"Jac… she's waking up…"

She started hearing voices and sounds so distant… and then they started appearing closer, and closer, until she opened her eyes and saw Joe staring at her on her side and Sacha on the other. She could feel Joseph's hand in hers, and squeezed it tight.

She was lying in a hospital bed, already in a gown, with nasal prongs on her face, supplying oxygen. Joseph took her to Sacha on Keller, and moved her into the side bay, to avoid gossip.

"What's happened?" Jac, asked a bit sleepily.

"You passed out…" Joe replied slowly. Jac didn't move her hand away, she looked at him and smiled. Sacha was writing in her notes on the breakfast table at the foot of her bed.

All of a sudden, Jonny ran into the room. Sacha told him the news, and came up as fast as he could. But he couldn't stand the sight of Joseph by Jac's side, and wasn't at all happy to see them holding hands.

"Do you mind? Do you actually mind?!" Jonny told Joe furiously.

"I brought her here… I wasn't going to just leave her…" Joe replied, rather calmly.

"Jac now you just rest, okay?" Sacha asked Jac, then turned to Jonny, "Can I have a word outside please?" he certainly wasn't going to discuss Jac's condition in front of her, given she would understand every single thing.

Jonny followed Sacha outside and Joseph did the same.

"I appreciate your concern, but I can take it from her, thank you," Jonny said rather sarcastically to Joseph, once they were outside the room.

"I'm not going anywhere, I feel I have to be here, given I was there the first time when she removed one of her kidney, I know her Jonny, as much as you do, of not more quite frankly…" Joseph didn't drop the argument.

"Okay boys, we all care about Jac here, this is for her best interest… now are you going to listen to me or not?" Sacha snapped. Both Joe and Jonny didn't say a word.

"I'm not going to sugar coat it, the reality is her kidney is failing, it's only a matter of time before her whole body shuts down…" Sacha explained.

"So what can we do to help?" Joe asked.

"Well she's been on the transplant list for weeks, but we still haven't found a match donor, you had plenty of time, did getting you or Amy tested cross your mind?" Sacha turned to Jonny.

"What? You've known for weeks? And didn't say anything? I've only found out yesterday!" Jonny said furiously.

"Right.. I'm sorry… I couldn't say, when she opened up to me, she came to me as a patient and not as a friend.." Sacha added.

"and besides, Amy and I tried to talk to her about it, but she doesn't want her or me to go through with it," Jonny explained.

"she doesn't have much options, the tumour is massive, we would've removed it sooner, but it's the only kidney she's got, she can't live without it, without a transplant," Sacha tried to explain further.

"Yes we know… can I get tested?" Joseph asked. Jonny rolled his eyes at his offer. The thought of Jac having one of his kidneys freaked him out. But he was willing to allow anything to save his wife.

"Well it's your choice, but given you're not related, the chance that you're a match is not so high, and even you Jonny for that matter…" Sacha added.

"I know... but we can always try and I'll ask Amy too…" Jonny added.

"Try that, and still, Amy is her daughter, but it doesn't mean she'll definitely be a match… plus results might be a while, but I'll try to chase them up, I've got some friends at the lab… then again I don't really want to go against Jac's wishes if that's what she told you…" Sacha explained.

"But you said it, she doesn't have a choice!" Jonny lost it with Sacha.

"Dad, what's going on? Is mum okay?" Amy rushed up to Jonny, Sacha and Joseph outside the side bay.

Amy pushed passed them and walked into the room, with Jonny and Sacha following. Joseph stood outside looking through the glass of the closed door from outside.

"Mum!" Amy cried as she sat down beside her mum, and held her hand.

"Amy!" Jac smiled as soon as she saw her daughter by her side.

Jonny remembered what Sacha said about going against Jac's wishes, so he decided to tell Jac what's going on, he had to.

"Jac, Amy and I are going to get tested to see if we're match donors, please Jac let us help you…" Jonny pleaded.

Jac knows what the process is, and didn't want them to do it, and besides the test results would take a lot of time to come.

"No, listen Amy come here," she told her daughter, as she held her hand and looked her in the eye, "I don't need the kidney, I'm going to lose consciousness soon, I won't be here to protect you anymore, but you'll be fine, because you are my baby," Jac told her daughter in between deep breaths. Amy burst into tears as she listened to her mum.

Play Ombre by Ludovico Einaudi here, for more intense effect

"You are a beautiful, bright girl, and you will be a strong independent, young woman one day… you will be a brilliant nurse, just like dad… and you and Harry... you make a beautiful couple… and one day you'll get married and have lots of babies, and you'll make a wonderful mother, better than I was," she said, before a cough.

"No mum, don't say that, you're the most amazing mum anyone could ever ask for," Amy told her mum, as she squeezed her and in hers. They were both in tears.

Sacha and Jonny stood by, listening and watching. Jonny couldn't help a tear roll down her face.

"and remember even though you'll be on your own, you'll always have me around," Jac added, as she left Amy's hand for a second and reached out for her bedside table, and handed her a silver locket, that same locket Elliot Hope had given her when Amy was born. She handed it to Amy and placed it in her hand. Amy opened the locket.

"You remember this right?" Jac had shown it to her, when she got older, "the chain belonged to grandpa Elliot's grandmother, the locket to his mother, and inside is your baby hair… and now you got a piece of my hair in it too…" Amy smiled, when she saw to pieces of ginger hair lying in the locket, almost identical.

"Wherever you go, you'll always have me with you," Jac told her daughter. Amy couldn't hold back the tears, she didn't let go of her mum's hand, with the locket in her other.

"Mummy loves you… and tell Daddy… I…. love…. Him…" she said in between pauses, until she took her final breath, and the machine beeped one constant tedious sound.

Sacha couldn't help shed a tear, and Jonny's eyes were swollen, trying to keep the tears back.

"Mum! Mum! wake up, Mum!" Amy cried as she shook her hand.

Sacha walked over and touched her neck to test her pulse. He nodded at Jonny, implying she was gone, and switched off the machine.

"I am so sorry… time of death… 13.25" Sacha said slowly.

"Noooooooo!" Amy cried as she leaped onto her mother's dead body and cried her eyes out. Jonny walked up to her, and tried to move her away. Amy then fell crying into her dad's arms, as Jonny cried with her, watching Sacha remove all the pipes and stuff that was attached to Jac's body.

Joseph, who was witnessing the whole thing from outside, stepped away, in tears. He felt like he had been stabbed in the heart by a dagger. He couldn't believe the love of his life had just passed away.

A few days later.

Jonny put on his suit and black tie and looked at himself in the mirror. He was a wreck, but he tried to pull himself together. He walked down stairs, to see Amy was waiting for him. She was wearing a plain black dress.

Jonny noticed Jac's beige coat hanging on the coat hanger by the door, and Jonny couldn't help but break down into tears.

"Come on dad, it's time to go… we have to say goodbye…" Amy told her dad, as she hugged him. She tried not to cry… and together they left the house.

Present at the burial, were all their friends from the hospital… Sacha, Oliver, Mo, Mr T, Elliot, even Harry and Joseph. Amy couldn't help crying during the vicar's words, as the coffin descended into the depths of the earth. Harry comforted her. Joseph and Jonny stood at opposite ends.

Soon it was over and everyone left, leaving only Jonny, Amy, Harry and Joseph, by her grave. Jonny approached Joseph and held out his hand.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted, over these past few weeks…" he began.

"There is no need…" Joe added.

"I just wanted to say, if Harry makes Amy happy, then I'm happy too…" Jonny said slowly.

"Thank you Jonny…" Joseph said as he held out his hand to meet Jonny's and they shook hands. Harry and Amy smiled.

Jonny walked away with Harry and Amy, leaving only Joseph by Jac's grave… and all the tears, he held back throughout the funeral, now started rolling down his face.

"I love you, I always have and I always will… Good bye my love…" he said, as he placed a white rose upon her tombstone which read:

Jacqueline Naylor Maconie

Beloved Wife and Mother


Everyone got their second chance... except for Jac.

Sadly, this fic came to an end. Thanks to everyone who read it and left reviews, and who supports me and my writing. I would write if it weren't for you guys. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support. Thank you so much. You are amazing X