A/N: Ew school. *psst* there's 24 more days till Christmas ┏(・o・)┛
Finally, after a very lengthy hiatus, I have
posted Chapter 14! (Yaaaasss)
Thank you for the kind reviews, they help keep me going! :D


Chapter 14

I told Toothless to stay put as I started following North. I knew that this was 'Guardian business,' but I became curious.

North was too distressed to noticed that I entered the Globe Room with him. I saw the other Guardians arrive through their portals. They didn't seem to care that I was in here. I greeted all of them happily with a smile, thankfully I was good at hiding the sadness that lingered upon me.

"A-Are you sure he's back?," Tooth asked fluttering down into one of the available seats.

North hesitantly pulled me out a chair, "Unfortunately yes," he replied, giving me a quick glance.

The group started to chatter. I heard who Pitch was but I never had actually seen him before. The descriptions that I was given by the Guardians terrified me. He was dubbed the 'Boogeyman' or the 'King of Nightmares' and usually appeared in children's most deepest and darkest nightmares; a terrible disgusting thing who could mentally scar you. Before, he was someone who was loved, but now, he is hated by all.

"You gotta be bloody kidding me," Aster interjected as he ran his paw through his fur.

"Do you think we're..." Tooth began, "Do you think we're ready to fight?"

"I don't know," North whispered, looking down at the table.

"What do ya mean, you don't bloody know!?" Aster said, glaring. I could see the fear and frustration glinting through his eyes, "That bastard doesn't stand a chance!"

North's worried demeanor started to change, "We don't know his motives Aster, I don't know if we are truly ready for battle. He has struck a few places unexpectedly the past few weeks."

Aster was about to open his mouth to speak, but was soon cut off.

"Just be thankful he was detected early because he is at his weakest right now," the large man said sternly as he sat on the edge of his chair, "But, who knows..." he heavily sighed rubbing his forehead.

Silence broke into the room. The rest of the Guardians stared nervously at the man. I looked at North with worried eyes. There was no chance of winning if we don't know what he was up to.

"You mean that you don't believe in us?" Tooth said quietly.

North ignored her and stood up, "I am just warning you for now, so please be ... keep an eye out for him," Before dismissing the group, he added, "Right now, our priority is protecting the children."

Tooth, Aster, and Sandy agreed.

"That is all I wanted to say for now. Thank you for coming."

And with that, they all left, quietly leaping into their portals.

Great, now there is another thing to stress about.

North looked at me, "Jack, don't worry about this. This is none of your concern for now. I just don't want you to ge-"

"Hurt," I said finishing the sentence. To be honest, I was already hurt, but emotionally, "Yeah I know."

"Jack I am not stressing this enough, protect yourself."

"I understand North. Alright?"

Will he quit nagging me already? I'm not a child.

North and I walked back to his office were Toothless stayed. The little black dragon greeted both of us with a playful pounce as he licked North's cheek.

"Down bud," I laughed, pulling him off the man.

"So," North began, "Will you be staying here?"

I shook my head, I didn't feel like staying any longer, "I'm going to take Toothless back,"

Toothless looked a bit disappointed as I spoke those words.

I apologized to him by patting his head, "We have to get going bud," I looked at North and gave him my best fake smile, "We'll come back and visit!"

As we were about to leave, the large jolly man called my name.

He quickly grabbed an object from one of the drawers and walked up to me,"Before you go, I think I should give you this."

Cupping my hands, he handed me a silver medallion of some sort. It was shaped like a snowflake as its delicate features held a small sapphire in the middle. When the sunlight from the window touched the object, the gem in it beautifully glimmered. I was purely amazed by its intricate beauty.

"It's for yours to keep," North began, chuckling softly, "I've been working on it for quite some time and I think this may come in handy one day."

"North," I began, holding the object close to my face for inspection, "Why did you- what does it do?"

I don't understand why now is the time.

"You'll figure it out," He answered, "Just please have it with you at all times and be careful with it. It's... a prototype."

I thanked North for the gift and headed on my way out. Leaving the North Pole, I stared at the medallion North gave me. Why would he give me something so delicate at a time like this? I hung the medallion around my neck and hid it under my sweater. I don't know why, but I felt a bit safer feeling the cool metal touch my chest. Before leaping into the sky, I swung my arm around Toothless and gave him a hug.

"Let's go home bud."