Author's Note:

Hey everyone. I know that it's been awhile since I last updated, but here is the next chapter!

I hope you all enjoy it and please please please leave reviews on what you think of the story! I'm getting writer's block and I could really use the push.

Chapter Seven – What Couldn't Be

Cassie walked into the nightclub arm in arm with Kurt, who she openly agreed to go with as his date. It didn't take that much convincing, she thought he was good looking. Plus, the fact that John and her were on the outs right now made the decision easier. John tried to act like nothing happened and tried to make things go back to normal.

They grabbed a few drinks and she looked over at Cara, who looked uncomfortable. Cass felt bad for her, she knew John didn't want to be here, in the open. It's not his scene, but she thought he would at least do it for Cara. They stood at the bar for a while, downing shot after shot. She wouldn't lie, she was already feeling drunk so then they went onto the dance floor.

After a few songs, Kurt asked her if she wanted another drink. Cassie nodded so he walked away to get a few more. She was standing by herself awkwardly when a random guy came up and started to dance behind her. She tried to get away but he grabbed her arm and kept her near him.

Cass yanked her arm away and pushed him in the chest, "Walk away." I screamed angrily and he nodded then walked away on her command. It didn't feel the same though, it felt like he was actually just listening to her, not her powers.

"For a second I thought I was going to need to save you again," She heard someone say behind her and she whipped her head around to find John standing behind her smirking.

She squealed before jumping into his arms and he held her close to him as she stumbled, "You came! I thought this wasn't your scene," Cassie slurred and pointed an accusing finger towards him.

He swatted her hand away, "And you're drunk already." He chuckled, shaking his head, and helped her resume her balance.

She pulled her two index fingers together and squinted an eye, "Just slightly. Kurt is being really nice today," She yelled over the music and he nodded. He didn't look too happy about that, "Where's Cara?"

"I don't know, I wanted to see you first," He whispered into her ear and Cassie could feel a warm blush creeping up her neck.

She pulled away, "Well I think you should go find her." The ends of his lips pointed down quickly then returned into a smile. Kurt came back with two more drinks and handed Cass one, she drank it quickly.

Kurt grinned at John, "Look who came out of hiding."

"Have fun tonight," He snapped harshly to Kurt then walked away from us, shoving Kurt's shoulder before leaving to go find Cara. Cassie looked up at Kurt confused and shrugged, "What was that all about?" She asked curiously and he grinned, revealing his dimples.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest, "He's just jealous that I have the hottest girl in this room in my arms right now." He whispered in her ear and Cassie looked up at him, he leaned down and kissed her lips gently.

They walked over to where Irene was dancing and joined her, she was attempting to dance but it looked more like a fish out of water. Kurt pulled Cass into him and kissed her again and she didn't hesitate to kiss him back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she tangled her fingers in his long hair. "You know I've wanted to do this since the first day I came to that underground station," He whispered and she pulled away to look up at him.

Cassie pulled him back down to her lips and pressed them against his, "Well it sure took you long enough to make your first move."

"I always thought you liked John, my sincerest apologies," He chuckled and Cassie grazed her hands down from his shoulders to his chest. She leaned her head against his chest and tried to listen to John and Cara, but she couldn't hear anything. Actually, she couldn't hear anyone around her.

She looked up and saw Cara walking towards them, she pulled Irene's arm. Cara looked over towards Kurt and Cassie, "Let's go. We need to get out of here and find John."

Cassie nodded and followed her off the dance floor and they walked down the stairs, Cass saw John with Russell at the VIP bar. She walked over to John quickly when she heard a gunshot behind her. Cassie turned around instantly and saw a woman walking down the steps with a machine gun. Cassie ducked down quickly and John grabbed her arm and everyone started to scream. More men started running down the stairs with guns and John pulled Cassie with him and they jumped over the bar and hid behind it.

"Stay down! Stay down!" John was calling to everyone, but people kept screaming. She looked around and saw Irene next to her but she was shot in the stomach, she frantically searched for Kurt.

Cassie went to lean up but John pulled her back down, "John, stop I need to find Kurt!"

He rolled his eyes at the mention of his name, "Forget about Kurt right now. This is about keeping you alive," He looked seriously at her. Cassie turned her head and saw Cara next to Irene. "I knew something wasn't right," John mumbled under his breath angrily and Cassie grabbed his arm.

Cara touched Irene's side where she was shot and she let out a small scream in pain and Cass swallowed hard. The lights turned off and Cass let go of John's arm to look around, but before she knew it he was running towards the shooters. "John, no!" She screamed and turned the corner to look at what he was doing. He pushed the one girl out of the way and she fell to the ground then he hit one of the men, then the other. Russell jumped out of his hiding spot and kicked one of them, then moved the bar and tried to get the rest who were hiding out of there safely.

"Come on," He shouted and waved his arm for them to go, "Come on. Come on, come on!" He shouted louder as John kept fighting for dominance. "Go! Go, go, go!"

Everyone started to run out of there and John turned the corner and kneeled in front of them and helped Irene up. "Let's go," He said and Cara helped her up and they ran out. John grabbed Cassie's arm and pulled her with him and they started to run out of there. He pushed her in front of him and turned around and put one of the guys in a head lock. Cassie stopped running and turned to wait for him, he looked up and Cassie saw Jedikiah pointing the gun at him. He waved his hand towards Cassie, "Go! Get out of here!"

Her eyes grew wide, "No! Not without you!" John let out a deep breath before dropping the man onto the ground and grabbed her waist and they ran down the steps. Once they were outside, they all split up and Russell and Kurt vanished away from there. John punched a man and Cara and Irene kept running.

"John!" Cara screamed towards him, but he picked up a gun from the guy he punched. A man ran out behind them and started to shoot towards Cassie, Cara, and Irene but they all ducked down. One of the bullets hit Cassie's arm and she let out a loud antagonizing scream and fell to the ground. She looked over at John who pointed the gun at the man and shot him, killing him.

Cassie looked over at Cara, who looked just as shocked as she did. Cass gasped out and he screamed towards Cara, "Get her out of here!" Cara turned away and she teleported her and Irene away from there.

Cassie put her hand on her arm and grabbed it in pain trying to stop the blood, "John, I need your help!" He looked over at Cass and dropped the gun to the ground. He ran over to her and she held her hand out for his, he grabbed her hand and they disappeared back to the hide out.

Once they were back home, everyone was frantic. Cara and Russell were trying to save Irene, Stephen teleported into the room. "John, can you help her?" Cara asked and Cassie sat on the step grabbing her arm and letting out a groan. "Cass? Oh my God, Cass are you okay?" Cara looked over towards her as her eyes widened.

"Get her comfortable," John motioned towards Irene and Stephen stood up angrily, "Get her comfortable? So she can die? Keep pressure on it," He yelled towards Cara and she nodded. "We need to get her to a hospital," Stephen announced to John.

John skimmed his eyes around the room, "She's not the only one hurting. We were ambushed," John explained.

"Yeah, I know. I was there," Stephen admitted and John grabbed his arm furiously. "It my uncle, I tried to warn you," Stephen pulled his arm free from John's grasp and looked around the room shaking his head.

John screamed at Stephen, "We have three dead because of him!" John grabbed his arm once again but Stephen smacked John's hand away, "What about Irene? Do you want to make it four?"

Stephen walked back over to Irene and they all tried to help her and Cassie sat there by herself, like her injury meant nothing. "I am not breaking protocol again!" John yelled at Stephen and Cass closed her eyes trying to keep back the tears. "That's what got us into this mess!"

John walked over to Cass and grabbed her arm lightly and she winced, "John, it hurts." He brushed her hair out of her face and put his hand to her wound and used his powers. She could feel the bullet moving inside of her, trying to force its way out. She watched as it flew out of her skin and into his hand and she let out a loud scream. The pain ceased a little and she let out a relieved sigh, "Thank you."

Cassie looked over and Stephen was picking Irene up in his arms. "I got her," John stood up and stared at him. "I'm breaking protocol," He vanished out of there with her in his arms.

Kurt ran over to Cassie and grabbed her face in his hands and John turned away from them quickly and moved on to another person. "Hey, hey, are you okay?" Kurt asked her looking straight into her eyes.

She nodded and he kissed the top of her head, "Yeah, I'm fine."

He touched her wound lightly and she flinched away from his touch, "This is all my fault!" He mumbled under his breath and Cassie shook her head. "I'm such a horrible person. I can't believe I left you and you got hurt. I am so sorry," He stared at her sadly.

Cass shook her head and placed her hand, though it was covered in blood, on his cheek. "This is not your fault, Kurt. It's not like you knew this was going to happen. The only thing that matters is that we are both safe and alive," He helped her stand up and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Let's go clean you up," He placed his hand under her chin and they walked out of there while everyone cleared out of the common room.

They walked into his bedroom and she sat down on his bed, he walked over to her with a damp rag and some alcohol. He leaned down to be eye level with her, "I'm not gonna lie, but this is going to sting." He warned her and she nodded. Cass bit her bottom lip and he poured the alcohol over her wound, she cried out in pain and he applied the damp rag. "I'm sorry," He apologized and kissed her forehead.

"It is fine, I swear," She reassured him with a weak smile and he cleaned up the wounded area. He wrapped it up in a bandage and she leaned back against his bed. She laid on her back and stared up at the ceiling.

He walked over to his bureau and pulled out a change of clothes, "I'm, uh, going to get changed. Do you want to change into something more comfortable?" He swallowed hard and she smirked at him. She leaned up on her good elbow, "More comfortable? Is that your way of asking if I want to sle-"

There was a loud rapping at the door and Kurt opened it up, John was standing on the other side with his arms crossed. "Let's go, we're having a meeting," He motioned towards Kurt then looked over at Cassie, who was laying on Kurt's bed still. He narrowed his eyes before nodding his head to get out of the room.

Cassie stood up and they all gathered in the common room. Stephen came back shortly after and she looked over and Cara was sitting at a table. "Next," She announced and someone else sat down in front of her. Kurt walked away from Cassie and sat down on a chair.

"What's going on?" Stephen asked Russell and John looked over at him.

John answered Stephen's question for Russell, "Ultra knew we were going to be at that party. Someone gave us up and no one is leaving this room until I find out who!" John yelled across the room and everyone looked away from him. Cassie gave him a confused look as he walked away from them and stared at Cara.

Russell added to his answer, "Cara is searching everyone's mind to find out who the traitor is."

"Traitor?" Stephen questioned, raising an eyebrow, and walked over to John.

Cassie arched an eyebrow to Russell and they both shrugged. She walked away from Russell and towards Kurt. She looked over and stopped in her tracks when Stephen explained that he would go next, he walked over to Cara and sat down. He extended his hands towards her and she placed hers in his.

Cass looked back over at Kurt and he looked like he on the verge of having a break down, "I swear to God. It wasn't supposed to happen like that!" He let out in a shaky breath and Cassie's jaw dropped and everybody stared at him in shock.

"What did you just say?" John snapped walking in front of Cassie, pushing her to the side, and staring at Kurt.

Kurt was shaking his head back and forth and his breaths were growing abnormal, "They said that no one would get hurt." He looked up at John, "They said they just wanted you."

"Who said that Kurt?" He leaned down in Kurt's face, "Ultra?"

There were tears filling Kurt's eyes and Cassie covered her mouth with her hand, "They lied to me." Cassie swallowed hard and placed her hand to her forehead.

John pulled Kurt off of the chair forcefully with his hands, "You son of a bitch!" John screamed and Kurt tried to free himself. Kurt pushed John back a little bit and he was trying to catch his breath.

Kurt had tears swelling in his eyes, "You said you were going to kick me out for trying to visit my mom!" Kurt yelled as he tried to defend himself.

"So you went to our enemy?" John demanded from him, but Kurt only looked over towards Cassie with pleading eyes. She chuckled under her breath and took a deep breath, before turning away from him angrily. "I went to go say goodbye to my mom for good. You were right, I shouldn't have gone. They were there," He raised his voice. "But what was I supposed to do?" His neck vein popped out and his voice was higher than normal, cracking in the middle of his sentence. "They said that they would kill her if I didn't help them capture you!"

Russell stepped forward, "So you let them kill three of our own instead?" Russell was vulnerable, more than anyone had ever seen him. "We trusted you. We made you one of us, you piece of shit!" He tried to lunge for Kurt but John grabbed him and pulled him back. Cara pushed herself out of her chair and started to walk over to the group in the middle of the room.

Cassie's heart was pounding in her chest, "You knew about it this entire time? You let them shoot me!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and tried to hold back the tears that were falling from her eyes. She laughed to herself, "Was this your whole master plan? That's why you were acting so nice to me tonight."

He shook his head furiously, "No, Cassie! I like you, I really like you and everything I said tonight." He let his face drop down so he was looking at the ground, before looking back up at her. "It was true, all of it," He pleaded genuinely and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

She took a step forward, but John held her back, "Then why did you do it? Huh?! You could have warned us, you could have told me!" She pushed John's arm away from her and walked closer to him, "It was all a lie. Everything was a lie with you." She went to swing her hand towards his face but she felt two arms wrap around her waist. John picked her up off of her feet and carried her back over, away from him, "You son of a bitch! Tell me why you did it! Tell me!" Cassie screamed desperately as John placed her on the ground beside her sister.

Kurt shook his head and went to say something else, but Cara stopped him and put her arm out in front of Cassie. Cara stepped in front of all of them, "We treated you like family, Kurt. We saved your life and this is how you repay us?"

"What are you going to do?" He asked in a scared tone. His body was trembling forward and he was sobbing.

All of a sudden, Cara swung her hand at him and he was thrown back against the wall with a strong force. Cassie glanced over in Cara's direction and she was fuming with anger. Cara vanished away and he fell down onto the bench and rolled off. He looked around confused but then Cara appeared next to him with the syringe of the cure for our kind and was holding it against his neck.

"Ah!" He screamed out in sheer horror, "No, somebody." Kurt pleaded on the verge of tears. "Somebody stop her!" He yelled louder and John and Stephen took a few steps forward. Cassie stayed completely still, she felt betrayed.

"Cara," Stephen announced calmly, "That serum was not easy to come by, okay? He's not worth it."

She looked over at Kurt and whispered, "You're not one of us Kurt." Russell and Cassie took a step forward this time, but John put his arms up keeping them back. "Not anymore," She pushed the syringe into his neck and he let out a scream. Cassie winced and clenched her eyes shut not looking at them, he started to shake uncontrollably. "If you breathe a word of this to anyone. If you try to lead Ultra back here, I swear to God, I will get inside your head. I will magnify the pain that you won't even recognize your mother's face. Do you hear me Kurt?" She dropped him and he started convulsing on the floor and she stood up. "Get him out of here," She barked and walked out of the room without glancing at any of them.

John went to go towards Kurt, but Cassie grabbed his arm. He turned around to face her and she stepped forward, "I got this." He tilted his head to the side and she widened her eyes, so he nodded in agreement. She walked over to him and grabbed his arm and they disappeared out of there. They landed on top of a building, the same roof that they always go.

He laid on the ground staring up at her, she put her feet on either side of his waist and stood over him. "Cass, what are you going to do to me?" He asked and she looked down at him.

She still felt the tears in her eyes and she leaned down so she was hovering over him, "I don't want to hurt you. I really don't want to hurt you like you hurt me."

He reached up and placed his hand on the back of her knee and she shook her head, "I didn't mean to hurt you. You have to believe me."

She kneeled down so she was straddling his waist and she stared at him blankly, "Isn't that what they all say?" She lifted her lip into a quick snarl and shook her head foolishly, "I can't be with you. I can't forgive you." She bit her bottom lip to calm herself and she shook her head in laughter, "I can't even trust you."

He put his hands on her hips and grazed his thumbs along her hipbones, "You can trust me. I'm human now, I can't hurt you."

She pulled his hands off of her waist and snapped at him, "Don't you think you hurt me enough? I really started to like you. I thought you were one of the good ones," She shook her head and a tear spilled out of her eye and he sat up. He put his hand on her right cheek and wiped the tear away from under her eye. She closed her eyes and let her cheek fall against his touch. He moved his lips towards hers and kissed her gently, putting his hand in the back of her hair.

He locked his bright blue eyes on hers, "This is what I want. I just want you," He stammered and Cassie bit her lip trying to keep herself together.

She put both hands on his face and let her fingers graze down his cheeks to his lips. "I wanted you too, but it can't happen. It's impossible," She nodded and tears fell from his eyes.

"I ruined it. I ruined us," His face scrunched up and he started to cry.

She pulled him into her for one last time and hugged him tightly. He pulled away from her to stare at her. Cassie leaned in and pressed her lips against his and he put his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her harder. They deepened the kiss and his tongue slid into her mouth. This kiss was more passionate than all the others, it felt real.

She pulled away when they were both breathless and she licked her lips, "Kurt. I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do." He gave her a confused look and she stared straight into his eyes, narrowing them on his. "You are going to forget about what happened tonight. You went to a club, met a girl and had a lot of fun with her. You went back home and passed out drunk. You are going to forget about me, what we shared together. You'll forget about all the Tomorrow People. You'll forget about our home, your room where we almost spent the night together. Because I was going to, I wanted to so damn badly. I wanted us to be real. I wanted us to happen, but it can't. You're a human and I'm a superior. It just wouldn't work out. You're going to have a great, long life." She gave him a weak smile, "Without me."

She took a deep breath and stood up and walked away from him, her breathing was heavy and her heart was racing. Tears were streaming down her face and she choked back the sobs that were surfacing. Cassie shook her head and let out a deep breath. She grabbed his arm and teleported them out front of his house then teleported away from there leaving him behind. She got back into the hideout and the common area was empty. She walked in fully and let out a mixture of a sob and a scream, she placed her hand on her stomach and fell to the floor crying.