod. She turned to Dom and hugged Dom's neck. Dom, in turn, wrapped her arms around Emily's waist.

Emily pulled away sooner than Dom would've liked, but later than generally regarded as a hug between new friends.

"Call me, okay?" Emily smiled. "I left my number in your room, and I've never had a good friend over here before."

Dom nodded. Emily pressed a kiss to Dom's cheek and jogged off. She turned once to wave, and continued on. Dom sat back down and touched the spot where Emily's lips had been.

"Oh yeah," Roxie said to Louis, "she's head over heels for that girl."

Thanks for reading; what did you think? Dom and Emily, dubbed Domily by me and my friend Aimee (MayFairy on here, please check her out), kinda took over my life for the time that I was writing them, and they're still in my head a lot.

By the way, facecasts for Domily. Dom is Freya Mavor as Mini McGuinness in Skins; Emily is Rachel Thevenard as Michelle Richardson in the American version of Skins. I have vague facecasts for people like Vic, Roxie, and Louis, so please let me know if you want them. (And when I say vague, I mean that I don't always follow the facecast and I sometimes change it around.) I can PM them to you or post them at the end of the next chapter, if you'd like them.

Speaking of the next chapter, I'll try to post once a week, probably on weekends. I'm only uploading today because I've just finished a huge geometry project and I'm too wired to go to bed. I'll put the next chapter up this weekend, and then it'll be weekend updates. I'm very busy with school and homework, so forgive me if I miss an update. I'll get all of these chapters up at regularly as possible.