In the words of Bo Burham, *holds up can of coke* "Here's to continuity errors!" *drinks can of pepsi*

Yeah, I know I have a lot of them but hey, I do what I want. Like having this written for a couple weeks and just forgetting to add it.

Jane stood in her room and could do nothing but watch her reflection in the mirror as half a dozen asgardian women and girls busied themselves with her hair and makeup while another added some finishing touched to her dress to make sure the slight bump that was forming wasn't obvious. Jane usually would hate all the fuss, but she was technically marrying a prince so she figured she would have to jut go with it. They were doing a very good job and when they had finished she took some time to smiled and marvel and the job they'd done. She looked like a princess. She thought for a moment. She was going to be a princess. Jane smiled and twirled.

Frigga entered the room quietly and smiled at the rare girlish glee on the woman's face. Jane was always so smart and calculating and yet here she was like a little girl who found out she was a princess. She was beautiful and yet that did not seem to occur to her because she sought wisdom not beauty. She was a good balance for her beloved but occasionally thick and arrogant son. Frigga spoke up.

"Jane dear, it is time to go. Your maids are waiting for you." She smiled. Jane turned and walked with her to the corridor outside the great hall where Pepper, Natasha, Darcy, and Loki were waiting. Frigga left to join her husband inside the hall after hugging her younger son, whom she was admittedly worried might not show. He nodded to Jane and smiled.

"Well now, it would seem that you truly are going to be my sister." He smirked lightly. Jane opened her mouth to tell him off.

"Though to be honest I never really had a doubt. The oaf had always been utterly smitten with you from the very beginning. I could never see why. But then again..." He peered over her shoulder slightly and smiled. "There seems to be something irresistible about some Midgardian girls." He turned away and stood by the door.

Jane turned to see what he was looking at just in time to be tackled by Darcy, dressed in a beautiful ankle-length lavender dress that fit her figure very nicely, showing off her many curves. Erik stood behind her and waved weakly then embraced Jane as well, carefully avoiding eye contact with Loki.

"Wow Jane, they did a really good job. You look so trim..." Darcy smiled weakly and hugged her friend.

"You look marvellous Jane." Erik smiled.

"Yeah, we figured we would try to keep it quiet about the baby so there's no scandal or rumours that we're marrying for anything other than love." Jane rubbed her lower abdomine gently and smiled. Erik opened his mouth in shock.

"What?" Erik asked in surprise, but he was drowned out by Darcy.

"Yeah, well it's not like you were trying to get pregnant." Darcy shrugged.

"Yes, quite the opposite really. I was on the pill and we were always careful about protection. I was really very shocked." Jane frowned slightly.

"Jane are you-?" Erik tried but Darcy cut him off.

"Really, you were surprised that mortal birth control didnt keep the thunder-wonder at bay?" Darcy smirked and cocked an eyebrow sarcastically.

"Well, why wouldn't I be?" Jane looked mildly insulted.

"I certainly am!" Erik tried to shout but Darcy cut him off again.

"God of fertility Jane, duh!" Darcy shook her hands beside Jane's head.

Jane face palmed and shook her head.

"Darcy shut up. The wedding is starting now and poor Erik is trying to say something." Jane smiled as Darcy mouthed a hurried "oh!" And ran to Loki's side so they could walk together as best man and maid of honour. Erik turned to Jane and took her arm, he would be walking her in as her dear departed father's stand in. He looked at her and smiled, a smile which she returned.

"Jane," Erik started. She nodded for him to continue. "Why did you not tell me that you are pregnant with a half extra terrestrial child?" He finished and looked at her sternly. She blushed and shrugged.

"Oops, I must've forgotten. This pregnancy has been making me forgetful." Jane muttered. Erik laughed.

"If pregnancy can melt the mind of the Great Jane Foster, then can you imagine how bad poor Darcy will be some day." Erik teased playfully. Darcy turned and stuck her tongue out at him.

"I still won't be as loopy as you oh Great Pantsless wonder." Darcy whisper-shouted. Loki nudged his beloved as the doors opened.

Darcy and Loki entered together. He whispered something in her ear and she blushed. Then they linked arms and walked together followed by Pepper with Tony and Natasha with Bruce. Loki stood beside Thor and Thor's face brightened instantly. Loki smiled awkwardly and patted his brother lightly on the back. Thor clapped him heartily on the back and pulled him into a right embrace.

"It's good to see you here brother, by my side as you should be." Thor smiled.

"Yes, quite, but Thor, I am pretty sure you will much prefer the sight of the woman whom will be at your side from now on."

Loki took a step back so that Thor could have a clear view of Jane. His jaw dropped. She was absolutely stunning. She looked regal and elegant enough to be a queen and wise enough to be an immortal. She was perfect. They knelt side by side before the Allfather, both beaming brightly.

The ceremony went smoothly and quickly and the reception was absolutely beautiful. An orchestra played music in the great hall and everyone was dancing happily. Loki and Darcy were happily daning together except for the family dance where Loki danced with his beloved mother and Darcy danced with her Tony. Pepper smiled at the two, they really could pass as father and daughter. Now that she thought about it she remembered that she had not actually gotten the DNA test back that Tony had jokingly admitted to doing. She shook her head and smiled. Tony came back and wrapped his arms around her.

"Pretty soon, Pep, it'll be you and me in the middle making goo-goo eyes." He nodded towards Thor and Jane. Tony raised his glass.

"Here's to the happy couple!" He shouted happily.

Everyone cheered and downed their drinks happily as Thor and Jane bowed and then quietly took their leave of the celebration to do some celebrating of their own.