Pearls of Frost

A/N: I immediately made an account and thought of this story after seeing an adorable picture on Tumblr.
This is my first Fanfiction so feedback would be appreciated.
I will be doing weekly updates depending on the time and inspiration that I have.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Disclaimer: I do not own HTTYD and ROTG or any of its characters

Chapter 1

It was time for snowfall in Berk.

I held my curved staff close to my beating chest. The trees swayed as I flew past them leaving pearls of frost that decorated every little brittle branch. The landscape of this small island is just amazing. Beautiful green forestry with rushing waterfalls, rocky arches and cliffs; it was like no other place that I have ever been before. I liked the place; it gave me true happiness. As I covered the land with blankets of snow, I was exhausted, but it was worth seeing the faces of the contented townsfolk.
I saw the whole town of Berk rush outside with little children and adults who wanted to enjoy the glittering white snow. Laughter and joy was everywhere. I sat on a large mossy rock to rest as I watched the people of Berk enjoy the snowfall, but to my surprise, I saw a group of about seven children not older than 10 who were lying down on the snow, bored out of their minds. It started snowing about 30 minutes ago and they're already bored of it? They just lied there like a sack of potatoes. I started pacing back and forth with a puzzled look on my face as I watched them argue and criticize the cold and snowy winter weather.

"Ugh there's nothing to do," Complained a thin blonde haired girl with her bangs covering half of her face as she crossed her arms and heaved a heavy sigh

"The snow is boring and cold," Said a chubby boy with brown downward spiked hair that was covered by a bull-like horned helmet as he face-washed a scrawny looking kid with the snow

"Well, I don't you guys are thinking straight," Replied a boy that had the same brown shaggy hair as that chubby boy, "The past few days were filled with rain and finally it snowed. Let's just enjoy it guys, I've been waiting for this for a long time."

I smiled in agreement. I think that kid knows what he is talking about. Snow is fun; sorry if you don't agree. I am being biased and I know that, but I am the spirit of winter you know. So without thinking, I formed a snowball with my pale hands and threw it at that chubby kid since he was annoying me because he acted a bit "cocky". The next thing you know it, they started having a snowball fight. I decided to join in and play along, but I kept myself hidden. I didn't want the children to freak out if they saw a random invisible force picking up snow and throwing it at them; they would be terrified! I'm unsure if they could see me or not. Nobody has for the past 200 years. I was considered by everyone that I was just a foolish myth or saying that nobody cared for, but there was this one little girl. Her name was Valka. We were the best of friends, but as she got older, her memories of our friendship faded and she stopped believing in me. Probably it's because she was rumored to be "crazy" when she tried to show the townsfolk of Berk that I do exist.

After the snowball fight, the kids went to the hills to sled using sleds made out of large pieces of debris. I soared through the wintry sky as I saw the pure happiness of the children when they slid down the snowy hills, but a terrible thing happened. The chubby boy, who I now know that his name is Snotlout, hit a rock, fell off his sled, and tumbled down the steep hill. He was covered in snow, purple bruises, and cuts as tears streamed down his face. I felt really bad for the boy, but it was karma for stealing another kid's sled just so he could show off to that same blonde haired girl who went by the name of Astrid. The remaining children stopped in their tracks as they watched their friend tremble with fear, luckily one of the kids (I think her name is Ruffnut) called for his father so that he could be escorted back to his home and heal.

"So guys, what do you want to do now? Do you want to build a snowman?" asked Astrid to her other friends

They all nodded in agreement and went straight into their activity. The children split off into two groups. One group searched for the items that they needed while the other group stayed behind to roll out the snow balls to build the body and the head for the snowman. I was walking around and joining the fun until I stumbled across the little boy with the brown shaggy hair. He was so focused in finding little sticks and stones for the snowman that he was walking right towards me. Here we go again I thought. I know this kid is just going to pass right through me without a second glance like every child, but surprisingly this encounter was different.

"Oof," grunted the boy as he bumped into me "Watch where you're going!"

I was wide-eyed, shocked. He could see me? Did he really believe?

"Hey," snapped the boy, "Are you even going to say sorry?"

As he said this, he looked up at me and brushed the hair off of his tiny face. When I got a more visible look, I noticed that he had the most adorable green eyes which shone like emeralds and his cheeks were dotted with tiny specks of freckles across his flushed face. He also had a small gap in the bottom front of his teeth; I guess Toothiana collected his little tooth not too long ago. As the boy looked up he was angry, but when our eyes met, his little frown shifted into a smile. He was starstruck and his mouth was starting to hang open like an unhinged door, he let out a little gasp.

"Y-you… You're Jack Frost." The little boy beamed in amazement.