Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke and all its glorry.


Deep in the ocean, in place where unreachable by any human, not even any living creäture. Where lights never touch and warm never known, exist a blue sphere. A pure blue that purifying the filth. Where water gleefully circulating and gladly engulfing. That is the sphere that responsible to purifying every single drop of water on earth.

All water on earth circulate. There are no exception. And every single drop of it will meet that sphere at some point. To be purify, over and over again. There is no rest, there is no stop. For all eternity as long as living creäture depend on water. That fact, won't change.

Actually, the sphere itself is not that big. Even though it look as big as a car at first glance. If you look closely, most of it are condense water that being purified. The core of it is not that big. Glowing a soothing radiant of light blue, a shining sphere around a curled human size. That, is the core that purifying all the water. Inside those radiant blue sphere, you could slightly catch a glimpse of a boy in fetal position. Well, even if you said it a boy, he already exist for eternity. But those pale white skin with petite and slender body complemented with baby blue hair clearly giving a feeling of an innocent teenager.

His existence is mysterious.

His whereabouts is unknown.

But he do exist.

For eternity.


The teenager mind always wander around. Never overly fixed on something, always drifted aimlessly. Not thinking anything in particular, since what concern him is water only. Anything but water is not within his consideration. Anything but water is not important.

He is not cold, he just never feel warmth.

He is not indifferent, he just have nothing to care for beside water.

He's just, empty.

After all this eternal time in nothingness, he began to notice something beside water itself. But unfortunately, in negative way. The water, slowly but surely started to become more, and more filthy. It was started around centuries ago, but again, it become more and more annoying. gradually increasing in troublesome growth rate and bad direction.

He, became aware. And he's clearly not in good mood either. He is furious, but also a little bit curious, how come a single species could bring harm in this level to his beloved water. Human, what a despicable creäture. They need water as much or even more than other species. And he knew they know it. So why can't they behave less barbaric toward his beloved water.

As if responding to his ire, water around the globe, in corporation with whole mother nature, started to showing their fierce nature. What was called eternal ice start to melt, raising sea level in response. Sea wave raging fiercely. A few tsunami in varying scale hit on several place. Several water source just gone undetectable.

Even human not that dumb to not realizing this series of disaster. But what shocked him the most, is that the fact, that human do not even try to lessen their pollute on earth, on his beloved water. It even worsened. And it really put his patient on the line. He had plenty of patient, if you recall how he still there in nothingness for eternity. To be able to make his patient almost ran up, human really are a despicable creäture.

Human, such a filthy creäture. Now what should he do? He won't just stay indifferent when its concern water.

So… what can he do…? Hmm~~ Maybe, it is time for him to take a little break. A little 'vacation' will do. He can take a better look at this filthy creäture called human. And make their live a 'little' miserable at the same time. All by simply take a little break from this role of his.

As the boy finalize this decision of his, a smirk can be found forming in his lips for just a split second. That is the first time ever since the beginning of his existence, when his ever expressionless face change, even if only a little.

A/n: Sorry if this kinda boring, it's just the prologue. I'll put more interaction in next chapter.

Actually, this one had wandered longer than my other story, but I find difficulties making the next chapter... so this kinda go on hibernation for quite a while. But I really want to scream to the whole world the moral value behind this one... so... please forgive me?

review please... ^_^ any kind of feedback are very welcomed