The ancient house of Black was the home of the Black family. To young Sirius Black though it was living proof that hell existed.

"Filthy blood lover, can't you do anything right?" Screamed Sirius's Blacks mother. At this time of year it was Christmas break. Sirius and his brother Regulus were off and were visiting home. Regulus was happily reading in his room while Sirius was left in the kitchen.

"You asked me to write lines mother," Sirius said coolly. "So I did" Since Sirius was put in Gryffindor and not in Slytherin like his 'perfect' brother he was his mother's least favorite. In reality his mother couldn't stand him but Sirius wasn't bothered the feeling was mutual.

"I told you to write that mudbloods and blood traitors are scum! Not I welcome the mudbloods and blood traitors into my heart!" She screamed.

"I say potatoes you say tomatoes." Sirius said with a grin.

"What?" His mother asked confused.

"It's a muggle saying" Sirius explained. That of course was the wrong thing to say.

"GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN GO TO YOUR ROOM! NO DINNER" She screamed at her eldest. Sirius only rolled his eyes. It was what he wanted for tonight was the night. He was in his sixth year at Hogwarts and he had had enough.
His mother and Father who were supposed to be his parents and treat him with love made him feel worthless. Just because he was not the way they wanted him. Of course this only made Sirius want to mess with them, it also made he want to leave. Why should he have to live in a house where he gets a scowl from his mother when he leaves his room for the restroom? He had told his best friend James Potter about how he felt and was told that he was welcome in the Potter household.

That's what he had been planning. To run away and tonight would be the night. He had been packed for a while now and so when his family was eating he would jump out the window and run. Little did he know that his plan would change just…a lot.

Sirius made his way up the stairs and to his bedroom. When he closed the door he heard a soft sound. The sound of a girl crying. Now the first thing Sirius Black did was take out his wand. Why was there someone crying in his bedroom? He seeked out the sound and found that it was coming from under his bed. Very slowly he got down on his knees and lifted the covers of his bed to look under. What he saw surprised him very much.

Under the bed was a little girl crying and hugging a black stuffed dog. When she looked up to see Sirius looking at her she moved an inch closer. Sirius was shocked to see the familiar emerald eyes of one Lily Evans.

"Uh Hello there" Sirius said not knowing what else to say to the little girl who he didn't know that was crying under his bed.

"SIRI" The little girl screamed. She ran from under the bed to a shocked Sirius and tackled him with a hug. She then began to cry into his shoulder while Sirius was stiff but still held her.

"Do you know were daddy is?" She asked her father's godfather. She didn't know what was going on. Seven year old Lily

Luna Potter was just sitting in her room at Potter Manor that had once been Number 12 Grimmuld Place when all of a sudden a bright white light had come out of nowhere and was floating in the middle of the room.
Lily got up off her bed with her black stuff dog in her hand and walked over to the ball of light and touched it. She was seven after all and the shiny bright ball intrigued her. Then she fell and landed hard on the floor of an unknown room. By the looks of it, it belonged to a boy. She didn't recognize it and as she got up she heard a woman screaming. She got scared and did the first thing that came to mind, she dash under the bed and began to cry. A little while later Sirius had found her.

"Who's your dad? How did you get here?" Sirius asked the little girl with bright green eyes that shinned with tears.

"My daddy is daddy." She explained, "I was in my room and then I was here" Sirius wanted to snap at her that that wasn't enough information but he didn't.

"Okay what's your name?" Sirius asked.

"I'm Lily" Lily said in a small voice "Padfoo why are you acting weird?" Lily asked. She knew who this man was; it was her daddy's godfather Sirius. She called him Siri or Padfoo. There was a portrait of him in the living room at Potter Manor. She didn't know why Sirius didn't know her.

"What did you call me?" Sirius asked sharply.

"Padfoo" Lily said as she stepped back from him "You're my Padfoo. See this is Padfoo too" She said with a smile as she held up her black stuffed dog. Sirius looked at the dog that looked like the grim.

"Your black dog is named Padfoot?" Sirius asked stunned.

"Yeah you laughed when I told you Padfoo. You said it was the best name in the world," Lily said proudly.

"I did?"

"Yes Siri you did" Lily said slowly making Sirius laugh. Sirius was laughing because he didn't know what the heck was going on.

"Lily? How old are you?" Sirius asked softly.

"Im seven" Lily said as she held up seven fingers.

"When were you born?" He asked this time. He didn't know this girl yet she knew him. What Sirius was thinking was if he didn't know her now and didn't know her in the past then he must have known her in the future.

"My birthday is three days before Christmas. Daddy said I was born in 2010." Lily said quickly. Sirius was shocked that she was from so far into the future. He wondered how she got there and why she was there.

"I want to go home Padfoo" Lily said suddenly. She had big fat tears streaming down her face. Sirius felt his heart break.

"No, no don't cry" Sirius begged. Lily ran forward and hugged Sirius and buried her head on his shoulder. Sirius this time hugged her tightly to him.

"I'll get you home. I promise" Sirius vowed as Lily softly cried into his shoulder.

"Promise Padfoo?" Lily asked in a very small voice. Sirius smiled as he held her.

"I promise" He didn't know how he was going to get this little girl home but he was. He was going to get her home and keep her safe until he did. With that in mind he had to get this little girl out of his house. This was not a safe place for a little girl like Lily.

As if fate wanted to prove his point they both suddenly heard a voice yell at the end of the hall.
"SIRIUS BLACK! THAT ROOM BETTER NOT HAVE ANYMORE STUPID MUGGLE STUFF IN THERE." Sirius mother screamed. To Sirius's horror he heard the footsteps nearing to his closed door. He held Lily close to him as the door banged open.
He would not let anyone hurt this little girl. No one.

Lily Potter cried harder when she heard the door bang open. She buried her head into Sirius's shoulder and did not look up. She did not want to see who had come in the room to yell at her Siri. Little did Lily know she was about to see far worse things though out her visit to the past.

so, what do you think? please review and tell if i should continue or not