Hey guys! Wow! It's been a long ass time...sorry! I'm lazy! Well, here ya go. Don't own anything but my OC! Reviews, favorites and follows are always appreciated! Enjoy!

My eyes just about popped from my head as he said that. I stood to face him and grabbed his collar. "If you're lying to me, I'll kill you."I snarled dangerously.

"Why would I lie, lass?" he asked innocently.

My eyes narrowed and I shook him roughly. "I swear, lass. Neverland." he coughed out. I threw him away from me and he stumbled to the side of the ship, grabbing on to keep from falling flat on his ass.

I could feel my heart pounding in excitement. Felix. I would finally see him. And my boys. I felt my eyes changing rapidly, switching from color to color.

"Well, Felix is a lucky boy." Hook smirked once he had his voice back.

I growled lowly. "Don't say his name. It sounds filthy coming from your mouth." He nodded and bade me goodnight. I tried to sleep. Honestly, I did. I just couldn't bring myself to close my eyes for fear that this might all be a dream.

I flashed up to the crow's nest, settling myself in, thinking about Felix.

"Oy. Felix, c'mere." someone shouted near me. I couldn't open my eyes. I was so tired. There was rough, wet sand underneath me. It felt disgusting. I felt disgusting. Covered in salt, sweat, sea water, and sand. My mouth was dry, I had just finished vomiting up all the sea water I had swallowed while swimming away from the mermaids.

"What is it, Fred?" a deep voice questioned.

There was shuffling. "It looks like a girl...I think." the young boy spoke again. I would have been offended, but I was sure I looked terrible after what I'd just gone through.

"What should we do with her?" another voice asked.

"Kill her."

"Keep her."

"Throw her back to the mermaids."

"Give her to the shadow."

"Let her stay with us."

"Ask Pan." several voices shouted over each other. I trembled from the cold and the fear.

"Shut up, all of you." the deep voice was back. I assumed that was Felix. Something warm was draped over me and I was picked up. "We'll take her back to camp with us. Pan will know what to do with her."

Felix was the first person to show me kindness. He was the first person to vouch for me in front of Pan as well.

"Felix, I'm scared." I whispered to the tall, fair-haired teenager beside me. He squeezed my arm comfortingly.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." he whispered back.

A skinny boy stepped forward. "Bring her." he commanded. Felix pushed me gently and I stumbled towards the boy.

He looked me up and down. "She's pretty small." he sneered.

"So are you." I snapped angrily.

He looked taken aback and almost angry at first, but then he smiled and chuckled softly. "Yes, I suppose I am." he paused. "Can you fight, girl?"

I nodded.

"With a sword?"

I nodded again.


"Well what?" I asked.

He smiled. "Can you fight well?"

"Yes." answered shortly.

He tossed a sword to me and I caught it easily. He advanced quickly and I barely had time to parry. I knocked his sword to the left, pressing a small amount of magic into the move. His head tilted in curiosity before he grinned.

"You have magic." It wasn't a question.

"I do." I confirmed.

He threw his head back and laughed. "Well then why are we fighting with swords?"

I narrowed my eyes and felt them change color. "It would not be wise to fight me with magic." I warned.

"You think you're that good?" he snorted.

"I know I am."

And I was. I had kicked his ass in that fight, and he never asked to fight me with magic again. I was allowed to stay with the boys. They accepted me almost instantly. And most of them acted like I was just one of the guys. Most of them. Not Felix.

"Rufio!" he called from the water. "C'mon!"

I laughed and shook my head at him. "No way." I yelled back. I hadn't gone in the water since I had first washed up on the shore of Neverland.

He smiled at me. "I won't let anything touch you." I believed him. I really did, but I was too scared.

I bit my lip. I stood up and slid out of my skirt and shirt, leaving my tight, black shorts and small, black shirt on. I stepped toward the water nervously, letting the water run over my feet gently.

He waved me over and I smiled, wading further in. He grinned at me as I got closer to him. He grabbed me by the waist and tugged me to him. I yelped at the sudden contact, but allowed him to hold me as we floated in the clear blue water.

"I'm going to kiss you. Okay?" he said softly. My eyes widened in surprise as his soft lips pressed against mine quickly before pulling away just as fast.

He bit his lip and looked at me as if asking if it was alright that he had done that. I nodded and giggled lightly.

We had spent hours sitting on the beach together after that. We didn't speak. We just sat and watched the sun go down. I missed him so badly, my body actually ached.

I hadn't even noticed the storm that was raging overhead until I heard Snow yelling for my help. I glanced down in time to see Emma falling overboard.

"To help, or not to help. That is the question." I muttered quietly.

I sighed and popped down to the deck, diving into the water after her. It was calm under the water, but I knew there were mermaids lurking everywhere. Fear clenched my heart, but I managed to grab Emma and pop us both back onto the boat. I gasped for air, shuddering at the cold.

"What the hell did you do?" Charming yelled at me. I was so completely sick of this bastard. I stood up and faced him.

"I just saved your daughter, you complete asshole." I growled before pulling my fist back and punching him in the face. I felt a sick satisfaction when I heard his nose snap and I saw the blood pour from his nose.

Hook grabbed me by the waist and pulled me far away. "Well, as much as I enjoyed seeing that, we should keep you from killing him." he grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes and shook him off. "Just tell me when we're close enough to see the island." I growled, storming off to go back to the crow's nest. I managed to get a few hours sleep before Hook called for me.

"Oy! Rufio!"

"What." I snapped groggily. I could see his infuriating smirk from all the way up here. I ignored what he was saying and noticed that we were about fifty feet from shore.

I leapt down from the crow's nest and sprinted to the edge of the ship. I grinned and prepared to flash myself onto the island.

"And where do you think you're going?" Regina asked in her sickening voice.

I clenched my teeth. "I'm going to the island. Bye!" I popped up on the beach, very close to the jungle. I giggled girlishly and started sprinting through the forest.

I let out a few howls of joy and threw some pure magic into the air. It exploded into golden light and shot across the island.

The boys would know that I was back within seconds. I could feel the jungle moving and twisting around me, flowers sprouted up where I ran past and vines moved out of my way as I practically flew threw the mass of vegetation.

Now I really was flying, golden streams flew behind me as I soared into the sky, shouting in happiness as I went. I spotted the camp and dove for it. I landed, rolling so I wouldn't hurt myself. I shot back onto my feet grinning at all the shocked faces.

"Hey boys." I was immediately attacked by the boys. The younger ones especially. They hugged me so tightly I thought I would die of suffocation.

I laughed. Pure joy filling me. I knew that my eyes would be a bright golden color by now.

"We thought you were dead!"

"We missed you so much!"

"Don't ever leave us again!"

"Rufio! We're so glad you're back!" There were shouts from all around me and I chuckled, comforting them and making promises I would probably break.

I was finally released and I stood up. Pan smiled and nodded at me in greeting. I nodded back and smiled as the boys ran around happily. "We will have a feast to celebrate the return of Rufio!" Pan shouted and the cheers from the boys were almost deafening.

I looked around, but couldn't find Felix anywhere. Ralph walked up to me and tugged on my skirt. I knelt down next to him. "Felix is probably at the cliff that you jumped off of that one time." he mumbled cutely.

I smiled and ruffled his hair, thanking him before sprinting back into the forest in the direction of the cliff. Wind whipped past me and I panted forcing myself to go faster. I skidded to a halt as I neared the cliff. Sure enough, Felix was there, sitting on the edge.

I grinned and sprinted past him, leaping off the cliff. But before I could jump, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Aw c'mon Felix, you ruined my big entrance." I whined.

He shook his head with wide eyes. "You're okay." I nodded in confirmation. "Christ." he breathed, tugging me into his body and crushing me in a hug.

"Jeez Felix, calm down." I chuckled. He shook his head again and slammed his mouth onto mine. I yelped against his lips and he grinned.

We lost balance and toppled to the ground. I fell on him and started laughing loudly.

"You cannot possibly imagine how much I missed you, Ruf." he mumbled, pressing his face to my neck.

I smiled.

"I can try."

He laughed and held me tightly. "Damn, I love you."

I grinned wickedly. "I know."