A while ago, I was working on a story called "Sibling Jealousy: The Final Outcome". I was not really happy with what I wrote, so I decided to start fresh and re write it. So here it is.

This story is the sequel to the story "Sibling Jealousy" so it's better if you read that story first otherwise you won't understand what's going on. Reminder that I don't own Lion King, Disney does.

Anyways, here's chapter 1 and please review.

A young lioness stepped out of the den, smiling as the warm African sun shone on her face.

"Your Highness!" Zazu flew down to her.

"Good morning," Kiara greeted.

"Splendid morning isn't it," Zazu said. " Do you mind telling Kopa and Kovu that there's nothing to deal with today?"

"Of course," Kiara said, and after bidding her farewell, Zazu flew off.

"Why're you up so early?" A voice called out to her. Kiara turned to see her sister in-law walking towards her.

"Morning, 'Siri," Kiara said, and Jasiri gave her a friendly bump.

"You'd think that after a year you'd get used to Kopa's snoring, but on some nights I wonder how I'll get a wink of sleep!" Jasiri grinned and Kiara cracked up.

"He was just like that when we were cubs! Heck, this is why I slept with my father mostly while he was with my mother." Kiara chuckled.

"Would you two please just quit it?" Kopa asked, emerging from the den with a bit of a goofy grin on his face. "I don't snore that loud!"

"Yes you do!" Jasiri and Kiara shot back, causing Kopa to roll his eyes.

"Lionesses!" Kopa muttered.

"And what about us?" A new voice called. Kopa turned to his aunt, Shani walking up Priderock.

Shani raised her eyebrows at her godson, "Say that again?"

Kopa grinned at her, "Nothing, Auntie. I have to go now." Kopa turned to Jasiri and gave her a quick nuzzle.

"Kiara," Kopa said. "Just remind Kovu that he's dealing with the wildebeest while I'm dealing with the zebra today."

"I will," Kiara nodded.

Jasiri and Shani went into the den while Kiara went into the Royal den that she shared with her mate, Kovu.

Kiara walked up to Kovu, and rubbed her cheek against him as a greeting. Purring, Kovu wrapped his paw around her and pulled her in closer.

"Good morning," Kovu said his breath warm against Kiara's ears.

"Kopa reminded you that's he's dealing with the zebra today and you have to do the wildebeest." Kiara said.

"I know," Kovu said, getting up. He gave Kiara a nuzzle and then walked out of the den.

Knowing that she didn't have to lead the hunting party today, Kiara walked down to the Waterhole. After taking a drink, she turned to see her cousin, Ari walking towards her.

"Good morning," Kiara greeted.

"Morning," Ari replied. He bent down and lapped at the water, before turning back to Kiara.

"No hunting today?" Ari asked, and Kiara shook her head.

"Are Kovu and Kopa gone? Do they need any help today?" Ari asked.

"No they don't, but thank you." Kiara said. "If they do, I'm sure they'll tell you."

Ari nodded and the two of them went back to Priderock.

Kiara went inside and nuzzled her aging uncle, Hariku. Hariku gave her a brief smile back.

"How are you feeling Uncle?" Kiara asked.

Hariku smiled at his great niece, "Just a bit tired."

"Get some rest then. I'll tell Zuri or Anjani to bring you something if you get hungry." Kiara assured. With his mate, Kiara's great aunt, Kudeka gone, the only family that Hariku really had left other than Nala was his two daughters, Zuri and Anjani.

Hariku nodded and laid his head down to get some rest.

Kiara then saw a little cub prodding up to her, mewing and squeaking.

"Hey, Afua." Kiara greeted.

Afua up curiously at her, "Sweeping?"

"Sleeping," Kiara corrected with a smile. "And yes, your Grandpa is sleeping."

"Afua, how many times do I have to tell you not to leave without me?" Zuri stormed over to Afua. Afua just mewed at his mother.

Zuri then turned to Kiara, "Be glad that you don't have cubs!"

Kiara laughed but she honestly couldn't wait to have cubs of her own.

"Come on," Zuri said, nudging Afua back to where the two of them slept, with her mate Malka.


Meanwhile, Jasiri was waiting for Kopa to return from his duties. After a while, she saw him heading her way. Jasiri looked again, and realized that there was a lioness talking to him. At first she thought it was Kiara, but then as they walked closer she saw that it wasn't Kiara.

It was Nalia.

Jasiri growled silently, she hated Nalia being anywhere close to her mate. She knew that Nalia had something for Kopa, even though he already had a mate.

Jasiri got up, and went over to Kopa, greeting him with a loving nuzzle. Kopa smiled and returned her affection.

"Nalia," Jasiri greeted her tone slightly on the edge.

"Jasiri," Nalia nodded. Jasiri knew that despite her authority as one of the Queens, Nalia didn't seem to care. She would talk to Kopa, even though she knew Jasiri didn't like it.

"I'll see you two later," Nalia said, and after bidding them good bye, she walked back to Priderock. Jasiri watched her go.

"Jasiri, what's wrong?" Kopa asked, giving her a nudge.

Jasiri looked at him. Why were males so clueless? Didn't Kopa realize what kind of issues she had with Nalia?

"Nothing," Jasiri said. "Come on; let's go to the Fallen Trees." She gave his cheek a lick to assure him that she was alright. Kopa nodded, entwining his tail with hers as the two of them began walking over to where the Fallen Trees were.


Simba was resting at the Pride's resting place, when he felt a lioness settling down next to him. He turned around expecting it to be Nala, but it was his younger sister, Ajjali.

"Hey Ajjali," Simba greeted.

"Morning," Ajjali said.

"Don't you have hunting?" Simba asked.

"I thought I did, but Kiara doesn't want to go today, so nobody's going." Ajjali said.

"Too scared to go by yourself?" Simba asked, smirking? No matter how old he got, he still loved teasing Ajjali.

"No!" Ajjali shot back. "Besides, I've never really gone by myself. Mom and Daddy never really let me and…"

Ajjali's voice trailed off at the mention of their parents. Mufasa had passed away about a year ago, six months after the reunion of the two Pride's. Sarabi had passed away about four months after that. Both Ajjali and Simba had been grief stricken along with many other family members, but had gradually recovered from their grief.

"Yeah, they were protective of you." Simba said, after a moment of silence.

"Have you by any chance seen Ari?" Ajjali asked, changing the subject.

"No, why?" Simba asked.

"Just want to check up on him," Ajjali said with a shrug. "I mean with his parents gone, I kind of feel responsible for him."

"It's been a two years." Simba reminded. "He's doing fine."

"Simba," Ajjali said. "I've seen him by himself, just staring off into space. He keeps everything hidden inside him. I mean he lost both his parents and losing Malaika was really hard for him. That's the biggest reason he attacked Akila on the day of the war."

Simba nodded, remembering the day of the war. He and Akila had been trying to rip each other apart when Ari had come running. At first Simba had thought that Ari had been aiming for him, and he had thought it was over, and that he would die. But he had been shocked when Ari had attacked Akila, yelling at him that Malaika was gone.

"Yeah I know," Simba said. "I can tell that he's keeps a lot to himself. I know that Nala checks up on him too, but he's doing fine."

"He's brave though. Dealing with it all by himself." Ajjali commented.

"I know," Simba said. "And let's not forget that he had a though cubhood."

Ajjali nodded, and the two of them continued to converse.


Ari was returning from the patrol with Hofu and Kovu. The three males had been laughing and joking around, until Kovu had been informed that the antelope had started another fight.

Ari had offered to come and give him some help with dealing with them, but Kovu had said it was fine. This time he planned on being fiercer with the antelope to make sure they didn't cause trouble again.

"I'll see you two later," Kovu sighed, and began walking away. Hofu and Ari watched him go, laughing at him, just to annoy him.

"Ari," Hofu said, "I know this isn't the best thing to ask you and it…but I want to know…"

"What is it?" Ari asked.

"My parents, Sarafina and Runju, you knew that they were the allies?" Hofu asked.

"Yes I did. I was the only cub that did." Ari said. "I found out after Akila tried to take over the Pridelands by kicking the males out. After he lost, my mother told me. After a while, they visited, around once a month and would stay for an hour or so. I always played with Grandma and Grandpa when they came. Sometimes, I could tell that Grandpa was really mad at Akila, but when I asked, he said it was nothing." Ari said.

Hofu was silent for a moment, before he sighed. "They lied to us all these years. I mean, that promise that Akila made that he wouldn't hurt Nala and the twins was a complete lie. After he attacked the twins, it was obvious he would break that promise, but my parents couldn't break the alliance or else he would kill Nala right away. That's why Dad must have been so angry at him. But was he angry at Malaika too?"

"Well," Ari said thoughtfully. "Not really. There were times that I heard him talking to Malaika in a warning voice, but other than that, he seemed happy to be with Malaika."

Hofu nodded a small smile on his face. "Malaika and I were kind of his favorite. Dad always wanted a son and he seemed to really love Malaika a lot. Whenever he got mad, Nala nearly always took the blame for it."

"Didn't Grandma try and stop that though?" Ari asked.

"Dad didn't always treat Nala badly though. But he did enough for Nala to have a right to be angry at him. When he went overboard with yelling at her, Mom would step in, but she usually didn't interfere with Dad and Nala. Malaika defended Nala though."

"Did Grandpa ever treat my mother like that?" Ari asked.

"No," Hofu said. "Well, he did yell at her too, but nowhere near as much as he did at Nala. But Nala always reminds me of the time that when I was really young, Malaika was supposed to be watching me. But apparently, she ran off with Keshni and Aro, and Nala found out. She was with Shani, but then came back to Priderock to check up on me, but I was gone. She went looking for me, but I managed to find Malaika, and she brought me back to Priderock, just as Dad came back."

"What happened next?" Ari asked.

"Well," Hofu said. "Dad thought that Malaika had taken me out on a walk, even though both Nala and she weren't allowed to take me yet. Malaika was too scared to say that she had run off while she was supposed to be watching me, so she made up a good lie. She told Dad that while she was watching me, Nala had offered to watch him, and then I had wandered away from Nala. Malaika told Dad that she had begun to look for Hofu when she had seen Nala looking for me."

Ari couldn't help but smile, "What happened after that? What happened to aunt Nala?"

"Nala came running to Priderock right after Malaika finished telling Dad the story, and Nala was just about to start yelling at Malaika that she had no responsibility when she saw me with Dad. Nala was relieved but then Dad gave started yelling and lecturing her, and Nala had no idea what why he was yelling at her." Hofu said.

"Didn't she just tell Grandpa that it was my mother who let you run off?" Ari asked.

"After Dad stopped yelling at her and took me inside, Nala asked Malaika what she had told Dad. Malaika told her and Nala was furious at Malaika, and refused to talk to her for days after that. But Nala didn't tell Dad that it was Malaika's fault though." Hofu said, his voice going soft as he explained the last part. "She didn't let Malaika take the blame. If she had told Dad, he would have given Malaika a lecture worse than Nala's, and she knew that. She saved Malaika from that."

"Wow," Ari said, softly. "I wasn't raised to see Nala as that."

"She is," Hofu said. "I couldn't have asked for a better sister."

Ari nodded and the two of them continued to converse as they made their way back to Priderock.

Hope you enjoyed and please review. This chapter was just kind of introducing the characters again, and showing some of the characters who will play a key role in this story. Can you guess what will happen next? Stay tuned to find out.