Disclaimer: I own nothing of The Lone Ranger except the DVD!

I can't believe I'm actually doing this...
I noticed that there were not so many fics with Red and Tonto in them, but I don't know if making one myself was the best of ideas...

English is not my first language...


Red sat on the couch in front of her painting, petting the cat in her lap. Ever since it had returned during the visit of that Ranger and the Indian, it hadn't escaped again... What had gotten into him?! Maybe the good spirits of the Indian?

She chuckled, thinking of the Indian. Tonto... He was such a weird man... He was different than all the others... There was something about him... She was curious about him and she was curious about what he had done to her cat!

It was almost as if the cat was completely different now... He never tried to run away anymore, he was very calm and he even asked for affection once in a while now...

Maybe the cat was an improvement... It was definitely better than the last man in her life... At least this one didn't cut of her leg and eat it...

Red sighed. It had been so long... She actually started to miss a man in her life...

A real man... Not a man who just wanted to touch her leg... Not just a man who wanted her 'special treatment'... Not a man who and wasn't satisfied with the young girls who worked for her; the men who didn't want those young girls who did 'all the heavy lifting' downstairs and wanted an older woman...

Older woman...She was the older woman now that all the girls who worked for her were much younger... Younger... Prettier...

She sighed again. What did life have to offer her? Nothing...

''At least I still have you'' she told the cat.

At that moment, the cat jumped from her lap and left her alone.

Red blinked a few times. This was just great... Now everybody and everything had literally walked out of her life!

While she was trying to figure out what the purpose of being alive was, someone knocked on her door.

''What?!'' she snapped.

''I-I'm sorry... I don't mean to bother you'' she heard Homer say on the other side of the door.

Every knew not to disturb Red Harrington when she was in a bad mood.

Red got up rather quickly and made her way over to the door, which was quite remarkable in her condition with only one good leg... She pulled the door open and saw Homer standing in front of her.

''What is it, Homer?'' Red asked him annoyed.

''The Indian is back to see you'' Homer said.

Red stepped out of her room and saw Tonto standing next to her desk. The cat sat right by his side... That's where he had gone... Now, Red knew for sure there had to be a connection to her cat and the Indian... Tonto had his eyes glued on the animal and shifted uncomfortable. He stretched his leg and slowly moved the cat away from him.

''Afraid of cat...'' Tonto still didn't like cats...

Red looked from Tonto to the cat and back. She walked up to him and picked the cat up from the ground. The cat kept his eyes on Tonto.

Red wondered what the cat found so interesting about the Indian. She looked and Tonto and studied him. He sure was different than every other man... The bird on his head... The paint on his face... His way of speaking...

Her thoughts were interrupted by noises coming from downstairs. She looked down and saw people pointed up towards the Indian. Some of the guest were not happy with the company of an outlaw...

''Come on, Tonto'' ''Homer! Take care of that, will you?'' she waved her hand into the direction of the turmoil downstairs.

Tonto followed her as she lead him into her room and she said back down on the couch again with the cat.

''People still do not like Indian...'' he pointed out.

''No, they don't...'' Red petted her cat again.

The cat broke free from her grasp and started walking circles around Tonto.

''My cat seems to be very interested in you...'' Red watched the situation in front of her.

''Animal is waiting to speak...'' Tonto said.

''What?'' she asked him lazily.

''My ancestors would speak with the animals... Cat is waiting to speak...'' his eyes followed the cat.

''I don't want to speak to cat...'' he moved away.

Red couldn't help but laugh. It was just a cat! A little fluffy ball on 4 tiny chubby legs...

Tonto looked at her. Why was she laughing? Red stopped laughing immediately. His eyes pierced hers. It was giving her a weird feeling...

''Eehr- Why are you here, Tonto?'' she hoped he would stop staring at her.

''The Ranger is back to see the kid and his woman... I'm alone...'' he hadn't stopped staring at her yet...

''So, you came to see my girls'' she smirked.

''I came to see you'' he corrected her.

''Oh no Tonto, my girls will have to do for you! I only work for eehr- special clients...'' Red told him.

''No... Came to make trade...'' he interrupted her.

''Make trade?'' Red got up from the couch to get a drink.

''You helped me and Kemosabe...''the Indian clarified.

''I already told The Ranger I don't want anything in return... I just want that man to pay for what he took from me...'' she said bitterly.

Tonto was confused... Didn't she know that the man had already paid the highest price? He was dead!

''Windigo is gone...'' he told her.

This really got Red's attention. She dropped the glass she had in her hand. Her eyes shot up to meet his. She tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall, just because she was thinking about him...The man who wrecked her, the man who ate her leg was finally dead!

''Butch Cavendish is dead?!'' she whispered.

''Yes'' Tonto replied.

Red was feeling lightheaded. She had the feeling she was about to faint... She needed to sit down... She tried to back away to the couch again. The cat suddenly shot behind her and made her lose balance. She couldn't keep herself standing up with just one good functioning leg. She was sure she would fall...

Tonto caught her. He didn't realise what he had done until he felt her red hair against his chest. It tickled... He felt a weird feeling inside of him...

''You need to rest...'' he picked her up and put her on the couch.

''Thank you...'' Red said faintly.

She felt stupid. She couldn't even stand up by herself all because of her leg!

''That stupid leg...'' she cursed.

''Not stupid...'' Tonto looked at the beautiful white material of her leg.

''Don't touch it!'' men were only allowed to touch it when it would be convenient for her...

''Why not?'' he asked and boldly placed his hand on the cold ivory.

She looked at him and he stared back at her...

There was just something about this man...


If you reach this point, I'm so grateful you kept on reading till the end!