So, here's another story because it is practically singing to me in my head. I'll get to my sequels later. Hope everyone enjoys this! Fingers are crossed!


The impact from the last of the xenomorphs I was hunting on Earth sends me flying backwards and I feel my back meet a barrier. I fly right through it, and I hear shards of glass falling. It has knocked me into an ooman's house.

Fabulous. Not only do I still have to kill the xenomorph, but now I'll have to deal with the humans in this house as well.

The creature follows me in, screeching. I jump up, my mask picking up on a second presence nearby. The freeze frame shows a female staring at my showdown with wide eyes. Apparently she was alone. I focus on the xenomorph, cursing as I realize I would have to defend the female.

I barely dodge a tail swipe, receiving a long gash across my left shoulder. I grunt but I manage to ignore the pain. Using a flick of my wrist, I hurl a small dagger into the xenomorph's side. It hisses angrily, and I am careful of the acidic blood.

Something large lands on the xenomorph's head and breaks into pieces. I risk a glance at the female. She is throwing more things at the xenomorph as she makes her way around the room behind me.

The xenomorph sees my distraction and lunges, knocking me to the ground and trying to stab me with its tongue. I can hold it off, but I haven't got the leverage to counterattack. I am surprised when the xenomorph is knocked off of me, and I watch with fascination as the female steps over me, eyes fixed on the xenomorph, a spear with a glinting bronze tip in her hands gleaming in relish.

The xenomorph lunges at her, knowing she is an easier target than me. She steps sideways and slaps her spear into its side, jarring the dagger still stuck there. I stand quickly as the xenomorph howls in pain.

Before I can retrieve my own spear from my back, the female has stabbed the xenomorph through the neck, and fights is death throes until the creature is still. She pulls the shaft from the body, the tip already eaten away.

She levels me with a powerful gaze. Head cocked to one side, she watches me for any signs of hostility. Pain engulfs me as the adrenaline wears off and my shoulder throbs. I sit back down in the floor heavily and breathe to try to lessen the pain enough for me to reach my medkit.

The female drops her stick and pulls a box from under a piece of overturned furniture. She edges to me warily, and I try not to move. She seems to want to help, and I admit that I need it now.

She drops to her knees at my side and rummages through the box before selecting certain objects. I let her clean the wound, grunting when she pours something that burns into it. I grab her round the throat, thinking she had poured acid into the wound. She is still long enough for me to register the smell of disinfectant. I release her and she continues her work.

I look her over as she pushes a thread through a needle. She is small, with the figure of a dancer. Black hair is falling out of a loose tie, and her eyes are green. A handsome female by human standards.

When she is through stitching my wound, she checks me for more and tends to a few more scratches. She backs away as I force myself to stand. I must dispose of the body. But first…

It is her due. She has killed the xenomorph. It is only right that I take a drop of its acidic blood on my claw, and mark her. She flinches when I grab her by the chin, and squeaks when she feels the acid on the right side of her face. She squirms in my grip, but I successfully mark her and turn back to the body of the xenomorph.

I dispose of it quickly, and tap a series of commands onto my gauntlet. When I start to leave to be picked up by the ship, she calls out. I glance at her over my shoulder. There is a look on her face that makes me hesitate.

I remove my mask to get a better look at her.

She swallows before saying, "Thanks with the thing. My name is Alex."

I tilt my head, wondering what made her give me her name. I feel it is only right that I tell her mine. There is no harm. I'll never see her again.

"Kri'za." I reply.

Then I turn and walk out of the house.

Little do I know that I will see her again very soon, and on my own planet at that.


If I get anything wrong let me know. I've only just got into reading Aliens/Predator fanfics and doing my research on them.