(Hi guys, I was very unhappy with the quality of this story and how it's going so far. I do have an idea for this I really love so I want to keep going with it. I am going to quickly just update the few chapters here with edits and some additions before I continue with the story. Thank you all for reading so far I hope you enjoy the story and please let me know if you have any ideas, any helpful criticisms, or just a regular comment. Thanks again)




"Savannah this is going to be great you should be so excited. It's not ever day you move out on your own" my mom said plastering on her best fake smile as she drove away from the house I had called home for the last two years.

"I know mom I am excited. I just didn't plan on moving on so soon," I said referring to the fact that two days ago I was seventeen and now I was eighteen and moving out. It wasn't that I was upset about this. I was actually thrilled to be out on my own, I just didn't plan on this going down the way it was.

"Look baby, were already here that's how close you are to my house," she said poking me in the side as she turned down a dirt road and into an open parking lot. It took her a moment to find the number she had scratched out on the back of an envelope, the number being my new address. She had arranged all of this without informing me. It wasn't even until this morning that she informed me she had never even laid eyes on the place before.

Part of me was happy when she finally did stop the truck but the other half of me knew once she did there was no going back and this was really happening, if I liked it or not. I groaned loudly as I stepped out of the pickup truck and looked around my new home, the town's local trailer park. I had only been here once before when my best friend in high school's boyfriend was having a party there. As I slipped the key my mom had handed me into the worn out lock on my new friend door I shook my head noticing my neighbours piece of shit car not far from my trailer missing two tires and some how seemed to have to a pile of beat up fishing poles sticking out the window from the back seat.

If I were being honest with myself I would have realized this trailer park wasn't much worse then the numerous houses I had lived in as a child but at that moment I hated being there. Growing up I had dreamed of finally making my escape from my mom and whatever boyfriend she had at the times clutches but this was not at all how I had pictured my first home. After my mom and my stepfather sat me down and told me I would be leaving their home now that I was legally an adult I had tried hard to convince her to change her mind. Whenever I even came close to having her change her mind my stepfather would quickly spin that around. Now thanks to him I was here and tonight she would be going back there without me, something I knew he was looking forward to.

Steve my stepfather had always told me one day I would be gone but I never believed my mom would cave on that. When it was just she and I she would call me the Louise to her Thelma. We were a team, us against the world she always reminded me. The minute Steve came into our lives that all changed. He was an alcoholic dead beat who was constantly unemployed and tended to take his aggression out on my mother. He went after me a few times and for years I fought back but eventually I would learn if I kept my mouth shut he would get bored and move on. I tried to get her to leave but anytime I did he would get sober and she would give me some long drawn out speech about him changing. Constantly breaking up their endless fights became a part time job. I would work all day and spend my nights talking to the cops or bringing her to the emergency room. When I did pack my things I begged her to come with me. I had promised we could pack up the truck one night and take off before he had any idea but she refused time after time.

"Savannah, sweetie you have to hurry I need to be back to the house to take Steve to the bank" my mother called out as she started unloading the few boxes I had and placed them in front of the door to my new home.

"Mom, let me do this" I rushed to finish the job she had started. My mom was a small woman she had always been short and thin. Since she had been with Steve she had lost weight that she could not afford to, which resulted her looking constantly stick figure skinny. She grew large dark circles under her eyes and her once chestnut brow hair was now highlighted with grey at the age of forty-five. I had always wanted to look like the version of her before she met Steve. Thankfully I did get more traits from her then I did then I did from the father I had never met. I had the same chestnut hair that I always put into a side braid like she had done when I was a young girl. We had the same matching bright green eyes but thankfully the one trait I did get from my father made me an average height instead of a shorty like her.

After a few moments of unloading my things my mom was quick to kiss me on the cheek before she promised to call me and took out of the parking lot leaving me there in front of my new home by myself. I sighed watching the taillights of her truck for a second before I turned to face my new home. I hated that this would be my first home. Since I had turned fourteen I had been working most of the time to have a good excuse to stay out of the house. Most of the money I had tried to save would end up going to my mom to help with the bills so when they forced me to move I only had enough in the savings to put first and last down on a one bedroom trailer which wasn't to far from my work. Thankfully it was a decent trailer that I was sure I could make my own. I pushed open the door and began lifting the boxes inside. I was silently thanking myself for wearing my cut off jean shorts and a tank top as the sun beat down on me when I heard a voice from behind me.

"Well hello their darling you must be new to these parts"

I turned around to see a man standing there with a beat up fishing pole and a chain filled with fish in the other hand. He had a slight hint of a southern accent and a very short buzz cut. I quickly looked him over spotting the leather vest and the slight hint of old scars on his knuckles. His words sounded nice but his appearance made me nervous. I was used to guys like him I had grown up with them but I also knew what a guy like this was capable of.

"Yeah I'm just moving in," I said wiping my hands on my shorts to clean off as much dust as I could before I shook his hand.

"Your a young one. How old are you?" he asked.

"Just turned eighteenth," I mentioned hoping he would take the hint I was far to young for him.

"Wow you are a youngin. My brother Daryl is about your age. What's a pretty little thing like you doing living here by yourself?" he asked with a raised brow.

"Parents kicked me out" I said slightly worried now that I had a good suspicion this man standing in front of me was my new next door neighbour.

"Awe I'm sorry to hear that. Well darling I have to get these in my freezer. Feel free to let me know if you need help with anything. A girl shouldn't be on their own, if you need someone for man's work I am next door."

His words instantly confirmed my fears and now it was obvious this redneck was a man who was convinced woman needed men. I had a feeling he was someone I was going to want to avoid at all costs.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. My name is Savannah," I said trying to play along not wanting to start anything with this guy I wasn't sure of just yet.

"Nice to meet you Savannah I am Merle Dixon" he said with a scary grin before he turned to take off towards his trailer.

Before the man had a chance to leave and I had a moment to breath someone called out "Hey Merle wait up"

I turned to see a younger looking man come running up to the man. He had a small resemblance to the man standing in front of me but he looked different. He had short brown hair and the slight hint of a scruffy beard. He was carrying a bow and arrow on his back and was holding what looked like a few dead squirrels in his left hand. He stopped when he reached Merle. He was smiling until Merle turned and gestured toward me. I couldn't help but rest my hands on my hips slightly confused by the two men.

"Daryl, we have a new neighbour," he said pointing at me.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the young man quickly hide the squirrels behind his back as a nervous look rushed over his face.

"I am sorry I didn't see you there. I am Daryl Dixon," he said holding out his hand to me.

"Don't worry about it. I am Savannah," I said shaking his hand slowly.

"I was just letting little Savannah here know that if she needs anything she can knock on our door. Daryl here is real help. If you need me and I'm not around Daryl here can help with whatever you need. Isn't that right Daryl?" Merle said looking over at his brother.

"Yeah of course. Just let us know if you need anything," he said softly. It was obvious from speaking to them they were similar but also very different. Merle seemed to bring out an uneasy feeling in me well Daryl seemed softer, nicer and definitely better looking.

"Well thank you boys that is very sweet and I'm sure I will be taking you both up on that offer in the near future" I smiled as they both waived and headed off towards their trailer next to mine. I had only been here less then an hour but I was positive I would be seeing much more of both Merle and Daryl Dixon.