First and foremost I know this unexpected and I should have warned you all but this is the last chapter. I thought there would be a few more to it but it's just not there for me. I've lost the muse that was pushing me to write this. I feel like I wrote what I set out to. This chapter wouldn't have even gotten written if it wasn't for EnglishPoet18, I really need to thank you so much for keeping me on track!

I want to thank everyone who has followed, favorited, and reviewed me. You all great and I appreciate everyone of you!

Daryl looked back at Carol as he walked across the room to get clothes. She was watching him her face a slight shade of pink that made his eyes drop lower chasing that blush. He smirked turning to get his shit together when he heard her light feet hit the ground and come to a stop. He pulled his jeans up over his hips and heard her sigh behind him.

Daryl looked at her form, she looked like she was dead on her feet. She was looking around for her clothes and his eyes landed on the scraps of her shirt that was pieced around the floor. His eyes lifted to hers and seen her looking at them and her torn panties. He pulled a drawer open and pulled out a pair of boxers and a white shirt tossing them to her where she was standing nude in his floor.

She met his eyes a smile on her lips, "Thanks."

Nodding his head at her as he buttoned his shirt watching her pull his clothes over her form. He didn't know what the hell to say to her about last night, he didn't regret it and she didn't seem to either but she wasn't letting him know either way. She didn't seem shy either with the way she had stood in the center of his room her hip cocked out completely nude watching him as he got dressed.


He blinked a few times and his eyes focused on her, "Yeah?"

She walked to him, "This meant more to me than just a one time thing." Her voice was a little nervous.

Daryl licked his lips his hands falling from the buttons. Her words slammed into him hard and he wasn't sure how to respond at first. He had spent months thinking about this woman. "What do you want?"

Carol stepped closer to him, "I want us to try."

Daryl ran his hand across her throat tracing the pattern of beard burn she had, "I can do that."

Daryl walked into his kitchen shaking his head as Ace buzzed around cooking more food. Goddamn she was going to make him fat as fuck if she kept this shit up. Merle was nowhere to be seen but that didn't mean shit now he was likely going to turn up at any second. He could see Maggie setting at his kitchen table looking worse for wear and suppressed a smile.

Stacey turned and smiled at him pouring a cup of coffee and offering it to him. He took it drinking it down quickly feeling it scorch his throat in the process. She raised an eyebrow at him but didn't say anything her eyes looking him over and he shifted away from her.

"Your dad and brother are out back." She answered his unasked question.

Nodding his head he started out the back door straight for the smoke house knowing that's where the pair of them were. Sure enough the closer he got the more he regretted it with the noise his brother was already making.

"Wont you shut your goddamn mouth you fuckin' asshole." Buck snapped.

Daryl grinned and slowed down listening to them.

"What's got your ass hair twisted?" Merle laughed.

Buck turned on him and Daryl seen his eyes land on him for a minute as he walked across the yard but they were back on Merle in a flash. "If you don't quiet your fuckin' ass down I'm gonna beat you senseless. Then I'm goin' tape your fuckin' mouth shut and put epoxy on the fuckin' tape."

"Got some epoxy if you need it." Daryl spoke on a laugh.

Buck smiled at him, "She still in there fuckin' cooking?"

"You know her ass is." Daryl chewed his lip and walked past the pair of them.

Buck nodded trailing him leaving Merle to glare at the pair of them. Daryl grabbed his sharpener and started running his knife down it while Merle walked back in. He felt his brothers eyes drilling holes in his back but didn't look at him knowing it would just start his mouth sooner than necessary and he really wasn't in the mood for it. For once he just wished he'd leave shit alone and not open his mouth about things.

Daryl slid the knife through the meat working quick with his brother and father. His mind kept going back to Carol standing in his room and the look in her eyes when he told her he would try. He meant it. Something about that woman had sunk into him the first time he had seen her, he wasn't sure what it was but he was willing to chance her crushing him to see just where it went.

"So." Merle smiled wiping his hands, "Seen you had sweet bottom in ya bed this morning."

Buck smirked watching Daryl before looking at Merle, "Yeah and if she's sweet bottom what you calling Maggie? Sour puss?"

Daryl choked on his water and looked at Buck not having expected the man to say that shit. Buck slapped him on the back hard as they walked across the yard to his back porch. Merle was spitting venom at the both of them glaring harder at Daryl.

"Buck why don't you take a nice long lick of my balls." Merle growled.

Buck eyed him, "When you get a set big enough boy."

Daryl chuckled catching both of their attention again and he winced knowing that the fire was aimed at him now. "This is your fault." Merle growled his hand flashing out and tipping Daryl back causing him to fall backwards off the steps he had stood on. He hit hard the air rushing out of him.

Daryl was up in a flash slamming into Merle both of them hitting the deck hard. He distinctly heard the door open but his mind was focused on dodging hits from Merle that he didn't give a fuck for a minute. He felt Buck rip them apart holding both of them by the back of their necks shaking his head and smirking.

"How the fuck is this shit my fault?" Daryl barked.

Merle jerked free of Buck, "Cause it fuckin' is!"

Both men looked over seeing Stacey standing there, "Food is almost done if your ready to quit having a temper tantrum."

She turned leaving the three of them standing there and was back inside. Buck interjected before things could heat back up. "You an Carol, what the fuck is goin' on there boy?"

Daryl shrugged his shoulders looking out over the property chewing his thumb. He felt Merle slap his hand down away form his mouth and huffed at his brother. He felt Buck shift closer to him and lean against the rails looking out with him, Merle mirroring him.

"You know she's good for you I think." Merle reasoned his voice changing losing his anger.

Daryl side eyed his brother, "You think any piece of ass is good for me."

"Aint arguing that pussy is good for any man." Merle cackled.

Buck turned looking at his sons, "Nah, she is."

Daryl nodded his head, "She wants to see if we can work things out."

Merle sucked his teeth, "Me busting that son of a bitch in the head with that pool stick was the best thing to happen to your dick."

Daryl growled at him, "Fuck you Merle."

"Nah baby brother told you aint into that prison love."

Buck snorted, "Fuckin' weird ass fucks. How the hell I get two sons like this?"

Both looked at him, "Motherfucker your just as bad."

"Maybe ya ass can work something out if you stay out of prison long enough too." Merle laughed.

Buck shook his head, "Way I see it boy...Life is all about ass, you're either covering it, laughing it off, kicking it, kissing it, busting it, or trying to get a piece of it. Best to go with it."

Daryl nodded pushing himself up when he heard Stacey calling them again. "Yeah, yeah your right."

Stacey eyed the two girls setting at the table both with flushed faces looking at the table. She smirked sliding Carol a cup of coffee, "Look like you could use a pick me up."

Carol took it and smiled at her, "Thank you."

"Now ladies I wanna talk to you both before those boys get back in here." Stacey set down.

Carol and Maggie looked at each other and nodded their heads at her. They had seen her a few times snapping at Buck and Merle both.

"Those boys are near and dear to my heart and I'm just interested if your looking for a good time or serious." She pinned them in place with her scorching blue eyes.

Maggie set forward her hands flat on the table, "I'm as serious as Merle Dixon can be."

Stacey smiled at her, "That was a smart response for someone like him."

Carol watched the two of them talk some about the man. She let her mind drift back to Daryl and swallowed she could still feel the ache between her thighs from him. It wasn't unpleasant but it served as a reminder about what they talked about before he left to help his father and brother. They were going to try being together. She had told him how much she missed him when she had left the prison and how she hadn't stopped thinking about him and he had in not so many words agreed with her.

She wasn't sure they were going to make it out of the bedroom with the way they had started mauling each other but they broke apart reluctantly. She found herself hoping that she would see him sooner than later when she had to go home. She had a fever and the only cure was Daryl Dixon.

"What about you?"

Carol looked over at the woman her eyes leaving the window. She smiled at her, "I'm more worried about him hurting me then me leaving him and hurting him."

Stacey's eyes softened and she smiled at her, "I like you."

The back door slammed open and Merle stepped through laughing along with Buck. Daryl stepped through soaked through his face set in an angry mask, "Fuck the both of you."

He breezed through the room whipping his shirt over head his eyes landing on Carol and she swallowed at the heat she seen in them. Her eyes followed him down the hall and Maggie kicked her foot, "You've already broke the ice and slept with him, I think your past eyefucking him." She whispered. "Go after him."

Carol grinned shaking her head but pushed up from the table listening to the sounds of Daryl's family laughing and talking. She stepped into his room looking at the solid wall of his back as he cursed under his breath.

"You're soaked"

Daryl looked over his shoulder at her and she licked her lips when she heard his belt buckle jingle open. Her thighs rubbed together and she sucked ina breath her eyes widening slightly.

His eyes roamed over her body before coming back to her eyes, "SO are you." He turned stalking towards her backing her into the door as she pulled his shirt over her head, "I wanna do bad things to you Carol." His voice was hoarse and strained.

"I want you to."

Daryl smiled, "Where have you been all my life."

"Waiting on you to get sent to jail to find me." She grinned.

Daryl snorted his hands running across her smooth stomach, "Smart ass."

Carol wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled feeling happy for the first time in forever. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this light and content with the way things were going. She had no intentions of ever letting go of this man in front of her at all.

Carol moaned settling against his sweat slick body their heart thundering out a symphony only they could hear. She looked up at him as he loomed over her, "I'm gonna miss you when I go home."

Daryl smirked at her his breathing starting t slow down. "Don't go then." his words brushed against her neck making her smile as he nipped her neck.

She wrapped her arm around his chest as they got their breath back. She looked up at him meeting his eyes, "I've never been more happy for meeting someone as I am you."

His eyes came down to hers as she laid across his chest. His hand-made slow tracks across her skin as he looked at her with his piercing blue eyes, "I'd do the time again after getting to meet you."