This idea came to me while I was trying to write a chapter for one of my other story and I had to write it down. Not sure if it's going to be a long or short story, but if enough of you are interested, I will continue it and see where this story will go. Though, I won't be able to write another chapter until March 15th as I have a lot going on right now. So, let me now if you want more ;-)


I wake up and stretch with a big smile on my face. I arrived back home late last night after traveling through europe for almost 6 months. My family thinks I won't be back until monday, but I came back a couple of days early to surprise them. I look at the clock on my nightstand and realize that I have slept for 10 hours straight. It's already 10 in the morning and though it is Saturday, I know that no one will be home. Our housekeeper has the weekends off, my younger sister Anya usually meets with friends for breakfast on Saturdays, my parents go out for breakfast and I don't think my older brother will be around as he lives in the city now and works together with his best friend Elliot Grey.

So, I decide I don't need to change out of my short silk nighty and just make my way into the kitchen with my dogs Angel and Ace following me downstairs. In the kitchen I fill their bowls and switch the radio on singing along to Rihanna's Man Down and dancing through the kitchen while fixing my breakfast.

"While I don't mind the show, I would like to know who the fuck you are and why you are dancing around in parents kitchen!" I hear the stern voice of my older brother Cooper and freeze. I turn around and blush from head to toe. Great just my luck, I'm in my shortest nighty and danced around like a go-go dancer while not only my brother but also his best friends Elliot and Christian Grey were watching me.

"Ana? Hell, we didn't expect you until monday!" he exclaims and pulls me into a bear hug.

"So, when did you arrive and who are those two?" he ask when he let's go off me and points to my dogs.

"I came back late yesterday evening and those two are my new dogs. The black one is Ace a french bulldog I bought him in england and the other one is Angel she is a mix breed of beagle and pug I bought her in germany, they kept me company while traveling."

"Dad will freak out, you know no pets." he smirks.

"I don't care, I'm looking for my own place anyway and those are my babies, where I go they go too."

"You want to move out? Wow, not sure what dad will say about that, but you will stay in Seattle, right?"

"Yes, I want to look at some apartments downtown next week. It's close to campus and while I was in europe I thought a lot about my future and decided that I want to make my master degree in literature and start to teach at a college after that."

"Sounds great" he says and suddenly he takes his sweater off and tells me to put it on giving Elliot who is checking me out a dirty look.

I put it on quickly and turn to Elliot and Christian. Elliot pulls me in a bear hug too and I give Christian a quick hug. Other than Mia, I am the only person who is allowed to hug him. I know Christian has issues about touching, but since he is the son of our neighbors I have known him all my life and just like Mia, who was adopted as a baby by the Grey's, I didn't understand his boundaries as a baby and toddler and would just hug him and touch his back and chest, which are usually the forbidden areas. He doesn't mind, though I noticed that since I'm no longer a kid he has put some distance between us.

We sit down and I take my bowl with oatmeal with me. "Urgh, since when do you eat oatmeal for breakfast?" Cooper asks looking at my food with disgust.

"Since I was in england, I hated it as a kid, but I thought I could try porridge and loved it, this is even better. You should all try it, it's really good with peaches in it" I push the bowl to the middle of the table, but Elliot and Cooper shake their heads while Christian takes a closer look takes the spoon and tries it.

"That's good, what else is in there, it taste's different from the oatmeal I had before."

"Just a spoonful of honey and a little bit of apple sauce and cinnamon. You can keep it, there is enough left." I tell him and get up fill the rest of the oatmeal in a small bowl slice a peach, put it in and sit down again.

"Do Mia and Kate know that you are back?" Christian asks and my face falls. Mia, Kate and I were best friends as long as I can remember, but neither of them is talking to me since a week after we graduated 6 months ago.

"Come on Ana, what is wrong, why aren't you talking anymore?" Elliot probes and I sigh.

"After graduation, when we went to that cabin for the weekend something happened. The first night we drank a lot and had a really good time. Later that night when I was already sleeping I woke because I felt someone climb into the bed with me. When I switched the light on I saw it was Ethan. At first I thought he was just drunk and accidentally went into the wrong room. But when I told him to get his naked ass out off my bed he told me that he wanted me since highschool and that we never had to tell Mia, that he actually is just dating her so he could be closer to me. I told him to get lost and that what ever he thought would happen was never going to happen. He left my room and the next day he acted like nothing happened. I've spent the rest of the weekend thinking about a way to tell Mia. When I did she got pretty mad, at first I thought at him, but she was mad at me. She stormed out talked to Kate and Ethan and they came back telling me that I'm a lousy friend and that Ethan had told them how I tried to seduce him on any given chance and that I only did it to hurt Mia, because I am jealous and miserable because the guy I have a crush on isn't even looking my way. Next thing I knew was they left and I had to call a cab to get me to the next train station."

"I fucking knew it" Christian spits out and slams his fist on the table. Oh my god, I know all the color has just drained from my face. Does he know that he is the guy I have had a crush on since I'm 15?

"Knew what Christian?" Elliot asks.

"That this fucker Ethan was eye fucking Ana while dating our little sister. Is that why he came to see you in france?" Christian asks me and I'm stunned. How the hell does he know that Ethan showed up in france?

"Wait a second, how do you know that Ethan showed up while I was in france, Christian?" I ask and bless him he actually blushes.

"Fuck Ana, look at you, you are what? 5'2 and have about 115 pounds, do you really think I would let you travel through europe without any protection? I had security on you the entire time." he says and he looks sickeningly pleased with himself.

"That's crazy Christian, why would I need security?"

"Oh, you wanna go there. Fine, let's see how about that one time in spain when you went to a beach party or should I say orgy and that guy came on to you and nearly shoved his junk in your face, who do you think was the guy who told him to fuck off. Or when you where in London and decided to visit that night club wearing next to fucking nothing and danced on a pole, who do you think made sure that you wouldn't find yourself as the unwilling star of a gang bang. You want me to continue?" he says arrogance personified and I glare at him.

"No, thank you very much, but you do realise that this is major creepy."

"Honestly Anastasia, you don't want to go there, your behavior on your journey was appalling. There were numerous times were I was really tempted to get my jet ready fly down to wherever you were spank the shit out of you and take you back home."

"Oh my god, are you kidding me? Honestly Christian, you act as if you were my father."

He snorts. "Believe me Anastasia, if I was your father, you wouldn't have gone to europe on your own in the first place and while we are at it, I have scheduled you an appointment with one of the leading gynecologists in Seattle. Since I have been informed that you took several men to your hotel room while you traveled, I want to make sure you didn't catch any STD's"

I just look at him, mouth open and eyes wide. The audacity! "Have you lost your fucking mind?" I snap and push to my feet. He is crazy!

"Sit your ass down right now! If you decide to open your legs for any guy that comes your way there is not much that I can do about it, but what I can do is making sure you don't end up sick!" he snaps and that's it. I lose it, big time.

"Hell, maybe you are sick, you know I've heard if you get lues and leave it untreated long enough you end up getting crazy. So, are you sure you didn't stick it to the wrong guy..." I stop immediately and the silence in the room is deafening. Oh my god, I said it. I mean we are all suspecting that Christian is gay and just hasn't come out of the closest yet, but no one, not even his parents or siblings ever dared to ask him.

Christian gets up from his chair and fixes me with his gaze while I'm frozen to the spot. He looks so pissed I almost expect him to punch me, but instead he grabs me and pushes me against the kitchen counter, lifts me up so I'm sitting on it and before I know it his lips are on mine and when I gasp in surprise his tongue pushes into my mouth. I have never been kissed like this in my life, well I have only been kissed once before and definitively not like this. While he his kissing me as if his life is depending on it he grabs my hips and pulls me even closer making me feel the very impressive bulge in his pants. And just when I think I'm going to pass out or wake up because surely this is just some crazy dream, he stops and glares at me.

"Tell me Anastasia just how gay was that?" he growls, but at the same time gently pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

Before I can even answer him, he turns on his heel and leaves. Still trying to catch my breath I look at Elliot and Cooper who are both gaping at me wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

What in the world was that?