Well here we are the first of the many Fanfics all the little voices in my head are telling me to write. It has taken me two months to write and a week to type but I'm finally finished. And as an added bonus the voices are leaving me alone for a bit, they are such slave drivers at times.

Anyway enjoy the product of my bacon and induced hallucinations.

Disclaime: I do not own Naruto or Hellsing. if I did I wouldn't be writing this.

Chapter One: The death of Naruto Uzumaki


High above the village of Konohagakure fireworks exploded with a flash of colored light and a crash of massive sound. From the streets there were sounds of celebration and rejoicing. The village was holding a festival to honor the defeat of the mighty Kyuubi no Kitsune at the hands of the Yondaime Hokage eight years previously. For many it was a time of joy and celebration. For some though there was no joy only anger and sadness at the memories this night brought back, memories of the deaths of loved ones and friends who died at the hands of the beast. Some went so far as to seek out a target to vent their anger and sadness out on. On this night though some would go two or three steps to far on their path of vengeance.

Near the center of the village lay the great compound of the mighty Uchiha clan, one of Konoha's greatest, most powerful, and most feared clans. This clan also served as the local police force, operating out of another compound across the street. Due to the festivities the police station was ablaze with light as the police worked overtime to keep the peace. A massive festival usually involves massive amounts of alcohol. In a hidden village this added up to drunk shinobi, not a good combination. Considering the number of officers out on patrol and working in the station there shouldn't have been anyone in the clan compound itself, and yet there was a soft red glow leaking from the windows of one of the dojos.

Inside the dojo five men sat around a massive seal inscribed upon the floor. Each man sat at a corner of the pentagram that made up the majority of the seal, in front of each was a candle with a red flame and a silver stake implanted into the floor. If one looked carefully the symbols of the seal were very similar to those found on a summoning circle.

"Are you sure about this Fugaku?" whispered one of the men.

"Of course I am!" hissed another.

"But are you really sure that summoning another demon into the village is… the wisest course of action? The must be another way." said a third.

Fugaku glared at the other men in the room. "You know as well as I do that when a human summons a demon the demon must complete the task given to it by the summoner. We have tried time and time again to rid ourselves of the fox but it refuses to die, no matter what we do to it. Hell it has even resisted our strongest genjutsu without a second thought. Besides the best weapon against a demon is another, more powerful, demon. Of course once its task is complete we'll capture the thing in our seals and make it into our own personal weapon."

"We understand all of that, but …" another began.

"Enough!" Fugaku snarled as hi sharingan spun, "I am the clan head, my word is law! We begin the summoning now!"

The others slowly nodded their heads and began to build up their chakra. Once it had reached the appropriate level Fugaku nodded and they all took hold of they silver stakes in front of them. They then began to channel all of their gathered chakra through the stakes and into the massive seal. As the power within the seal built they each bit their thumbs and allowed a few drops of blood to fall onto the tope of their stakes. Fugaku watched as the last drop fell and touched its stake, as it did he felt the air around him suddenly thrummed with energy, just as the air filled with energy the seal changed. It wasn't a change that was visible to the naked eye, but rather the seal felt different to Fugaku and the other elders Previously it had felt like they were pouring their chakra like water into a massive lake,. Now though the lake was gone, in its place was a bottomless pit. No, not a pit, a mouth, a mouth that was sucking in every drop of energy in their bodies like some giant leech.

"This is it!" Fugaku snarled through clenched teeth. "Demon who lives in the beyond! Come forth! Here my call and come forth! Answer my summons and obey my command! Come forth!"

As he shouted the final line all five men shunted all the chakra they had left into the seal in one massive surge.

The effect was both instantaneous and visibly obvious. The pentagram that formed the core of the massive seal now blazed with a deep crimson light while the circular seal around it shone a resplendent white. As the men watched the crimson light slowly darkened as a circle of shadows appeared in the center. The shadowy circle grew as the crimson light died away. After a moment the pentagram was entirely covered by the circle of shadow, but when the black shadow touched the glowing ring of seals it suddenly rebounded and shrank. As it did a silhouette seemed to emerge from the very center of the circle, almost as if he was standing on a slowly rising platform. As the figure rose the shadows around it seemed to cling to it like a film of tar trying to hold something back. Finally the figure ceased to rise and the Uchiha found themselves in the presence of a being around six and a half feet in height as the white circle flickered and vanished.

Fugaku's face split in a maniacal grin. "Success! A demon of hell, come to kill the demon of our village! That damnable fox doesn't stand a chance now!" Turning to face the shadowed figure he spoke again with a commanding tone. "Demon I command you to go out and hunt down and kill the one known as the Kyuubi no Kitsune!"

Much to his surprise the towering figure didn't move an inch. However the part that appeared to be its head bent back as a deep rumble echoed around the room. The demon was laughing at them!

The gathered Uchiha's faces grew red with anger as one shouted, "How dare you laugh at us demon! We have summoned you so you must do as we say! So we command you to go and kill the Kyuubi!"

The demons rumble of laughter became a roar. It was a deep rumbling laugh that seemed to be equal parts humor and rage. The laughter rolled on and on as the Uchihas rage grew as well.

"Silence you!" Fugaku roared, "As your summoner I am your master. That means you are my slave and must do exactly as I say until our contract is fulfilled! So cease your laughter and go out and hunt down the fucking Kyuubi!"

The laughter faded into silence as the figure brought its head back up to regard the Uchiha leader.

"You seem to have quite the high opinion of yourself, human, I you believe that I am your slave." The figure said ominously, "Continuing to call me that may not be…healthy."

"Are you threatening me?" Fugaku asked sharingans blazing.

"No, not threatening, simply making a point." The figure stated calmly. "You make many demands of me as you say that since you summoned me I am bound to your will under the summoning contract. I will admit you are correct, I am bound by the contract."

"Then why do you continue to ignore our commands?!" one elder shouted.

"Be silent underling! I will not execute your commands until we have a true contract between us. We have none yet so I will do nothing."

Fugaku scoffed, "A mere formality. I summoned you, therefore I control you. It is that simple."

"Silence mortal worm, you know not of what you speak! If I do anything for you there will be a cost that must be paid in the end, or I will do nothing! However if you continue to make demands of me without asking my terms, I will simply rip you apart, consume your souls and leave." The demon snapped.

"A demon you may be, but I am the head of the mighty Uciha clan!" Fugaku announced, "I have never lost a duel and I never will, especially not to someone who hides in the shadows in fear!"

"Fear you say?" the demon commented in a rather amused tone. "Allow me to demonstrate to you all what fear truly is as I rip you apart with my bare hands!"

As the figure spoke the shadows seemed to melt away like candle wax revealing the demons true features. He wore a red trench coat with a high cowl buttoned up to conceal the lower half of his face much like an Aburame. Upon his head he wore a red fedora with a brim that was as wide as his soulders and a strip of black cloth wound around the top.

HE then reach up with a white gloved hand to undo his cowl revealing the face of a predator, angular and hard without a trace of roundness or fat. He then removed the thick red-lensed spectacles that had covered his eyes. When his eyes were revealed even Fugaku became frightened. The demons eyes were the color of freshly spilled blood, but that didn't bother them in the least. What they were afraid of wasn't the eyes but what they saw within those eyes. Those eyes revealed a being of blood and death who could and would kill them all on a whim, a true demon of the worst kind. A being who lived, breathed and thought only of death. A small smile crossed Fugaku's face.

"Now you know me, and so we begin our negotiations, but I warn you now, the task you have given me cannot be done." The demon stated flatly.

"Why? Is it that much stronger than you?!" an elder shouted.

The demon turned and glared at the man. "I believe I already made it clear I do not deign to speak with underlings! There will not be a third warning, only a death."

"Answer the question demon." Fugaku commanded.

The demon growled in his throat but answered. "You have commanded me to kill the Kyuubi no Kitsune, I am more powerful than he, however, I cannot kill him. The nine Bijuu keep your world in balance and order. To kill one of the nine would be tantamount to destroying your world. I must ask though. Why do you wish the Kyuubi dead?"

Fugaku frowned as he answered. "Eight years ago it attacked our village and killed many without any known provocation or reason. Eventually our leader managed to bind into human form using a forbidden sealing technique. Since then we have done all we can to finish the beast off, but nothing we do seems to work. Some of us got to thinking that if we couldn't kill it, then perhaps another, more powerful demon could, but as it is the strongest demon in our world we were forced to summon. So I implore you to kill it before it regains enough strength to overcome the seal and kill us all in vengeance."

"I see." The demon stated plainly. 'Kurama broke one of the laws and he hasn't come before the council? If he truly did attack without provocation he should have been tried by the council, especially if it was eight years ago. Something's not right here.' He frowned for a moment. "I cannot kill the Kyuubi for various reasons. However if your story is true he has broken several demonic laws and I must take him back to the demon realm with me. Is that satisfactory?"

"Do whatever it is you have to do, just get that monster out of our village!" Fugaku growled.

"Very well then." With that the demon replaced his glasses and turned to leave.

"Wait! What about the contract? What is your price?" Fugaku called out nervously.

"If what you have said is true there will be no price for it is my duty to uphold the laws of my world. However if I find what you have told me to be false, the price will be your soul Fugaku Uchiha." The demon turned to leave once more.

"You know my name, but you have yet to give me yours, demon." Fugaku stated.

The demon smirked and looked over his shoulder. "Where I come from, names have power. However you may call me Alucard."

Alucard exited the Uchiha compound and looked around before taking a deep breathe through his nose. He then exhaled in a deep sigh.

'Lots of people in this city.' He thought, 'I'll need an extra set of eyes and ears for this one. Hope she's actually awake this time.'

With a few long strides he walked into a shadowed alleyway and crouched down to place his palm flat on the ground.

"Seras, Seras." He whispered intently, "Come to me, Seras. Hear the call and come forth, Seras. Seras Victoria!"

"Master was it really necessary to shout?" asked a young woman's voice. "I was trying to get my beauty sleep."

Alucard turned to face the voice's source. Standing before him was a young woman in her early twenties. She wore fingerless leather gloves and thigh high leather boots the color of dried blood. Her golden blonde hair was coaxed back into an open bun at the nape of her neck while her bangs cast long shadows over her crimson eyes. The rest was covered by a buttoned up red shirt and a red miniskirt the same color as her gloves and boots. If any one else had been around her Jacket specifically would've caught their attention. This was mostly due to the fact that the Jacket was stretched tight over a chest that would not have been out of place on an ancient fertility goddess. Taken as a whole she was the poster girl for deadly beauty.

"Don't get uppity with me girl." Alucard snarled.

Seras rolled her eyes. "Please, you only call me to join you if you need help. I figure I've earned the right to be a little uppity every once in a while considering all I've been through with you and all the years I've stuck around."

Alucard grunted before replying. "Be that as it may be, did you bring them?"

"Of course I did master, have I ever not?" Seras said defensively.

Alucards hand twitched in a 'come here' gesture. Seras sighed wearily and reached behind her and pulled out two black briefcases which she quickly handed over. Alucards hands blurred into motion as he undid the latches flipped the open and retrieved their contents. He stood up with a massive black pistol held in each hand, he gazed at them for a moment before stowing the within the folds of his coat. He turned back to Seras who was balancing an equally oversized rifle across her shoulders.

"So…who's our target?" She asked brightly.

Alucard raised an eyebrow at her cheery tone but decided not to comment. "We are to kill the Kyuubi no Kitsune's human form ."

"Okay, lets go find him!" She began to walk away but suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Alucard with a puzzled expression. "Wait a second….Kyuubi no Kitsune?" Her eyes suddenly widened in shock. "We're going after Lord Kurama? Can we even do that?"

Alucard stared at her for a moment before answering. "Of course we can't. Killing one of the Bijuu lords is to doom the world to chaos and death. All we are going to do is find him and take him back to the demon world with us. If the man who summoned me spoke truthfully, and I believe he did, Kurama attacked this village eight years ago without provocation, but was sealed into his human form."

"But, that's against the laws of the Makai!" Seras exclaimed.

"Correct, and he should have appeared before the Lords Council for trial for this years ago." Alucard replied dryly, "However the Council hasn't convened in almost a decade. That being said, Kurama is far to full of himself to run from a crime he commited, and he would never allow a human to implicate him for a crime he did not commit."

Seras touched her fingers to her chin in thought. "What if something is preventing him from doing those things?"

Alucard just stared at her again.


"Kurama is the greatest of the Bijuu lords. These humans may be unusually strong, but to fully suppres his power they would need something as strong, if not stronger than my limiter seal. They possess nothing even close to being that powe-" His eyes suddenly snapped wide open and his nostrils flared as he whipped his head to the side.

"Master?" Seras asked quietly, she was a little unnerved by his sudden change in countenance. "What is it?"

His eyes narrowed to their original size. "Blood, fresh blood, and lots of it."

Seras closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. As she exhaled her own eyes snapped open and her irises seemed to glow. "I've never smelled anything like this! It's mostly human but it contains more than a trace of demon. Could it be a Hanyou?"

"There is too much human for that to be a half-demon." He replied, 'But that demon smell is that of a Kitsune. That Uchiha said Kurama was bound into Human form. Like I told Seras though, this scent has far too much human in it to be a demon bound to human form. This just doesn't add up.' He glanced back at Seras for a moment before turning and walking away in the direction of the smell. "Come we still have a job to do."

"Right, of course!" she yelled as she ran to catch up.

For the next hour the two wandered the streets of Konoha following the blood scent. Unfortunately the presence of all the humans slowed their progress towards the scents source considerably.

"Master, we've been trudging around this city for hours!" Seras whined, Can we take a break, please?"


"Oh come on! We've been looking forever and we aren't any closer to the source than we were when we started!" She exclaimed.

He abruptly turned to face her. "What's your point, Draculina?

Seras gulped, Alucard only called her Draculina when he was very, very annoyed. "Well, maybe if we stop for a bit we could…" Her head suddenly whipped to the side. "The scent, it's close!"

Alucard peered over the rim of his glasses as he spoke. "Really? How…fortuitous. Fine, no more walking and searching like humans. Seras, take to the skies and find the source. Once you have, find a good position and wait for me."

"Sir, yes sir, my master!" Seras replied in a dark tone.

She knelt down on the street as her left arm began to blur and shift. After a moment her arm had completely disappeared in its place was a pair of black bat-like wings with red outlines. The wings twitched once sending her rocketing into the sky at incredible speed leaving behind only a thin red streak in her wake. Alucard watched her fly for a moment before turning and walking into a buildings shadow which seemed to swallow him.

High above Seras relished the feeling of the wind on her face as she raced through the sky at almost the speed of sound.

'Focus ma Cherie.' said a calm voice in her head.

She mentally sighed. 'I know how to do my job! I don't need help from the pervert gallery!'

'Vell, excusei moi! I vas just trying to offer you zome advice.'

'The last time you offered some advice you were advising me to kiss a girl in the middle of the throne room!' she mentally shouted.

'It vould haf been a nice show.' The voice responded teasingly.

'Maybe for you captain Bernadette but not for me.!'

'Iz not my fault! I only got vone kiss from you . I haf to get my kicks in somevere.' replied the spiritual mercenary.

'I know.' Seras responded sadly.

Silence reigned in the young woman's head foe a few moments before she noticed something odd.

'Bernadette?' she mentally questioned.

'Oui ma cherie?'

'Is it just me, or does the blood scent seem to be, moving?' she asked.

Bernadette was quiet for a moment while he checked the information from her senses.

'You vere correct, it iz moving, razer qvickly I might add. Dis vould explain vy you and Alucard vere having such a problem tracking it down.' Her familiar replied, 'That said, I believe it iz just ahead in zat little sqvare.'

'Thank you for telling me I'm not crazy.' She thought with a smirk.

'You do realize you just said zat to a voice in your head zat only you can hear right?' Bernadette commented with a laugh.

Seras grumbled to herself as her flight quickly became a dive dropping her down on to a nearby roof. Returning her arm to its more natural shape she unslung her rifle as she cautiously approached the roofs edge. She laid down and set up her rifle in a sniper position, this took a total of about half a second. Once she was in position she scanned the crowd that seemed to have gathered in one corner of the square as she tried to locate the source of the demon-tainted blood. When she did find the source a feeling of revulsion rose in her throat.

She felt Alucards presence appear behind her as she looked at their target.

"Master, I believe that someone may have given us the wrong target." She hissed.

Alucard looked at over the crowd. "Indeed."

With her vampiric third eye Seras examined their supposed target. It was a young boy no more than seven or eight years old. He had spiky blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes as well as three thin black lines on each cheek. He wore a faded black tee-shirt and a pair of heavily worn tan shorts. He was covered in dirt, filth and had the thin bony look of domeone who doesn't get nearly enough to eat.

All of those things were secondary details to them though. What held the two bloodthirsty vampires still in rage was the people gathered around the boy. Around forty people were gathered around the boy forming a living wall between him and the rest of the square. Many of the people were throwing rocks, garbage or anything they could find at the boys huddled figure. Others carried knives or improvised clubs in case the boy tried to run away. From the number of cuts, bruises and contusions visible on the boys shaking body, it was obvious this abuse had been going on for some time.

"I guess they did bind lord Kurama into human form, and into a childs form no less." Seras commented in a tone halfway between pity and amusement.

"No Seras, they didn't bind Kurama into human form at all." Alucard stated with a creeping anger in his voice.

"That's not lord Kurama?" Seras asked sounding very confused.

"No that's not even a demon, that's a human, a Jinchurikki." Alucard snarled with barely controlled rage.

"Humanity possess no seal powerful enough to hold back Kurama forever. However they do have a container that can grow and adapt to anything they hold, their own bodies." He snarled as he attempted to force his anger down.

"They seal demons into their own bodies? But demon energy kills any human who tries to wield it!" Seras exclaimed.

Alucard looked down at the crowd gathered together in the square below them. "True, however if a demons soul is extracted it can be placed into the body of a newborn. Then as the child grows its body adapts to the demons presence building up an immunity to the demonic energy allowing me them to wield it as their own. Because of the demon they contain they are often treated poorly." His voice became a deep snarl, "But, this, this thing happening before us is beyond anything I have ever even heard of! No child, no matter what may make them different, should endure this kind of abuse! This is the work of true monsters!"

"We can't help him master. We would have to fight the humans attacking him to do so. Doing so we would break the Makai laws and become just as wanted as Kurama is! Until we have a provocation we can't help him!" Seras cried out in anguish.

"But we aren't going to help the human boy." Alucard responded with his signature psychotic grin plastered across his face. "We are going to go and assist lord Kurama. We can't help the boy, but we mustn't allow a fellow demon lord to be killed by a mere human mob now can we? Now, come, we have a demon lord and his vessel to save."

Seras smiled as she rose from the roof. "Of course, my master."

Down in the square the beating continued as stones and bricks continued to rain down on the boys huddled figure.

"Get out of our village, demon!" shouted one member of the mob.

"Die you filthy monster!" called out another.

"Come on guys, lets finish this once and for all!" yelled a third.

The boy cracked open one eye to see four large men walking towards him with long knives and horrifying grins.

'Help me!' the boy cried out mentally, 'Somebody, please! Jiji-san, Inu-san, anybody!'

Seeing no one coming to help he closed his eye again as the men continued to advance. He just waited for the pain to begin again, but it never did. Instead of the men's cruel laughter he heard four loud bangs like large firecrackers followed by four 'thuds' and a chorus of outrage from the mob.

He cracked his eye back open to see a young woman in dark red clothes crouched defensively between him and the crowd. Slightly in front of her was a tall man in a long red coat and a wide red hat. In front of him were four mangled corpses.

"Who… who are you?" the boy whispered.

The woman looked over her shoulder and smiled with her eyes closed. "My name is Seras Victoria little one, I'm here to help." She replied sweetly.

The boys face brightened as he asked, "Did Jiji-san send you?"

She hesitated for a moment, she didn't want to upset the boy but she really didn't want to lie to him either. "Yeah, your Jiji sent us to help you."

The boy was about to ask another question but Alucard cut him off. "Seras, how is he holding up over there?"

A pained expression crossed the woman's face as she turned back to her master. "Not good master. He has multiple compound fractures and heavy internal bleeding."

Alucard looked over his shoulder at her. "Take the boy far from here. Find somewhere safe and stay there until I arrive."

"Yes master." She said as she gathered the boy up in her arms and cradled him against her chest. "What are you going to do?"

Alucard's face split as a psychotic grin appeared displaying a horrifying array of fangs. "I will be demonstrating to these, people, the power of a true demonic monster!"

She smiled a little, "Of course master, don't take too long, I'll be awaiting your arrival." With that said she flexed her legs and shot thirty feet into the air and landed on the roof of a nearby building.

"Hey! You in the coat!" shouted a member of the mob.

Alucard turned to face them with a blank expression.

"Yeah you! What the hell do you think you're doing you friggin idiot!" shouted the mob member again.

"Where's that girl taking the demon? asked another.

"Silence fools!" Alucard barked, "We haven't done anything to any demon, we have saved an innocent child from your…tender cares."

"Innocent child?! That was no innocent kid! That's the nine-tailed demon fox!" someone retorted.

"We're going to avenge all those it killed by killing it! That way they'll rest in peace!" called out another.

"Yeah this is justice, who the hell are you to prevent that?" yelled a third.

"I am one who knows and understands true justice." Alucard replied quietly.

"You killed five innocent men who were about to kill a demon! How the hell is that justice you demon lover!" came the reply.

"They meant to harm an innocent. Thus I eliminated them to protect the innocent, it is that simple."

"Someone just kill this asshole so we can go and hunt down the Kyuubi and this guys bitch!"

In response to that shout a Kunai flew out of the crowd striking Alucard in the frhead with a sickening 'thock'. The handle quickly began to smoke and the weapon suddenly exploded due to the exploding tag wrapped around the handle. The resulting explosion blew the old vampires head apart in a cloud of red mist and white ships.

Seeing that Alucard was apparently dead somebody began to organize the mob. "alright everybody split up and look for the demon and that blonde bitch!"

"That was impressive…for a dog." said a deep and ominous voice.

The crowd watched in horrified fascination as Alucards body stood back up. Then the shattered pieces of his head seemed to liquefy. The resulting black liquid streamed through the air to form a sphere where his head was. The sphere then proceeded to slowly shift and change until it became Alucards head once more complete with his hat and glasses.

"You've got a nasty bite…dog. But a dog can't kill me, it takes a man to kill a monster. You said you were trying to kill a demon?" He opened his crimson eyes and stared at them all as his eyes seemed to glow. "Try killing a real one!"

He lifted his hands before him forming a rectangle with his thumbs and forefingers. Out in the crowd several pairs of eyes suddenly turned red with two or three black comma marks surrounding the pupils. Those who carried the eyes all had the same idea, to copy any new jutsu they see to become more powerful. As they watched Alucard brought the rectangle up to his left eye.

"Releasing control art restrictions, level 3, level 2, level one. Situation A recognized, the Cromwell approval is now in effect. Hold release until targets are silenced." He said slowly as if in a trance.

Massive black masses suddenly shot from his back. The masses then began to twist, bend and warp until he stood with four extra pairs of arms sprouting from his back.

The Uchihas who had attempted to use their sharingans on him were not aware of this development though. They were focusing on the fact that they had learned nothing after watching Alucard, meaning that either what he had done was either a Kekkai Genkai or it wasn't a jutsu at all. Many were so caught up in trying to understand why their sharingans had failed that they didn't notice their deaths coming at them until they died.

The moment Alucards extra arms had finished forming they had shot forward and grabbed the heads of the people nearest him. He pulled them close and then rapidly dispatched each with a hand through their hearts. Dropping the corpses the arms shot forward once more. This time though they didn't grab anyone, instead they flailed about, slicing and stabbing at anyone they found.

The whirlwind of death soon subsided leaving only a handful of shinobi still standing. Seeing this Alucard smiled and returned his extra arms to the shadows from which he created them. Reaching into the folds of his coat he drew forth his trusty pistols Jackal and Vulture. Jackal of course was the massive black pistol designed for him long ago by Walter C. Dornez. Vulture was an exact copy but had a slightly larger magazine. Seeing such strange implements several of the shinobi stopped and stared. All they saw though was Vultures muzzle flash twice and the Jackals once before three lifeless bodies hit the ground with charred and smoking holes where their chests once were.

Seeing their comrades die in such a way the remaining shinobi scattered and ran as fast as they could, to Alucards vampiric senses though they were moving at a snail's pace. It was child's play to bring down two more of the fleeing shinobi; one was missing his head while the other was blown entirely in half. Both wounds were testament to the power contained within the guns 13mm high explosive armor piercing rounds. In the space of the next ten seconds the guns barked five more times and five more shinobi corpses hit the ground in varying states of dismemberment. The last two though he let escape as they would alert the authorities and bring more lambs to the slaughter. He stood still for a moment as his body absorbed all the spilled blood like a sponge. Once he felt sure that he had not wasted a single drop of the precious liquid he stepped into the shadow of a lamppost and disappeared.

A second later he reemerged from the shadow of an ancient oak tree in one of Konoha's public parks. Nearby Seras was kneeling by the boy's side in the lee of a massive boulder. As he approached she stood, turned and bowed.

"You're here faster than I expected master." She commented quietly.

"They were far weaker than I had hoped." Alucard retorted, "How is the boy?"

She shook her head as she knelt back down beside the boy's unconscious body. "Not so good and getting worse. It appears that Lord Kuramas energy normally heals the boy, but this time his body has just taken too much damage. Kurama is pumping extra energy into the boy's body to heal him, but he can't handle it. The demon energy is ripping his body apart even as it is healed. He also told me his name, its Naruto Uzumaki."

"So the same power that would normally save him is now killing him. Well that is a problem if we want him alive." Alucard commented almost sadly. "Will he live?"

"No." Seras answered after a moment. "He won't survive the night. In fact it's a miracle he's not dead already."

"What a waste." Alucard snorted.

"Master?" asked Seras cautiously, "Why do you seem to care about Naruto's fate so much? I've never seen you act like this and it's honestly creeping me out."

Alucard made no motion that he had heard her question and instead just gazed at the moon. After a minute or two of this he finally answered. "He reminds me of myself in a way. We wish to do all we can to prove others wrong about us, and we will never give up unless we're dead."

"Oh, I didn't know." Seras muttered apologetically.

Alucard inclined his head a little. "Neither did I, until just a moment ago anyway. Beyond what I already said though, that boy is a fighter through and through. I can see the fires of determination in his eyes. If he had lived he would have been a Man amongst men, one who could kill a monster."

Seras looked back down at Naruto. "But master, what are we going to do? You swore that we would take Lord Kurama back to the demon world with us, but if we do that the worlds energy will kill Naruto, and by extension, Lord Kurama"

A strange glint appeared in the ancient vampire's eye. "Pick him up and come with me." He replied as he walked away.

"Where are we going master?" she asked as she settled Naruto onto her back.

"His home, he will need a few things if he is to live with uscomfortably." Alucard answered without stopping.

Seras almost dropped Naruto due to the shock she felt hearing her master say that. "What? Master, could you repeat what you just said, cause it sounded like you said he was going to be living with us."

Alucard didn't pause. "You heard correctly."

Again she almost dropped Naruto. "But Master, Naruto is human; he won't survive in our world for long!" She then thought for a second and gasped as she realized her master's plan. "You don't mean you're planning on turning him, are you?"

He just looked back at her and grinned.

"Master!" she groaned, "You promised the council of clans that I would be your last Childe!"

"You are correct I did promise." He retorted as he began to walk up the stairs to Naruto's apartment. "However I am bound by my honor as a demon to complete the task given to me by the summoner. Yet I cannot do so if the boy remains human, for he would die. So I must break a promise and change him so that I may complete my task." He quickly kicked down Naruto's door before turning and going back down the stairs. "Grab all you can and make a portal home. I have some things that need doing before we leave."

He then disappeared out of the building and out in to the street. Outside of the apartment building he found six shinobi wearing similar armor and white ceramic masks with the faces of animals on them.

The bear masked one spoke first. "Identify yourself and your village of origin."

'Rabbit' spoke next. "Be aware that your actions tonight are tantamount to a declararion of war by your village."

Alucard peered at the ANBU over the rims of his glasses. "I am called Alucard, and I do not come from one of your pathetic ninja villages."

'Owl' replied, "Then as a wandering-nin you are under arrest for the murder of twenty-seven civilians and seventeen shinobi of Konohagakure. Will you come quietly or will we be forced to subdue you and take you to the Torture and Interrogation unit?"

"Your laws don't apply to me, dogs." Alucards eyes widened as he spoke. "You lack the power to face me, worms. Soldiers, you've done your job well, now take your eternal rest."

Hearing his obviously violent reply the ANBU drew their swords and charged. Alucard just stood still and waited as his prey approached. 'Rat' was first to attack only to find that his swing missed as Alucard ducked beneath what would have been a decapitation strike. In response the vampires arm blurred with speed, turning a simple arm chop into a strike that split the rodent masked ANBU from head to toe. 'Falcon' struck next throwing a huge barrage of shuriken only to have them pass through their target like he was a liquid. Suddenly many of the shuriken came hurtling back and ripped 'falcon' apart. Seeing his teammates weapons fail 'Bear tried an earth jutsu only to have Alucard disappear only to reappear as his fangs ripped into 'Rabbits' throat.

Seeing an opportunity for reprieve the remaining ANBU jumped up to the relative safety of the rooftop. Alucard stood and watched them go as he slowly drained 'Rabbits' corpse.

"What's with this guy?" whispered 'Bear, "How the hell is he moving that fast?

"I believe he's using some sort of jutsu." 'Weasel' quietly replied.

"What makes you say that?" 'Owl asked.

"When I watch him move, his legs don't." 'Weasel' answered, "Actually it almost looks as if he isn't running, more like he just disappears and then instantly reappears, much like the Yondaimes flying thunder god technique."

"Ok, here's the plan. Owl use your Static Cloud to paralyze him. I'll use Doryuu Taiga to trap him and Weasel will bring him down with a genjutsu."

The other two ANBU nodded. The three then leapt back down to the street. Surprisingly their opponent was nowhere to be found, neither were the bodies of their comrades.

"What the hell?!" shouted 'Bear'.

'Owl walked over to the mouth of an alleyway and peered into the shadows. As he turned away he felt a light tap on his chest, but thought nothing of it. He began to walk away but collapsed in a pool of his own blood which was rapidly pouring from a hole in his chest where his heart had been. He tried to call out to his companions but felt death overtake him.

'Bear' saw his teammate collapse and ran to help. Before he had taken three steps he saw a flash of red and black. He came to a halt as he felt a strange sensation, like hundreds of little wires laying against his skin. He lifted his hand up to inspect it only to watch in horror as he fell apart piece by piece from huge cuts that appeared on his skin. His last sight was 'Weasel' removing his mask.

'Weasel' dropped his mask to the ground and faced Alucard slipping into his combat stance and tightening his grip on his sword.

With his sharingans blazing with fury he spoke. "Give up hope of victory. You face an Uchiha now, and I have never been defeated!"

Alucards grin only widened in response. "Excellent! Excellent! Now I cann exact my price from your pitiful clan!"

'Weasel' frowned as he thought. 'He's to fast for ninjutsu,to strong for taijutsu or kenjutsu, I believe this will be an excellent time to test my new eyes. Let's see how he deals with Tsukiyomi!' He shunted more chakra to his eyes activating the next level of his sharingan and causing the three Tomoes to warp until the formed a tri-bladed shuriken.

"This battle is over demon!" he shouted as he readied his ultimate genjutsu. "Tsukiyomi!"

Alucards vision went black for a moment. When his vision returned he found himself in a world of darkness crucified on a wooden pole. Around him stood a hundred images of 'Weasel', each holding a wickedly sharp sword.

"Welcome to my nightmare world." Said one as it approached. "This is my world and for the next seventy-two hours I will be torturing you in here as your body will be imprisoned behind seals not even the Kyuubi could escape."

"Really? Is that all?" drawled the ancient vampire in a bored tone. "How disappointing, yet another who I thought to be a man, turns out to be no more than someone's pet. How disappointing indeed."

With a casual flick of his wrist Alucard shattered the chains binding him to the pole.

'Weasel's eyes widened. "That's impossible! No one can escape the Tsukiyomi, it's our clans ultimate genjutsu."

"If this is your ultimate illusion than your clan is far weaker than I thought." Alucard removed his glasses and met his opponents eyes. "Now see the power of a true illusion, Itachi Uchiha!"

Alucards eyes flashed for a moment as all but one of the images disappeared and the one who remained fell to his knees.

Alucards grin of fangs appeared again. "Hear this and obey, you mortal worm! In the near future you will slaughter your family, when you do so you will carve an upside down cross in to their corpses. When you kill your dear father, whisper into his ear 'Thus is your price to the demon paid. Thus is our dark contract fulfilled.' Once your task is done your mind will be your own once more, and you will walk the world with the burden of your actions. This is the preice I take for you and your clans arrogance! Now release this illusion!"

Itachis eyes closed and the real world returned. When they had fully returned Itachi slumped to the ground unconscious. The air then thrummed with energy indicating that Seras had opened the portal.

'Seras' he called telepathically.

'Yes master?' she replied.

'Go through with the boy. Take him into the throne room and lay him upon the great seal. It will protect him from our worlds energy until I join you.' He commanded.

'As you say master.' She replied as she stepped into the dark portal and broke the connection.

Alucard meanwhile was watching intently as a group of around twenty shinobi ran down the street towards him. All but one wore the white ceramic masks of the ANBU. The one who didn't wore a black bodysuit with armor on his shoulders, thighs, forearms, and shins. A massive thick staff lay across one shoulder and an armored helm sat upon his head. He had a pointed white goatee and many age and worry lines that revealed his age. The group came to a halt just a few feet before the vampire.

The old man took two steps forward to speak but Alucard cut him off by bowing deeply and removing his hat. "Greetings Hiruzen Sarutobi, third Lord Hokage of Konohagakure. It is an honor to make your acquaintance." Alucard could see Sarutobi was old but he felt an aura of strength and power around him. Much like that of a certain butler he had known many years before.

The Hokage seemed taken aback by the vampires polite greeting. "I am sorry to say I cannot return you kind greeting. I don't know your name and haven't come to exchange pleasantries."

"Right to the point then?" Alucard said easily as he shrugged. "You may call me Alucard. Now what was it you wished to speak of?"

"I wish to ask you why have killed so many civilians and shinobi of this village tonight." Asked the Hokage as he narrowed his eyes.

"It needed to be done." Alucard answered calmly. "I found them grouped around a young child. While I understand corporeal punishment I do not believe it is necessary to gather a mob just to beat one child. The only other reason I can think of for what they were doing is that they were attempting to kill the boy, and no adult should ever harm a child in cold blood. Only a monster could bring themselves to do such a thing."

"I see." Replied the Hokage tiredly. "In that case why did you kill this ANBU patrol and where is the child you saved?"

"These ANBU attacked me when I refused arrest. They were charging me with the murder of a number of your shinobi and civilians." Alucard replied flatly, "I do not believe that killing those who would harm innocents is a crime, most people call it, justice."

The Hokage waited for Alucard to continue but eventually spoke when it became clear the vampire had said his part. "What of my second question? Where is Naruto Uzumaki?"

"Dead." Replied the old vampire like it was the simplest thing in the world.

An ANBU wearing a dog mask with spiky silver hair hissed in anger. "So after going and saving the boy from a mob the demon decided to kill him. Hypocrite. Couldn't you at least wait until he sa-"

Alucards eyes narrowed in anger as he glared at the dog masked ANBU. Around him the street lights seemed to dim while the shadows of the night stretched out towards him. His face was swallowed by shadowed but his eyes continued to burn a terrible crimson. An aura of fear and horror crashed down until the assemble shinobi driving several to their knees with its speed and intensity.

He then spoke with a voice deep enough to rattle the shinobi's bones. "A demon I may be, mortal, but I do not harm Humans without reason, and I would never fall so low as to harm a child of any kind! Only Humans are capable of such depravity!"

His eyes returned to normal as he lifted his aura from his surroundings. The Hokage still stood tall as he addressed Alucard directly.

"I apologize for my subordinates remarks Alucard-san." Said the Hokage peaceably. "However if you would be so kind as to tell us the location of Naruto's body you may go free. It would appear my shinobi were in the wrong this time."

"I would tell you where his body is but I am afraid he is using it at the moment." Alucard said with a smirk.

"How does that work since you just told us he was dead?" asked the dog ANBU.

"The boy did die, but using my abilities I will bring him back as a demon. As such I had my servant take him to our home within the underworld." Alucard stated.

"Will you let him return here one day?" asked the old man hopefully.

"If he should wish it, yes." Alucard turned to walk into a shadow but stopped and turned to say one last thing. "I will say this though, should he wish to return, it will not be Naruto Uzumaki who will return for that boy died this night. The one who will return will be Naruto Tepes, the No-Life Prince! This I swear upon my honor as the No-Life King." With that he stepped into the shadows and vanished.

The Hokage stared into the shadow for a moment before turning and addressing his ANBU escort. "Get this all cleaned up. Inu, I have a job for you."

"Yes Lord Hokage?"

"Go and talk to Inoichi. Ask him to go through our ancient scrolls on demons and see if he can find anything about this, No-Life King."

"Of course Lord Hokage." Inu said as he leapt away.

The Hokage looked up at the stars and thought. 'Naruto, wherever you are. I wish you all the happiness you should have found here. Live a good life, but come back here some day."

Ta-Da and that's a wrap for the first chapter of the No-Life Prince! Gee that wasn't so hard. (Passes out from exhaustion and lack of bacon.)

Unless I run out of bacon or again the next chapter should be out in about a week or so. My little voices are running me ragged here