"You feeling alright baby?" Daryl ask her a few hours later. They had been working along with Merle to help clean up the bodies in the camp. After the Chinaman had his melt down now they were going to bury the people that had been from there camp and burn the walkers that attacked.

Ashlyn nodded as she glanced over at Andrea who had yet to move all night. She was waiting on her little sister Amy to wake up and then they'd have to figure out what to do with her. Andrea wouldn't let anyone near her. Damn near shot Rick when he tried to talk her into moving.

Daryl had suggested just taking the shot before she woke up and tried to kill us all but he was out voted by the others that wanted to just leave her be and let her deal with it her own way. Ashlyn and Merle didn't care either way. They were still pissed about the assholes leaving them on the roof to die.

"Yeah I'm good baby. Just tired and in serious need of a bath." Ashlyn told him he chuckled before walking up and kissing her neck.

"Still smell good to me." He growled and she damn near went weak in the knees at his husky growl. Damn what her husband did to her.

"But seriously. Do you need to rest or eat or anything?" Daryl ask her as they walked over towards Ed to move his body.

"I'm fine honey really. You and Merle haven't let me out of your sight and Merle just gave me some oatmeal about an hour ago. I'll be fine. Don't worry so much." She said as they were joined by Merle who had heard what she said.

"Were just worried is all." Daryl said and she smiled before kissing both their cheeks.

"I know and I love ya for it. But we got work to do." She said before reaching for the pick axe. A small hand stopped her and she looked up to see Carol standing there looking down at her husband's dead body.

"He was my husband. Can I do it please?" she ask and Ashlyn nodded and let her pick up the axe.

The three Dixon's stood back and watched as she slammed the pick axe into old Ed's head over and over crying as she went and Ashlyn knew this was her way of getting her revenge on the bastard and getting closer so they left her to it and went over to the other side of the camp to help load the bodies into their truck to haul up the hill.

A shot rang out a while later and everyone turned to see Andrea crying over Amy's body where she had put her down once she turned and Ashlyn felt bad as hell for the women. She didn't know what she would do if she had to do that to Merle or Daryl but she refused to think on that.

"Jim's been bit." Jacque yelled and Merle ran over and grabbed Jim from behind while Daryl lifted his shirt up.

"Let us see." Daryl said and they gasp when they saw the large bite mark on his stomach and knew there was nothing they could do for him. Merle and Daryl let him go and put their bodies between Ashlyn and Jim as everyone circled around to talk about what to do next.

"What about the CDC. They might have a cure. I heard it before the radios went out." Rick said and Shane scoffed.

"Heard a lot of things Rick don't mean none of its true. We should pack up and head to Fort Benning's." Shane said and Daryl looked at his family before picking up the pick axe.

"Yall do what ya want go chasing after an aspirin I'll do what needs to be done." He said and went to swing towards Jim. Shane and Rick blocked him and Rick put his gun to Daryl's head. Well that shit didn't fly with Ash and Merle and they pulled their weapons on Rick.

"Put it down we don't kill the living." Rick said and Daryl snorted.

"Funny from the man holding a gun to my head." Daryl said and they stared off before Daryl tossed the axe down and walked off.

"Point a weapon at one of my husband's heads again assholes and I'll fucking cut you in half." Ashlyn spat. Shane sneered at her but Rick sighed. He still wasn't winning any points with the women that he owed for saving his son.

Ashlyn joined Daryl and Merle up on the hill and helped unload the bodies. They didn't speak to anyone else and they stood back as they buried the dead and watched Andrea struggle to get her sister in the grave with Dale's help. Ashlyn blinked back the tears. She may not be best friends with these people but all this death was starting to get to her some.

"I need to clean off." Ashlyn told Merle and Daryl who nodded and watched her walk down towards the water. They cleaned up some and listened to Rick and Shane argue about where they should go next. The CDC it seemed was where Rick had decided so Daryl and Merle went down to the water with their wife to clean off and just get away from everything for a moment.

They stood back and took time to admire the view she presented. Bathing naked in the lake before they stripped down and joined her.

"So what's the word from up top now?" Ashlyn ask when she felt there arms wrap around her as they joined her. They each kissed her neck before quickly cleaning off themselves.

"Looks like Rick wants to head to the CDC. It's closest and he hops to find answers." Daryl told her and she hummed and nodded.

"Well, what are we doing? We going with them or staying?" Ashlyn ask and Merle and Daryl shared a look.

"It's not save to stay here anymore. Walkers are moving out of the city. Looking for food. I hate to say it but staying in a larger group is safest." Daryl said and Merle's lip curled at the thought but he didn't argue.

"Yeah, but we need to stick together. Got to watch each other's back since its clean these people anit watching ours." Merle said and they nodded.

"Be nice to get some kind of answers too. About what happened and shit."Ashlyn commented as they dressed.

"Might as well go to the CDC with them. We can always leave on our own later if things don't start looking up with this group." Merle said and they all nodded.

When they got to camp they saw the Morales family leaving on there own to head to Alabama and Ashlyn just knew they'd never make it but it was they life and they had to decide what was best for them.

They agreed to head to the CDC they let Rick know they would go but that they still didn't trust anyone here and they would leave at any moment if anyone did anything else to them on this trip and Rick agreed. He understood where they were coming from and he knew they needed the three Dixon's badly if the others wanted to survive he just had to make sure they knew they were wanted and needed and make sure no one burnt any bridges with them to make them leave. They'd all but die without their help. That Rick knew for sure.