
The name Ramla, is an Egyptian female name, the meaning behind is 'prophetess'.

The name Nefertiri is used in the film. The meaning behind it is unknown and/or not one as it is actually a name. People assume the film uses the name Nefertiti (who was a real queen and wife of a Pharaoh) but producers changed the name, assuming people would make boob jokes.

Linking to the fact above, the meaning behind Nefertiti is 'a beautiful woman has come'. There is another name similar to Nefertiri which is Nefertari, who in Ancient Egypt was the wife of Pharaoh Ramesses. Her name means 'beautiful companion'.

It's said that in the film Ardeth Bay never calls the Creature by his name, as the medjai feel it is bad luck to say his name and might make the Creature stronger. So, to follow that, I made Ardeth in the stories say only 'the Creature'.

The name Bomani, is an Egyptian male name, the meaning behind it is 'warrior'.

The name Akil, is an Egyptian name meaning 'intelligent'.

The name Teremun, is and Egyptian name meaning 'loved by his father'.

Ramla is the high priestess of Goddess Nut, who is the Goddess of stars and the sky. Even though this, Ramla has a little connection to God Ra, God of the sun as it's a direct link to the sky and above the cities, giving the Gods a 'bigger picture' on the events and adventures.

Linking to the fact above, Rebekah has a new tattoo in this story, the Eye of Ra around her eye, a link to Ramla and her link to the God Ra.

I checked, and you can have your eye lid and area around your eye tattooed.

Ardeth's falcon is still debated about its species, but looking at a list of falcons the Peregrine Falcon was the closest I could match it to a real life falcon, by its colours and patterns on its feathers.

Also, Ardeth's sword is a style that was made just for the film. But looking up styles of swords and origins and information with the swords, the Khopesh sword was the closest style and link to Ardeth's.

The three male medjai that are now Rebekah's protectors are my own creations. Adofo means 'fighter'. Fahim means 'intelligent'. Gahiji means 'hunter'.

As clearly stated in the story, Ardeth, Rebekah and Evy are descendants of Bomani, Ramla and Nefertiri. Teremun is the ancestor of Jonathon and Akil is the ancestor of Rick, all of them having a link to each other.