Chapter 10:

Another Day: The Date.

A few weeks went by after the talk with cross. The serious talk. Funny thing was, Naomi hasnt heard anything from Naomi lately and it worried her because she knew that Naomi might be planning something to go against her. Taking a deep breath, she watched as the sun rose up from the horizon. Sitting on the school walls was interesting and quite fun to her. "What more could I do? The only way to stop her is to stop myself..." meaning to kill herself. But she wasnt going to let that take over her and ruin everything. Ruin Zero..ruin the hunters HQ..Break her mental promise.

"You're not killing yourself, Naomi!" Zero called from the bottom of the wall. Standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching as his girlfriend turned and looked down at him.

"I wont do that, Dont worry about it." standing up, she jumped off the wall and landed on her feet in front of him "I couldnt bring myself to do it anyway..Becides..if I did that i'd only break you.." and then she hugged him, burying her face into his clothed chest "I love you so much, you have no idea."

A small smile appeared on his lips as he hugged her back and pressed his lips to her head "I love you too, Naomi. Just as I said..I'd keep you safe and protect you." he stated, pulling his lips from her head and looking down at her. Naomi's eyes meeting his.

"Thank you.." Her smile appeared on her face and she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him softly.

She loved the feeling of his lips on hers. They were soft and resistance..Just love that proved itself to her. Never did she dare doubt their relationship. Not wondering when it'll break. The bond between both of them were strong and full of trust. Sadly, they couldnt kiss forever and she pulled her lips from his, smiling as she looked up at him. Slowly her hands cupping his face. There was a kind look in his eyes, full of love and respect. It was as if he'd kiss her feet and treat her like a queen. That Loyalty he showed and trust.


Instantly she put her finger on his lips and shook her head, most likely telling him 'shh'. This moment made her think and she liked it. What more could I ask for? she asked herself He is all I need..all I want...Nothing could make me more happier then this... Naomi was going to treasure this moment with him just as she did with every other time with Zero. "Thank you for everything, Zero. I couldnt ask you for anything more to be honest." she giggled softly "All I need is someone like you to keep me sane and away from Insanity." being haunted by the past was horrid for someone like Naomi. But having someone there with you always made it heal and feel much more better.

A smile grew onto his lips as he cupped her cheek and her hand was placed upon his "I will always be here for you. No matter what the cost. I'll do anything to protect you." he wanted her to know that he'd truely do this for her. Going through such a horrible past and then having to come here where Kaname was always around, trying to do something. He was up to something but Zero didnt know what. "Why dont we go into town today?" even though it had level E's lerking there, Naomi knew how to take care of herself when it even came to them.

Naomi studied him for a minute before nodding "I think that is the best thing for me right now." she informed him "Too much going on, I need something to calm me down." even though town wasnt the most calmest of places, she still wanted to go and relax. Possibly go and get some yummy icecream. "Lets go then." she started walking on her own, soon to hear that Zero was following her. Walking alongside Zero, she felt his hand grab hers and intertwined their fingers together and gave her hand a gentle squeeze as if to tell her that he was there with her.

Naomi looked at their hands and smiled, looking up at him, seeing that gentle look on his face. One that cared and showed love for Naomi. "Zero..No matter what happens..dont leave me, okay?" she stopped walking and she made sure he stopped too. He looked at her with a serious look before he had spoke just to ease Naomi a bit. Seeing as she looked like she might break.

"Naomi, I wont ever leave you unless you want me to."

"You promise?"

"I promise." he pulled her close and looked down at her "Dont think like that, ever."

"I just wanted to make sure you wouldnt leave me." She hugged him before pulling away and walking to town. It was a bit of a walk but Naomi didnt mind it at all. "Lets get some Ice Cream. I'm in the mood and plus.. I feel as if I need a nice, cold, sugary snack." who wouldnt want icecream? This day was to only get her mind off of all the stuff that has been going on. But something haunted her, only coming back and reminding her what horrible things lie with Naomi.

The day had been going on and on. Today was a Day with Zero, Shopping, getting icecream. But Zero had topped it off with a nice dinner. The sun starting to set, telling Naomi that this was the time that Level E's liked to come outside and hunt for their next victim. People die possibly every night because of the cruel vampires that no one does anything about except for the hunters. Just because hunters knew how to hunt..doesnt meant they all live.


You can be one of them, Naomi

"Naomi?" Zero said a bit louder

One that dies. But if you die, that means I can take over your pathetic little body!


Instantly, Naomi jumped out of her thoughts that led to her listening to Naomi and looked at Zero, who was conserned "I..Sorry.." she said, looking down at her plate before leaning back in her chair.

"What happened? You looked as if you drowned yourself in your thoughts.."

"I kinda did. I'm sorry.."

He shook his head "Dont be."

A small smile appeared on her lips as she looked at him. On the inside, she really wanted to just jump across the table and hug him, planting kisses on his lips. But she kept her composure and continued to eat just so she wouldnt worry Zero even more. I just wish I can explain how I feel about him..Its just so difficult. They were the same. Both lost their loved ones in an attack. Even though Naomi mostly witnessed her parents being killed, she had the same story as Zero. Both were empty but now, they both had eachother. And it seemed that Naomi loved him more then anything, even though she mentioned it before.

Walking right back onto campus, she was talking with him and joking around. Being with him lightened the mood, made her heart float on clouds. Her boots made small thumps on the floor and her cloak blew lightly in the wind "You really know how to make me laugh, Zero. I'm so glad that I met you. Even if it was a bit bad at first. You just...changed everything about me. How I act and how I feel, changing how I see things.. And I thank you for that." a smile was pinned on her face and she pulled him to the Headmasters building where she was able to stay with Zero. All she wanted to do is feel safe with him and be in his arms.

Zero followed her, leading the way by walking ahead of her. They had small chatter on the way to the room Zero stayed in and once he had walked inside with her, she let go of his hand and looked around the room before walking to the dresser and taking off her cloak. putting it neatly on top before hearing Zero walk towards her. She knew it was towards her because his footsteps only got closer until he placed his hands on her arms, kissing her cheek and wrapping his arms around her to hold her. Naomi closed her eyes and leaned against him. Feeling safer in his arms then she did away from them.

After a few moments of standing in Zero's arms, she turned and opened her eyes, looking up at him and running her hands up his clothed chest and up to his face where she cupped his cheeks softly. Her blue eyes glowing from the moonlight hitting them from his window. Sliding her one hand to the back of his neck and pulled him down, pressing her lips to his and closing her eyes. His lips pressed firmly to hers and holding her small frame against his body. Something in Naomi called Zero, wanting him. Her heart raced at what she was thinking of..should she be thinking this ay about Zero? No..she couldnt...could she?

It seemed Zero had the same idea because he began pulling her towards the bed and she let him. Following him as she brought her hands down to his chest, somewhat like pushing him. She switched places with him, pulling him onto the bed with her and having her lips pulled from his and her eyes meeting his. His look was full of love and showed care "Naomi are you sure you want this?" he asked her, shocking Naomi just a little bit and made her blush. He watched her, waiting for her reply. His own heart raced for the result.

Naomi nodded, "I want this." she said before pulling him back down for the kiss, beginning to remove his jacket. Unbuttoning it and letting him pull it off and toss it somewhere in the room. Naomi pulled off his tie and began unbuttoning his dress shirt that was under his jacket. His hands also started to work on her clothes. More and more clothes we removed as time went on...

(I am so sorry for being sooo late with this. Im sorry if this feels like a ramble..when life gets in the way, it realy murders you and leaves you with no energy to make the chapters. :( I'll try my best to keep up to date..)