Summary: Asami married for the purpose of business, yet he was never willing to let Takaba go, even if that meant caging him up. Five years have gone by and Takaba hasn't seen the light of day. He's about tired of it by now and wants his freedom more than anything.

Author's Note: . .stop. Stop. STOP! STAHP!. To all you guest haters out there, just listen up. If you don't like Yamiga's sad, depressing, fart-worthy, angsy stories, then don't read! It's that simple! Don't leave a long review insulting me, calling me immature, etc. I'm going to write what I want. The sad thing is I know I'll get troll review anyway...

To my other readers, this is just a story I came up with, a 'what if scenario'. What if Asami got married for business, but he couldn't let Akihito go? Well, here is my take on it.

Warnings: AU, Angst, Abuse.

Tags: Angst, Abuse, Romance

The little boy licked the spoon covered in chocolate mixture, Takaba smiled. "Do you like it, Eiyo?" He asked softly, kneeling down the wipe remnants off of the boys face. "It's my birthday, you know?"

Eiyo stood quietly as Takaba removed all the chocolate from his face. Still holding the spoon, Eiyo nudged it towards Takaba's mouth. "You eat it!" He yelled. "It's your birthday!" Takaba smiled and took hold of the spoon, standing, he placed it in the kitchen sink.

"I'm going to eat some later Eiyo." He smiled softly. "In fact," He began washing the dishes. "We can eat it together."

"How old is Taki-chan?" Eiyo asked, using the nickname he had created for Takaba, pulling on the older man's pant leg.

"I'm twenty eight!"

"Is Taki-chan going to have a party?" Eiyo beamed. "Will Taki-chan invite his friends?"

Takaba suddenly tensed up and paused, feeling a heavy weight grow in his heart. He frowned for a while, as his breathing increased and his fist clenched. Memories of his friends and family went through his head-at least from what he had remembered. He hadn't seen them since Asami_

"Taki-chan looks sad." Eiyo brought Takaba back into reality as he looked down at the worried boy. He calmly smiled and shook his head.

"Eiyo, you're my only friend." He said in nothing more than a whisper.

Eiyo smiled and hugged Takaba's leg. "Eiyo loves Taki-chan." He proclaimed loudly.

"I love you too Eiyo."


Takaba sat at the table and watched as Eiyo played with some toys in the living room. His cake was set to be finished in thirty minutes so he really couldn't do anything but sit and watch the little child play. He sighed as the rays of sun from the kitchen window caressed his skin, teasing him making him yearn for daylight even more than he already did.

It had been five years since Takaba had stepped outside, five years since he'd made a phone call, five years since he'd seen his friends and family. Not a moment went by when he didn't think of taking his own life, killing himself. The pain that had tortured him both physically and mentally had grown onto him like mold to an old piece of bread. It followed him everyday, clinging on to him, growing stronger and stronger. Sometimes he pondered on how easy it would be to end it all...perhaps take more pills than recommended or even jump off of the balcony. It seemed as if death would be his only escape, a permanent one nonetheless.

He remembered the sting of discovering Asami engaged to a woman who carried his child. He remembered feeling completely trapped when he attempted to leave but Asami wouldn't let him. Not only had the older man taken his pride, countless times, but he'd taken his freedom, and his hope. Five years of being caged didn't do him well. He had grown to fear both Asami and his wife, Keiko. The two knew how to suck the fight out of him, punishing him, doing terrible things to him and eventually,

making them serve him like a house maid.

While Keiko forced him to cook, clean and care for the child she'd neglected, Asami would give him the same treatment as always. Not only did he feel like some rich man's maid, but he felt like a whore..a slut that had little to no value.

Why he hadn't gone insane...well he didn't even know that answer.

Why had hadn't killed himself however...well, that was a story in itself.

When he first found out about Eiyo, he had automatically loathed him. Not only was Keiko taking his place, but now some child? Eiyo was perhaps his reason for wanting to leave in the first place. It wasn't like he was all for staying if it was just Keiko, but Eiyo was actually Asami's child.

Upon being forced to stay and care for Eiyo, he was quite surprised by how quick both Asami and Keiko were to neglect him. Asami left home every day without giving Eiyo as much as a side glance. Keiko would only lay her concerns on Takaba, that included watching Eiyo and playing house maid. Through these five years, both Eiyo and Takaba served as comfort for each other. Asami and Keiko would argue and that would scare Eiyo. Takaba would always make him feel better.

Both were neglected and lacked the love they needed to stay strong but in reality, they had helped each other make it through. Takaba couldn't end his life and leave Eiyo behind. He had grown to love the boy so much and despite his stunning resemblance to Asami, he knew that Eiyo had a soul and that he would grow up to be his own person. A good person.


An hour had passed by and both Eiyo and Takaba had eaten as much cake as they could.

Eiyo had began complaining that he was still hungry as Takaba cleaned the mess they made up. "The more cake you eat, Eiyo, the more likely you are to get a stomach ache. Count to sixty, sixty times in then we'll eat again."

Eiyo began to pout but brought his fingers to his face-as if he could actually count to sixty. Takaba turned from his working station and smiled, giggling as the boy scowled.


The front door opened causing both Eiyo and Takaba to turn and look. As usual, beautiful Keiko stepped in with all her grace. Her hair flew behind her like some type of brown banner. Her perfume was strong, filling the room up with pungent fragrance. Eiyo sneezed. Casting a look of disapproval, she continued to the master bedroom.

Like always, Asami followed after her. Dark, quiet a sotic, just like five years ago. He didn't hold an ounce of emotion on his face as he quietly shut the door behind him. Like Keiko had mere seconds before, he casted a look both Eiyo and Takaba's way causing the little boy to clench on to the older man's leg.

Takaba frowned and rubbed Eiyo's brunette hair. He knew the little boy had a hidden fear of both Asami and Keiko. It wasn't like the two physically abused him , at least not Asami, it was just the low regard the two had for them. While Eiyo was young, he knew what the words "father" and "mother" meant. Fathers and mothers were supposed to be kind, caring, loving. They weren't supposed to ignore their children or hit them, or curse at them.

"Come on Eiyo." Takaba spoke quietly. "Let me take you to your room."


Due to his marriage with Keiko, the daughter of a renown diplomat, Asami had moved to a modern house-or mansion. It was large, the peak of 'modern fashion'. With the best interior design, it had many rooms and long hallways. While Keiko loved it and Asami bared with it, Takaba hated it. He longed for living in simplicity, the way he used to.

"Okay Eiyo, here we are." He spoke to the boy sitting on his back. Eiyo jumped to the ground and ran past Takaba and into to his bed room.

"Come on Taki-chan!" He beamed. "Let's play! Let's play!"

Sighing, Takaba entered the room and knelt down next to Eiyo. "What do you want to do then, Eiyo?"

Eiyo jumped. "We can color pictures! Taki-chan used to color pictures!"

Takaba smiled feeling nostalgia creep down his spine. "I did..." He replied quietly. "What would you like to color?"

The light from Eiyo's eyes suddenly vanished as he stared towards the doorway. Standing up, Takaba turned around to see who he was staring at. Frowning, and seeing the man on the other side of the threshold, Takaba took a deep breath.

"Asami." He breathed quietly feeling the calm air become heavy. "What do you want?"

Like always, Asami had a cigarette stationed in his mouth, blowing smoke around the bedroom, filling the nostrils of both Eiyo and Asami. Like before, Eiyo sneezed.

Asami smiled. "Is that the way you greet me after I've been gone all day?" He chuckled. "You should act more excited to see me." Takaba didn't say anything, he only made way to walk towards the door, Eiyo however, grabbed his leg and shook his head.

Don't leave me. His pleading eyes said as he stared at Takaba.

"I'll be back soon," He smiled at Eiyo. "I promise." The little boy wore a crushed expression, but he released Akihito, and went to search for paper in his room alone.

Frowning, Takaba left the room and shut the door behind him.

Looking up, he faced the ageless man that stood before him . Still charming and as handsome as always, five years hadn't done a single thing to Asami's appearance , he still retained his young and intimidating features. And though Takaba hated to admit it to himself, Asami was still very attractive. He couldn't always control himself when his heart began to beat faster just because Asami entered the room. As much as he hated the man, he still had strong feelings for him, feelings that not even five years of abuse could take away.

"What do you want." Takaba asked again. "Please make it quick before Keiko comes upstairs to get me to make dinner."

Asami grinned. "How many times have I told you not to take orders from her?" He then put out his cigarette in an ashtray that sat on a table next to them. Slowly walked towards an angry Akihito, pushing him up against the wooden ledge. Instinctively, Takaba turned away.

"Why are you listening to Keiko?" Asami asked.

"I'd rather do what she tells me then have to face her constant complaining." Takaba lied. "Being around someone that annoying for five years is hard to ignore." He laughed humorlessly. "And it's not like you tell her to get off of my back."

"She isn't my concern." Asami stared seductively into Takaba's eyes. "You are, and when I tell you something, I expect you to follow up to it." He used his finger to move some of Takaba's hair out of his face. "Ignore her Takaba, and she'll go away."

Takaba closed his eyes. "You said that five years ago, and look where we are now."

Asami leaned in slowly and placed his lips on Akihito's. "We." He repeated, softly kissing Takaba, despite the younger man's struggles. "You still acknowledge that there is a 'we'?"

Takaba frowned under Asami's smoke filled kiss. "I like to assume that's why you're keeping me around." He whispered. "If that's not it, then I don't know..."

Takaba was consumed by a passionate kiss and like always, his cheeks flushed red and his body reacted in a way that shamed him. As he tried to struggle, Asami's grip on him only grew tighter.

"Asami, can you just give it a rest, just for tonight?" He asked after somehow managing to break the kiss. "Please?"

Asami smiled and pressed his lips against Takaba's forehead. "I should make you beg for rest." He replied. "For old times_"

"I told Eiyo I would help him color. I promised I would be back."

Things went silent then, as Asami's eyes darkened slightly. "Eiyo can wait."

"No.." Takaba shook his head and pushed away from Asami. "He can't." He turned around and made way back towards the bedroom. Asami grabbed his arm.

"Your persistants even towards miniscule matters never ceases to amuse me." He hissed. "But you are not free to go until I say so."


After Takaba's "punishment" for disobedience, he found himself downstairs cooking dinner for the family. He had attempted to return back to Eiyo's room and color but due to his broken mood after Asami's deed, he just listened to Keiko's orders, as he always did. Presently, she sat at the kitchen table, watching his every move, making sure he didn't put too much spice in the food, or make the meal to dry.

It's not like the bitch knows how to cook though...Takaba thought.

She tapped her painted finger nails on the surface of the mahogany wood, checking the clock every five seconds.

"I'm hungry. Hurry up." She began, scowling at Takaba.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Takaba angrily replied.

"Is that an attitude I sense? Hm..." She took out her phone and began to carelessly touch the screen. "I assumed Ryuichi, had plowed that fight outta you, but I suppose you've got some left over. Doesn't always pay being his whore, does it?"Takaba chose to ignore her, not wishing to get in any conflicts.

"Takaba?" She asked in a mocking tone. "Do you think I look pretty?"

"You're as pretty as your makeup makes you." Takaba replied. "I'm pretty sure you look like a hag with it off."

While he knew he was out of line for saying such a thing, he just couldn't resist. Why she asked such a stupid question he didn't know.

"How dare you." She sneered angrily, standing from her seat. Takaba heard the clank of her heels as she slowly approached him and stood behind him. "That's a lot, coming from someone overused like you. You look so hideous, with bags under your eyes and pale skin. The only reason you're around is because you're a decent cook."

"A decent cook? Asami thinks differently."

She smiled. "Yes he does think differently. Not only are you a cook in his eyes but you're a rug. He can step on you and wipe his feet on you when he's dirty, after that, he cleans up and comes to the one that really matters, me. Remember Takaba, I am the one who has his child, not you." There was a short silence that was disturbed by her soft chuckling. "And just so you know, I am pregnant again."

Takaba's gripped the spoon he held and tensed.

Asami didn't tell me...He thought. Why are they having another baby, they don't even take care of Eiyo.

And while Takaba's thoughts hovered around Eiyo, he decided to surface a concern that worried him. "I think Eiyo is allergic to strong smells." He disregarded Keiko's surprising news.

She sighed and walked back towards the table. "That's not the only thing that's wrong with him. The boy has Aspergers. He'll be completely useless in the future. It's a good thing we're having another child that'll be able to carry the Asami name."

Takaba turned around. "Are you having another baby just because Eiyo has Aspergers?"

She smiled and nodded. "We figured out a few months ago that he had it, and we discussed how that would affect him in the future. So we tried for another child, and it has been successful. We went to the doctor today and figured out that this child won't inherit the syndrome."

Takaba clenched his fists. "You're giving up on him just because he has a syndrome! My college professor has Aspergers and he's the principal of a University System, he's a head Surgeon and Biochemist and he owns a chain of hospitals! Just because he had Aspergers growing up didn't make him useless! Eiyo won't be_"

"This is the world of business, not of science and medicine. We need someone who can handle cooperations, not someone who knows a little science experiments." She smiled at Takaba. "And I believe that dinner is ready, I can smell it."


After Takaba had set the table, he found himself heading upstairs to the master bedroom where Asami sat doing some work. Without knocking, Takaba entered and tapped the older man on the shoulder.

"Dinner is ready." He looked down. "Asami, can we talk?"

Sensing Takaba's worried tone, Asami placed his papers down and stood. He crossed his arms and stared down at Takaba. "What's troubling you?"

"Keiko said you're having another that true?"

Asami closed his eyes and sighed. He then brought his hand to Takaba's face and softly stroked his cheek. "Eiyo isn't suitable to take over the company." Asami spoke quietly. "So for the sake of the company, we conceived another child. But that doesn't mean_"

Takaba bit his lip. "For the sake of the company?" He laughed dryly, and rather loudly, Asami even seemed startled. "For the sake of the company...just like you married Keiko, 'for the sake of the company'," He took a few steps back shaking his head. "You're abandoning Eiyo, 'for the sake company'? You made me your bitch, 'for the sake of the company'? You ruined my life..." He went on and on angrily as Asami only started, reaching in his pocket for another cigarette.

"Calm down," He spoke causing Takaba to stop. "What happens between Keiko and I doesn't concern you. Besides, it's just another baby. Nothing more nothing_"

"Another baby that you and your wife will neglect and try to get me to care for!" Takaba yelled. "You can't just have children for business, that's a life Asami! A soul! And what if Eiyo has Aspergers, he's going to grow up to be smart! Are you going to lose hope in him just because of something like that?"

Asami sighed. "Why do you even care?" Silently, he walked towards the door softly brushing past Takaba as he did. "I'll see you at dinner, Akihito." It was obvious that Asami didn't wish to continue the conversation.

Takaba didn't say anything.

He only waited to hear the sound of Asami's footsteps vanish as he headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Takaba then took a deep breath and sighed, as he felt his heart ache more than it had in years. His lips were quivering, his fists were clenched, his body was trembling as he felt himself lose every bit of strength to stand. Takaba found himself crashing to the floor and as his head made firm contact with the soft carpet, he began to cry.

He had expected it from Keiko, but never from Asami. He knew the businessman was cold, and more than often he tended to act emotionless, but never, did he imagine that Asami would have so little regard for Eiyo, his own son. So Eiyo wasn't perfect, at least not in Asami's eyes, but he was really something special.

It wasn't fair to just toss him aside like he was nothing and have some other child take his place! It wasn't fair for Eiyo and it certainly was fair for Takaba.

He didn't want to have to take care of another baby. He didn't want to have to feel the same pain he did every day when staring into that child's eyes and seeing how much he resembled Asami. He didn't want to take orders from a hormonal Keiko, at all. He didn't want to be fucked by Asami just because he was stressed.

He didn't want any of this! He didn't want to be caged anymore, he wanted to be free! He wanted to go outside again, to see his friends, to be happy, to take at least one more picture!

He was tired of feeling love for Asami when he knew his emotions were nothing more than a game to him. For years it had been like that, from the very moment Takaba had so absentmindedly stepped into a situation he could've easily avoided. From the very moment he first caught Asami in his viewfinder. It all meant nothing to Asami...Takaba meant nothing to Asami! He was just a pitiful stress reliever, a punching bag...a rug.

Well Takaba was just about fed up with his situation, and not just that, he was beginning to get tired of Keiko and Asami. He was tired of playing butler, prostitute, maid, courtesan, whatever, for both Asami and Keiko, and he really couldn't take it any longer.

It was time for Takaba Akihito to take charge and start acting like Takaba Akihito.

For all these years he had become so submissive, so frightened and depressed, hell, he'd even pondered on suicide. But life was to short to do those foolish things, and sitting here being someone's sex maid was an awful way to spend it. He was known for taking chances when he was twenty three, so why five years later, when he was at a crucial point of his life, would it be strange to take another chance not to save just his life, but someone elses?


"Is it time for dinner?" Eiyo still sat in the same position on the floor as before, he looked at Takaba curiously.

"Not exactly." Takaba smiled as he made his way towards Eiyo's closet, getting a bag and throwing some clothes in there. "Suits...suits...suits..." He muttered, getting Eiyo's attention.

"Is Taki-chan going somewhere?"

"Kind of...actually, we're going somewhere."

Eiyo stood up and walked towards the closet. "Like an adventure?" He beamed.

Takaba smiled. "Like an adventure...but we won't be taking mommy and daddy..." He paused and realized the confused look Eiyo was giving him.

He didn't know who mommy and daddy were...pitiful.

He took a bag of Eiyo's clothes out of the closet and handed them to the boy. "Come on..." He made way to Eiyo's window and carefully placed his fingers on the ledge. Taking a deep breath, he undid the locks and pushed the window up.

For the first time in five years a cool night breeze whipped through his now faded rusty hair. It had to be the most wonderful feeling he'd ever felt. He smelled freedom, that was carried upon by the wind, it was just too much for him to resist.

"Come on Eiyo, hurry." He knew that Keiko and Asami would begin to wonder why the two hadn't come down yet and seeing as though he didn't have a solid plan, he needed to get out of there fast. He had taken enough pocket change to get a cab and to get a hotel. After that, it was all up to his quick wit.

"It'll just be the two of us?" Eiyo stood there, unsure, letting the wind blow through his brown hair. His golden eyes were full of fear. "Right Taki-chan?"

Takaba extended his hand. "Yes Eiyo, come on now, let's get going." He smiled as the boy took his hand, without another word, he pulled him through the window.

Life was too short to live it being caged and forgotten, Takaba and Eiyo knew this well.

Just because someone has Aspergers doesn't mean they're ruined for life. A friend of mine has Aspergers and he makes Bishop's Honoral every year. He's smart and he's going to achieve great things. I told him, "I want to be a psychologist." He simply replied. "I'm going to make more money doing what you're going to do." And I believe him, he's such a teddy bear. Anyway, to the story!

I know the summary tended to be quite vague especially when describing Eiyo so for that, forgive me. I hope you all did like this little oneshot, I enjoyed writing it, or the last part moreso. I felt like Takaba needed a friend and instead of making Eiyo an enemy, I made him an ally.

So please review, tell me what you think and I don't own the finder series.

And oh, please pray for a student at my school. He was shot three times in the back and he's having yeah...just pray.

NOW back to my major English Paper on Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five! I have three out of five paragraphs done! I want an A in English, I must have_I WILL NEVER GET ABOVE AN 81 PERCENT IN THAT CLASS THOUGH I TRY MY HARDEST ;-;!