A/N: I found the little hints Mashima left about Natsu and Lucy ending up together. There are quite a few mini-fics about these hints. I decided to write one I couldn't find. Fingers-crossed Mashima will actually do something about them, soon.

Edit: There were some parts missing, didn't realize it.


Virgo heard her mistress; meaning, her princess call her.

"Punishment time," she asked as soon as she appeared, "Hime?"

Her mistress was in front of the Sola tree in the Magnolia Park, with the pink-haired Dragonslayer, minus the flying blue cat. The boy had a shovel in his hands and looked as if was about to dig up the tree. The princess, on the other hand, looked as if she was just done reasoning with a stubborn child. She was a bit pink on the cheeks too, Virgo noted.

"No." Lucy waved her arms over at Natsu, "He wants you to dig up a box."

Virgo habitually tilted her head. "Where does Master Natsu want me to dig?"

"Why do you call him Master?" Lucy mumbled.



Natsu showed her the spot, right under the tree. As she dug the old box up, she heard the boy and girl arguing, beds and fridges, sane old things. Even though she was the maid spirit, the spirit everyone deemed emotionless, she was smiling, on the inside, at their situation. She decided it was better to dig the thing up quickly and leave the two in question alone. Hopefully, something will finally happen.

"Is it well enough master Natsu?" Virgo asked, "Do I get punished?"

"It's fine." Natsu gave her his usual grin, "Thanks, Virgo."

"You can go back now." Lucy told her, mumbling about how she was the one who called her.

As she disappeared back to the spirit world, Virgo heard the Celestial mage ask, "Why does she call you master?" to which the fire-breather shrugged.

Virgo smirked to herself. Even though her mistress was a smart person who knew a lot about the celestial world, and more than anyone else about its laws, she still couldn't figure out the one little detail. Virgo thought she should tell Lucy about Natsu, about them. But then, the maid wasn't supposed to say anything from her own. Maybe she will tell them, one day. For now, she's just enjoying their childish denial.

"When are you going to tell them that you know what's gonna happen?" a male with spiky hair asked.

"But oni-san, Crux told me I can't say it," she smiled, "Plus, where's the fun in telling them they're gonna end up together and let the awkwardness stop?"

"Fine by me," the lion chuckled.

The End