Chapter 21: Question

" . . . and then Auntie Anna married Kristy and they lived happily ever after."

Silence descended upon the two boys, one proud of their retelling, the other digesting all the information given.

"What 'bout Elsi?"

"What about her?"

"How'd she get you? She doesn't have a prince or anything."

"Uh . . ." His cousin had a point. "Maybe she made me? Like Olaf?"

"Then where's your flurry?"

Uno gave Kai a flat look, " 'M notta a snowman, Kai."

"But you said—"

"I'm different, okay?"

The blond boy got up from his seat on the ground, "We can ask Elsi."

They quickly made their way towards the meeting room, where they clearly heard the Queen's voice through the wooden doors. Kai, with the unabashed courage of his mother, walked up to the door; Uno held back, "I don't think you should do that."

"Why not?"

" 'Cause Mama's busy."

"And bored." Kai pushed the doors open and ran into the room.

Elsa was deeply engrossed in speaking, not noticing the door that burst open, and noticing anything out of order. The councilmen turned their attention to the two figures that ran in, some in annoyance, some surprise. The queen only noticed once she felt a tug at her dress and to her surprise she found her nephew and son looking up at her.

"How was Uno made, Elsi?" Kai's voice rang in the silent room.

"One moment, gentlemen." She said calmly, taking each boy by the hand firmly and walking out.

The door closed behind her and the queen knelt to them, "You know you're not supposed to interrupt my meetings."

"Yeah, but he didn't listen to me!" Uno cried out, glaring at his cousin.

"But I have a really, really, really, really important question, Elsi!"

She bit inside her cheek to keep from smiling. They were cute, but they also disobeyed her, "It couldn't wait?"


Sigh. "What is it?"

"How was Uno made?"

"E—Excuse me?" she didn't expect children to start ask this until they were teenagers!

"I mean, where did Uno come from? I came because I have a momma and papa, but Uno doesn't have a papa. Is he like Olaf? Did you make Uno like Olaf with the magic and stuff?"

She cleared her throat, feeling rather uncomfortable, "Er, well, I certainly didn't have a prince to get Uno, but Uno was given to me."

"Like a puppy?"

"Like a baby."

"So you didn't make him like Olaf?"

"No . . ."

Kai seemed satisfied with this information. Elsa was relieved he didn't ask that question and got up, preparing to go back to her meeting.

"Then how was I made?"

Five Minutes Later . . .

"So Momma knows?"

"Of course she does, she made you, didn't she?"

"Hey, Momma, how did you make me?"


*casually drops another update*