Fiery Gryffindor Princess, Cold Slytherin Prince by Starlight-Mist
Story Summary: [Dramione]: After the war, the seventh years all go back to Hogwarts for eighth year. Starting with an intro from Prof. McGonagall's diary, the story covers the first quidditch game, a Halloween Ball, truth-or-dare, I've Never, Secret Santa, Valentine's Day, Graduation, and a lot of pranking, kissing, working, matchmaking, and getting sick. Ends at the Ministry of Magic.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter series, world, and characters are NOT mine. Anything that you recognize belongs to J. K. Rowling. My name is Brigitta, and I don't make any claims to the Harry Potter series, world, and characters. I just came up with the plot.
Pairings: Dramione, Neville/Luna, Blaise/Ginny, Ron/Pansy, Harry/Millicent, Theo/Lavender

Author's Note for Newcomers: It's great to know that someone is reading my story at the moment, and I just wanted to point out that there is a disclaimer above, so please read it once before just skipping over it. If you are an author, please use disclaimers. Thank you.

Author's Note for Returners: After many renditions of this story, I have finally decided to create an outline for this story so that I know where it is going. There will be one chapter for each month and a conclusion, so 13 Chapters total. I apologize for my horrible updating skills and would like to thank all readers, reviewers, favorites, and followers I have gotten in the past. Thank you.

Chapter Title: Chapter 1: September
Chapter Theme: A simple background from Professor McGonagall's diary.

This Diary Belongs To Minerva McGonagall

September 1, 1999

A NEW YEAR, as always, means a new diary. A new diary, means a new year. However, this year isn't any regular year, so instead of having a boring leather-bound journal with white pages, I have gotten something a little different.

I have bought a navy-blue journal with creamy pages, embossed in gold with the following:

Hogwarts: 1999-2000
Headmaster: Minerva McGonagall

7th Year Heads
Ginevra Weasley and Josh Dunn

8th Year Heads
Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy

As the war has ended, those unfortunate students who missed their seventh year of schooling have returned to retake their seventh year. This is the first year we have two sets of Heads, but we're making the best of it.

The houses aren't exactly cooperating as I would've expected, but it's better than nothing. Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy have been working hard to try and resolve the anger in their housemates, but I am sad to report that it isn't exactly working. The Gryffindors still have a grudge against Ms. Parkinson for trying to sell Mr. Potter out, and the Slytherins still are hating on the Gryffindors for whatever they hate us for. *sigh*

On a happier note, Mr. Potter has gotten started on planning out the Quidditch games and details with the other Captains; Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Matthews, and Ms. Chang.

Oddly, Mr. Potter has switched over to Keeper, and Mr. Weasley to chaser. I think Mr. Potter is trying to remove himself from the spotlight position of Seeker, but what luck that will do him; he already has a herd of fangirls that are going to watch him, no matter what position he plays. Good-Grief!

All of the role-switching is messing me up, and I don't know who is going to be seeker. I will write more when I have some time, probably next week.

September 8, 1999

EVERYTHING IS GOING AS PLANNED, and all the teachers are handling the students very well. Severus is still a slimy git, Sybil is still batty, and Professor Binns still drones on. Life seems too easy after the war, especially since He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is gone.

I have not run into many a problem recently, but there are problems lurking around. Sadly, I am not able to be everywhere at once. Now I know why Dumbledore was driven up the wall when he had to deal with situations. Merlin help me and this school, especially those poor Heads. How Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Dunn, and Ms. Weasley are still on their feet amazes, me especially with a year as difficult as this.

Oh! I have almost neglected to mention the main buzz, what has the school in an uproar: Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger have all broken up.

This, of course, has some serious repercussions, such as Mr. Potter having to resort to hiding in the bathroom to escape his fangirls, and for Ms. Granger and Weasley to get hit on constantly. Oh Merlin help them all!

September 15, 1999

I SEE IT, I SEE IT! There is love blooming in the air! Oh, how I thought Dumbledore was an old coot when he said that there was love between the Gryffindors and Slytherins, but it is true. Of course, now, it has brought out my old trickster self! I want to get them together by the end of the year, ESPECIALLY our dear 8th Year Heads, who also happen to be rival Seekers! I don't know WHAT I'll do, but I will get them together:


It seems so right that Slytherin and Gryffindors hold a secret love. Perhaps some inter-house unity games together will prompt them to be more...cuddly?

Here's the Gryffindor Quidditch Team:
Seeker - Hermione Granger
Keeper - Harry Potter
Chaser - Ronald Weasley
Chaser - Ginny Weasley
Chaser - Dean Thomas
Beater - Colin Creevey
Beater - Seamus Finnigan
Reserve Seeker - Cormac McLaggen (He wanted to come back and re-do seventh year)
Reserve Keeper - Katie Bell (Her sixth year was ruined by Umbridge)
Reserve Chaser - Anden Coleman (Originally a Chaser; currently in sixth year)
Reserve Chaser - Demelza Robins (When not at the Astronomy Apprentice with Professor Sinistra)
Reserve Chaser - Lee Jordan (When not working with Fred and George)
Reserve Beater - George Weasley (When not working in the joke shop)
Reserve Beater - Fred Weasley (When not working in the joke shop)

September 22, 1999

JUST YESTERDAY, I caught the Golden Trio sneaking around after dark, just like the old times. I didn't make myself known, and I just didn't have it in me to punish them.

Hermione and Draco are planning the Halloween event. So far, this is what they have:

Dinner - Mincemeat pie, Shepherds pie, Chicken, Turkey, Greek Salad, Dumplings, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Buttered Peas, Sausages, Chicken Noodle Soup, Tomato Soup, Miso Soup, Clam Chowder
Dessert- Pies (Apple, Blueberry, Cherry, Blackberry, Banana Cream, Cheese, Key Lime, Pumpkin, Strawberry), Tarts (Caramel, Custard, Egg, Bakewell, Butter), Chocolate (Honeydukes), Ice Cream (Vanilla, French Vanilla, Strawberry, Mint, Chocolate, Cookie Dough)
Drinks - Butterbeer, Punch, Pumpkin Juice, Water, Lemonade, Orange Juice
Decorations and Effects- Carved pumpkins, Crepe paper, Bats, Cackling witches, Fog Machine, Bobbing Witch-Lights, Skulls, Leaves
Goody Bags - Chocolate Coins, Firecrackers, Lollipops, Quills, Spell Slip (slip of paper with a useful Halloween spell on it with wand motions and pronunciations), Glitter Bombs (balloons set to explode on impact, filled with glitter), Masks, Glow-In-The-Dark Eyes
Songs - Scream, Not For Your Life, Haunted, Evil Lurks Around, This Nightmare Will Never End, Run!, Howl, Shout, Horror, Those Eyes!

The flyers are very nice too:

Mysterious Halloween Ball!
When - 8:00, October 31, 1999
Who - Everyone (ghosts, students, teachers)
Where - The Great Hall

This year, the Halloween Festival is being replaced by a Halloween costume and masquerade ball! Hogsmeade hours will be extended by two hours so that everyone may have a chance to purchase a costume and mask. You MAY NOT at any time tell anyone your name or your house. Dinner will be served, and after it has been cleared, the floor will be opened for dancing and there will be a refreshment table. CURFEW IS AT 11:30.

Josh Dunn, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Hermione Granger

September 27, 1999

I CAN'T BELIEVE that it is already the end of September! The month has gone by so fast, and the Quidditch teams are really shaping up. The house rivalry is still increasing, and I plan to do something about it soon. Perhaps after the Halloween Festival - then I'll see how it's all going.

Students have been working hard and studying for their tests, which must OBVIOUSLY be influenced by Ms. Granger. The first years love her, and she goes easy on them if she catches them out after curfew, but it is obvious that she will be a good mother.

Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, as always, have been up to no good - pranking. However, I find it quite funny sometimes, so maybe I'll allow April to be Prank Month.


A/N: If you're reading this, it is likely that you made it through Chapter 1, which is a rather short chapter by my standards. Please take the time to review, even if the next chapter is already posted.

Quick Chat: Is anyone here an X-Files fan because I really wanted to change my name to Invisigoth after the X-Files episode. Also, is anyone here a Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, or InuYasha fan because I'm starting to get into anime.

I finally found some common sense, put it together, made a dollar, and got a good idea.
- Anonymous Boy