He was eleven.

She was ten.

Fifth grade was finally over, so the entire fifth grade class decided to have a farewell party at the most popular girl's house, Cassidy, who was the first one to ever wear makeup in their grade at Marino Elementary.

"Alright, everybody. My parents left yesterday to go on some business trip, and my big sister went to some college party," Cassidy announced. "So let's play a little game," she said.

Ten year old Ally felt her little, innocent heart drop. Why was there no parental guard in this household? What if there's a kidnapper? Ally wasn't aware that the parents would leave, otherwise she wouldn't have informed her parents that Cassidy would have adults there. She'd never lie to her parents before, but it wasn't the only thing she would lie about, tonight.

The group of children sat in a circle with loud party music to fill in the background. "Alright," Cassidy emerged from the kitchen, holding an empty wine bottle. "We're going to play a game I heard my sister play called Seven minutes in Heaven." She set the bottle down on the wooden floor, center of the circle.

Little Trish raised her hand. "What's that?" She asked for herself, and her best friend Ally. The rest of the fifth graders looked curious as well.

Cassidy rolled her eyes at the innocence around her. "Well you spin the bottle, and whoever guy it lands on then you go into the closet with them for seven minutes and do," she paused and bit her bottom lip, "things."

Ally looked frantically around the room, praying quietly for everyone to stand up and scream about cooties. Unfortunately she was the only one who still wanted to believe in that.

Kira giggled as she found Ally's expression stitched on her face. "Are you scared, Ally? Scaredy-cat."

The next thing she knew the whole circle, except for the boys and Trish, started chanting "Ally's a scaredy-cat," which eventually transformed to "Ally-cat, Ally-cat!" Which, coincidentally, is something her dad always calls her.

She scrunched up her face, annoyed, and grabbed the bottle. "I'm not scared!" She yelled, quieting down the chanting.

Cassidy scoffed. "Fine, but you better not chicken out in the closet. Or you can't be in the party anymore," she threatened.

Ally kneeled down in the middle of the circled, spun the bottle, and returned to her place in the circle next to Trish and some brunette.

It spun, spun, slowed down.. Stopped.

Unfortunately she had to give it another go because it landed on Tilly Thompson, the girl that hated her for some unknown reason since kindergarten, but she was secretly pleased that it stalled her from going in the closet with some boy.

It spun, spun, stopped.

The circle filled with giggles as the bottle landed on the boy who had lost his pants to an umbrella on the field trip to the beach last school year. He was still one of the popular boys, however. Ally still wondered who the popular kids would be next year in middle school.

Cassidy popped right up from the circle, clasping her hands together as it made a loud clapping noise, brining up everyone's attention. "Alright! Austin and Ally get to go into the closet." She took at a little timer from the coffee table and shoved them in the closet, turned the background music on even louder, slammed the door shut, and winded the timer for precisely seven minutes. "Don't be a chicken," they heard her shout.

Their eyes finally met each other for the first time, their faced painted red. Austin, being raised by a strict mother, lent his hand out. "I'm Austin Moon," he smiled charmingly.

Ally could actually feel her eyes burn underneath her brunette hair. "Ally," she whispered, softly, leaving his hand extended to nothing. She inwardly smacked herself for forgetting to shake his hand.

He was afraid she might be able to hear his heartbeat flutter as he heard her speak.

Suddenly, he pecked a kiss on her small lips, drawing back quickly.

"What was that," she yelled in a surprised, embarrassed whisper, even though she knew no one could here them.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "But we don't have much time left, I think," he said.

"To do what?" She asked, curiously. Honesty, she was feeling a little devilish and wanted to do something fun. You only live once, the young ten year thought.

"Okay, well," he explained twiddling his thumbs. His eyes wandered down her short, floral skirt. "Cassidy says we have to do things or else we won't be popular in high school," he explained.

Ally nodded, soon getting the hint. She wasn't always the one to care about her reputation, but she heard that middle school was an important time to show that you're well-known for when you go to high school. It didn't make much sense, but nothing really did as a fifth grader. She dropped her white panties, a small flower print on the waist band, and left it around her ankles. "Okay," she took a deep breath.

They had just watched a video, the opposite genders in separate classrooms, and mostly everyone had the talk with their parents. The ones who didn't have the talk had the talk with the children who did have the talk. It was mostly Cassidy who had the talk with her fellow classmates. They always picked on Ally, her being the very last one to know, up until the teacher played the education video for them.

Austin's eyes widened as he watched her take off her small panties, leaving whatever was under that skirt free. The next he knew, he laid her back against the coats that were neatly hung up, and unzipped his zipper. He pulled it out.

He nervously looked up at the little girl whose eyes had squeezed shut. "Just do it," she said.

He felt it as it first made contact. It was slippery, and, weird.

"Ouch!" She yelled, tears suddenly brimming in her eyes.

He pulled, struggling for it to actually get it out, and covered her mouth. "Sorry! Sorry!" He panicked, zipping his pants back up.

She let out soft whimpers, not even bothering to let the flow of tears fall.

"I didn't know it would hurt!" He whispered, obliviously, wiping the tears off her face. "Why are you bleeding!"

She put her underwear back on and rubbed the dry tears off her cheek. "I knew this was a bad idea," she sobbed.

He sat both of them down, criss-cross apple sauce. "I'm sorry," he apologized again. He looked down, embarrassed. "We can just tell them we didn't do anything if you want," he said, nicely.

She looked up and smiled, sniffling in her last sob. "We can just say we kissed," she offered. "It wouldn't practically be lying."

He smiled back. "Thanks. I won't tell anything else."

"Pinky promise?" She held out her small pinky.

He interlocked his slightly bigger pinky and smirked. "Pinky promise."


"Wake up, dude!" He heard his best friend yell over his oh-so comfortable comforters. "First year of our junior year," he shouted. "How awesome is that?"

Austin rolled his eyes and sat up. "Marino High. Graduates of 2015," he said.

Dez smiled an even bigger, goofier smile. "Cassidy's gonna have another killer Back to School party tonight, ya think your ready?"

The cocky blonde smiled his devious smile. "I always do well at her parties."

After a dozen pancakes from his mother, a firm talk with his dad about doing schoolwork this year, which they both knew never helped, and picking which radio to listen to on the way to school, Dez and Austin drove off.

The two were later joined by their "group," Dallas, Elliot, and Trent.

"You ready for the party tonight?" Trent asked them as they sat down in the back of the class.

Austin took a quick, random glance outside the door into the hallway.

He saw her.

"Austin?" Elliot asked.

He slowly looked over at Elliot, his head faced his friend, but his eyes moving back and fourth between them and the hallway. "Yeah, sure," he mumbled.

Dez gave him a soft punch to the arm. "Why are you zoning out? Class hasn't even started yet," Dez asked.

Austin shook his head. "Nothing," he let out a forced laugh. It had to be nothing. It couldn't be. She moved over three years ago I think?

Kira hopped over and sat on her boyfriend's lap. "Ya'll read for the party?" She asked the group of boys, flirtatiously. "Austin?"

"Yeah," he said.

His eyes met secretively with his group, and felt that familiar guilt of the girl sitting on his lap, had disappeared.

Okay I really really really hope you didn't find that creepy. I swear I'm not a pedophile! I'm only in high school. And I'm a girl. I know that can still mean I could be a pedo, but I swear I'm not. It has to do with the story.

I tried my best not to make it that descriptive, so maybe that helps? Yeah. Please review lol. I'm curious about your thoughts.

Oh and this is gonna be the shortest chapter. It's basically the prologue or something?