The Investment

Summary: When darkness threatens to rise, Thranduil agrees to an alliance with Thorin. But Thorin won't just take his word and Thranduil is desperate enough to agree to the conditions of an investment.

Disclaimer: The Hobbit belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and the movies by Peter Jackson. I am only borrowing the characters for a bit.

Warning: Same-sex marriage, political marriage, rated for later chapters.

AN: My very first 'Hobbit' fic! This takes place after Thorin has become king and the events set off after he was captured yet again by the woodelves. AU-ish, you could say. This idea literally just came to me and I had to write it down. I don't know what this will turn into yet, though I have a very bleak outline. If you guys have any ideas, do pitch them in! I'll really appreciate them. :)

Chapter 1

As he was escorted to the royal hall, Thorin Oakenshield couldn't help but wonder what slight possibility of leverage he'd hope to gain from his meeting with the elven king.

Not much was said to him while he was being scrutinised by the guards. Not that they had any reason to. Not after they had captured him loitering in their home mysteriously...and not because he was 'lost and starving' as the last time.

"I'm not answerable to anyone." He mentioned proudly, "But how much is he curious is what's there to be seen."

The message was conveyed.

A response too was soon received.

The elven king wanted to see him, they said. This conveyed not nearly enough hint for Thorin to actually have his own hopes of leveraging over said king.

All he could gather was that Thranduil wanted something. Something so important that was worth some kind of negotiation.

And so he was taken to him.

Being shoved towards the abomination after climbing up a ridiculous large flight of stairs made Thorin to analyse every possible sense of the word 'haughty'. Not that he had much incentive or situation to roll his eyes at Elven elaborations but was a thought and a very valid one.

Increased to manifolds by the sight of the equally ridiculous antlered throne that now came in unobstructed line of view.

Along with the horrifyingly repulsive sight of the very king himself sitting on the throne, one leg perched on another, chin casually resting upon the back of one while the tall and slender figure dismissively looked down.

The guards who were holding the shorter man now released him, taking steps back as the king waved an elegant hand at them.


Thorin waited, trying not to roll his eyes while his captor seemed to just stare at him. Apart from the fact that it was absolutely awkward and very disturbing he decided to indulge the other. He wouldn't risk of putting words in Thranduil's mouth without hearing what he'd have to say. He learned it the last time he—along with his company—were subjected to the not-so-hospitable dungeon and now being King under the mountain (albeit new), he knew better.

"Thorin Oakenshield." Thranduil spoke finally, "Can't say I'm least bit surprised, having to see you again under such a circumstance."

Damnation be to him, Thorin thought. How on earth could that infuriatingly silky voice be so playful and so obnoxious at the same time?

"Although I'm more interested to know what need you could have in my woods, I think we can keep it aside for now." Thranduil spoke, drawing closer to the dwarf as a slow smile danced across his lips.

"And what could be so important that even Thranduil is willing to overlook my intrusion?" He jested back and snorted in amusement when he noticed the other king's smile faltering by a bit.

However if one thing the elf had that was insignificantly admirable was his control on every single fibre of his muscles.

Thranduil let the smirk waltz back on his lips as he spoke, beginning to circle the other.

"Nothing that I don't intend to revoke priority over, I assure you that."

Thorin snorted again but Thranduil ignored it.

"I fear great evil rising. I fear Sauron rising."

The elven king paused coming right in front of the other, hoping to gain Thorin's undiverted attention. And that, he did. Thorin looked up at the elf, eyes focused.

He was listening.

"How can you be sure of that?"

"I've been sure of it ever since Smaug had awoken from deep under the mountains. Sauron too awakens. Maybe not now, may be not for decades but his evil presence is imminent."

Thorin sighed deeply. As much as he loathed Thranduil and his kin, he had no reason to believe that all of what had been said was made up. Logically speaking, the darkness of Mirkwood, the trolls coming downhill, the increase of orcs...all had ominous indications and Thorin was very much aware of that.

"So what are you proposing?" He asked, not missing the diplomatic look in his counterpart's eyes.

"That you and I form an alliance." The other replied, waiting for Thorin's opinion. When none came, he elaborated, "Whatever security we can provide individually to our own realms, we can double that with both our realms combined. Not only our artillery would vary in type but also the skills in handling them and not to mention, the increase in number is certainly an advantage."

Thorin seemed to contemplate it for a moment. Thranduil seemed sincere. Almost believable...but...

"What guarantee do I have that you haven't already formed an alliance with some other party and that you won't blindside me? Do I have just your word? What was it? Ah yes, from one king to another?"

It was Thranduil's turn to frown. It was then that Thorin Oakenshield was every bit satisfied when the other's smugness wore off. After all, what did he expect? That Thorin would believe him blindly? Especially after the blasted elf turned his back on them when they needed him the most? Especially after he had come to aid when Bard's town was in danger?

He'd have to do better than that!

"So what do you propose?" The taller one said and it was just the opportunity that Thorin had been waiting for. It wasn't like he had been pondering it over for a long time. If anything, it was just the opposite. However, spontaneity was his forte and the idea that came to him in the heat of the moment was anything but brash.

Most importantly, it provided leverage.

Thorin smirked while calculatingly focusing his gaze at the other.

"An investment."

Thranduil now was confused. His frown deepened and it was clear that Thorin had the entire weight.

"Of what?"

"Not what." Ah, it seemed so right. So satisfying! Maybe not equivalent to the unfairness that had been done to him all that time back but on Thranduil, it would be just as much unjust.

The elven king's eyes were narrowed at that. He was intuitive enough to know that something was going to be very, very wrong. And that whatever influence he thought he had over the dwarf was swiftly wavering.

"Then who?"

Thorin's smirk deepened. He could see the internal dilemma on the much controlled elven king's face. Whether he'd regret it later or not was not of importance at that point. The safety of his people was a much deserved revenge.

A thickening silence stretched between the two as one tried to keep his calm and another tried to contain his excitement. When Thorin was sure that Thranduil completely preferred the safety of his realm and that he was scared and desperate enough, he finally mentioned his intent, tasting victory as the word rolled out of his mouth.


AN: So what do you think? Should I continue? Please review. : )