Ieyasu sighed, sauntering up the walkway to the door. He had just bid farewell to his two closest friends and guardians, both of which had been hounding him all day as to why he was so sluggish. Well, the answer was simple. However, Ieyasu didn't feel the need of giving his storm and rain heart attacks.

Reborn would back by the time he got home from school.

That's what his father had told him when he called that morning. The future decimo had been without a tutor for the last month, the greatest month he had had in a long time. He wasn't woken by near death experiences everyday, explosions only happened the occasional time Gokudera encountered Hibari or Mukuro/Chrome, and they weren't on some mafia mission that could endanger his friend's lives. All was extraordinarily normal.

So, when Ieyasu looked up at the door to the place he called home, it took quite a while to convince himself to open the door. He hadn't felt to… relaxed since his demon tutor came. It felt good, not having to be beside death all the time. And yet, once he entered that place, ironically his own home, all of that would just disappear.

Because, as much as Ieyasu wanted to deny it, that month was just an illusion created by Reborn. His friends, his pride, his family, no way in hell could they ever survive in a normal setting. Even if they did continue to live peaceful lives, they would eventually get thrown into the mafia. That's what's going to happen when they graduate. Sighing, the heir walked to his home, and with a moment of hesitation, he pulled the door open.

He looked around, but his hyper intuition wasn't shouting danger, in the near vicinity at least. Slowly, his body loosened, having gone rigid when he entered. Exhaling, he called, "I'm home!"

Nothing, except the sound of his mother humming.

The blonde shut the door, scoffing. Reborn must really be getting to him. "Welcome home, Ie-kun!" greeted his ever bright mother. Smiling back, Ieyasu returned the sentiments and walked up the stairs, where Reborn would invariably be seated on his bed. "Oh, Ie-kun!" Nana called to him just as he reached the top, "Reborn has a guest! He came this morning, and they have been exploring the town. I think they're back now!"

Ieyasu froze. The last time Reborn brought a guest, he had tricked into thinking he had actually killed someone. Taking a shaky breath, the blonde forced himself to continue to his room. It took him minutes to force his lead-like limbs to walk. Finally, Ieyasu arrived, and forced himself to open the door.

Instinctually, he closed his eyes, anticipating an explosion, but no pain came to his body. Slowly, Ieyasu opened his eyes, only to be faced with… a bare back?

Standing in the middle of his room was a half naked man, a little more than a head taller than him, with caramel hair that reached his butt. The top was more wild, freely spiked, similar to his own. However, Ieyasu's blonde locks were far less tame.

On his bottom, he wore tailored black slacks, which suited his tanned skin. Ieyasu could even see the outlines of numerous scars on his back and arms. The man soon turned around, to reveal surprisingly young features. His face, heart shaped, but without baby fat, matched very well with his chocolate orbs that seemed to have a sunset glow. However, those eyes betrayed his youthful looks. They showed years of brutality.

"Um," Ieyasu mumbled, blushing slightly as the man looked him over. Brightening, the intruder seemed to realize something and hurried to pull on his shirt. In almost seconds, his well built muscles disappeared under the silky white material. Swiftly, he expertly knotted his tie in seemingly a single, fluid motion. It was orange with black patterns.

The stranger smiled kindly at him, a strange opposite to all of Reborn's associates. "I'm sorry for that. I guess you could say Reborn and I had something of an adventure. My shirt got ketchup all over it so I had to change. Reborn went to burn the old one," he explained. Ieyasu slowly nodded, understanding the circumstances, and now feeling bad he had stared at a nice guy changing.

"Um, okay...but...err, who are you?"

The brunette paused, before chuckling softly. So far, the man's gentle nature reminded the blonde of his mother. "I guess Reborn didn't tell you," he muttered, shaking his head. "I'm Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, and I'll be helping Reborn tutor you!"


"Wow, I've never seen such a quiet place," Tsuna exclaimed, walking down the local market. Reborn remained quiet as his fellow hitman inspecting and memorizing the town layout. It also helped that Tsuna was an amazing actor when it came to looking innocent, or at least Reborn thought it was an act. It was frustratingly hard to tell.

They had already hit the shopping district and educational facilities, so that left the recreational district.

The raven led the other to the street where arcades, cafes and other 'fun' shops lined it. The brunette whistled, impressed at how much the little town had.

They soon entered a cafe, small, obsolete, and close to closing. It was perfect for a visit from two, world-class hitman. The 360 view was nothing to laugh at either. Reborn ordered an espresso and milk tea as Tsuna sat down at the best place; next to the exit and with the widest view.

Reborn went across from him, and observed the dazed look in the other's eyes, reminiscent. They continued like that, until their beverages were eventually served. "Pretty slow service for an empty place," Tsuna admonished, sipping the tea. His eyes flashed with surprise, and looked down at the cup. "But they serve a darn good cup of tea."

The arcobaleno, seeing his reaction, followed in suit. He had to concur; it was far better than most places. The only one better, in fact, were Luche's and Tsuna's. The (physically) older seemed to mull over the drink in his hand, before setting it down after that first sip. He stood up, obviously resolved about something. The waitress, though greatly unattentive, managed to realize the brunette hitman had risen.

"Hahi! Customer-san, you're leaving without finishing your drink? Very well! I will go get a platter for your dishes!" she declared, rushing back to the kitchen. Tsuna, reaching out his hand, wanted to correct her error, but sighed, letting her leave and returning to his seat.

For some reason, however, when she came back 10 minutes later, she had ketchup, a pot of espresso, and a small piece of chocolate mousse cake. "Alright! Here's your order!" she chirped setting the cake down and refilling Reborn's mug. The ketchup stayed in her hand. "Um, miss, I'm afraid you must have mixed it up, but whatever. I just wanted to ask to work here," Tsuna said.

Shocked, the waitress, Haru, dropped the glass bottle of ketchup on Tsuna's shoulder. It shattered, and a pint of thick red sauce doused his entire side. "Hahi! I'm so sorry!" she apologized, but didn't really know what to do. Reborn sighed at the whole fiasco.

In the end, when Tsuna's shirt was being 'recycled', the brunette solidified his job with the owner and main chef, and discovered the waitress was actually a cousin of one of the workers at his old job at the Cielo cafe.