This is not a new story, but the beginning of a bunch of snips I can get out of my system to focus on my real writing projects. May be up for adoption if anyone is interested

I do not own anything from the Nasuverse

Gilgamesh paused momentarily as the twisted aura of the mad Servant he had been sensing peaked, and Berserker appeared.

"Pathetic. For one of the few times in my life, I find that I must recant my words," he announced to the assembled Saber, Lancer, and Rider. "To call you dogs is to, I fear, leave me no apt descriptor for this poor mongrel. Pitiful thing."

Indeed, the Servant of Insanity seemed little more than an animal. Smaller than even the petite Saber, Berserker was crouched on all four and robed only in tattered rags that barely hid its sex. It's long, green hair was tangled and matted, hanging in a curtain a around its face as it sniffed the ground like a dog.

"Poor thing. I cannot imagine what legend gave birth to that, but to be summoned as Berserker could only tarnish its name," Lancer mused. Saber, however, merely tightened her grip on her sword. Yes, the Servant of Madness looked like an animal, she knew. But her rank A Instinct was screaming at her that there was far more to Berserker than met the eye.

"Arrrr...rogann...t...kinnngg..." it moaned out. Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes and the Gate of Babylon swiveled around to face Berserker.

"At least you have sense enough to face the ground like the insect you are," Gilgamesh said, "but no. Your presence affronts me." Two golden rays of light lashed out from the Gate, the after images of the ancient phantasms that screamed through the air at Berserker. With a sound like a stone bell the ground exploded, creating a cloud of dust and shrapnel.

"W-wow. First Assassin, and now Berserker. J-just like that. Archer is..." Waver choked off.

"No," Rider corrected quietly. "It's not over." He grinned wolfishly. "Not. At. All!" The cloud cleared to show Berserker still hunched on the ground, intact, with a spear buried in the concrete beside it. It was propped up only on three limbs now, and in its left arm...

"I was going to give you a mercy killing, poor thing," Gilgamesh lamented. Then he narrowed his eyes. "But now you've had the audacity to touch one of my treasures. Now, this is an execution." The air rippled as thrice the number of phantasms appeared, aimed at the animalistic Servant who clutched a twisted, golden scimitar in its left hand. "Are you sane enough to give any final words, mongrel? Perhaps an apology, or a lament at the fruits of your arrogance?"

"Ar...Arrrr...rogann...t..." It's moan seemed half pleading, and half an attempt at sensuality. Saber's guts churned uncomfortably, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Rider just stood by watching, and Diarmuid seemed almost tempted to avert his eyes from the shameful scene. "Rrr...rreppPp...p-pprrIiI...mmManD..."

"Yes. Yes, you were arrogant. But at least you accept your reprimand with good grace." Gilgamesh nodded once, and the ancient lights of death lashed out.

"Rr-rePprRimANdddddD!" Berserker howled, raising its face to the heavens in declaration and argument as the phantasms flew from the Gate. Simultaneously it shot to its feet and threw the scimitar it had seized into the oncoming attack. It ricocheted off a spear and into a broadsword, knocking both out of their paths.

Gilgamesh saw Berserker's face illuminated momentarily both in the glow of the moon, and in the lights of the striking treasures. The King of Hero's mind went *TILT*.

Berserker seized an oncoming sword, 'Durandall', by the blade as it approached the Servant's nose, its bare hand unharmed by the razor edge or momentum, and leapt into the sky with a feral scream.

"RrEpRimAaAannNnddD!" Berserker shrieked as it arced through the air, and as it reached parity of heights with the King of Heroes it swung Durandal by the blade and smashed the hilt into Gilgamesh's nose.

The King's vision flashed white with pain and he felt his nose break like an eggshell as the force of the blow threw him from his overseeing perch and sent him tumbling into a pile of crates. Gilgamesh didn't care.

The Mad Servant landed upon the place Gilgamesh had occupied, clinging like a lizard on a branch and howled his superiority. Gilgamesh didn't care.

Berseker sloppily heaved Durandal toward the King like a rotten piece of fruit. Gilgamesh didn't care.

The holy sword hummed through the sky, and only the Servant's bad aim saved his life as the hilt ricochet off of his armor hard enough to leave a bruise. Gilgamesh didn't care.

The warm feeling of flowing blood dripped down the King of Hero's face as he stared at his enemy, unfamiliar after so many years unchallenged, and tainted his regal mouth with copper and red. Gilgamesh didn't care.

But in the light of the moon the King could finally put a name to his animalistic enemy.

"E-Enkidu?" he whispered. The first True Companion snarled at its name as the first Hero stared.

And Gilgamesh found that he cared. He cared.



"Ennnnkiiiiiduuuu!" Gilgamesh howled, his vision as red as the blood on his face. And the Gates of Babylon opened wide, filling the sky with dozens of ancient weapons.

And golden light consumed the night.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Class: Berserker…...Name: Enkidu…...Alt Classes: Lancer, Saber, Archer, Caster

Strength: A
Endure: A++
Speed: B
Mana: D
Luck: E
Phantasm: X

Mad Enhancement: B. Servant ranks up once in all stats, but mental processes are reduced almost to that of a trained animal.

Natural Body: B. Servant is treated as though it is permanently ranked up in strength and endurance. [Enkidu's body was made from clay by the gods.]

Instinct: A+. Servant can act instinctively in the best way towards the flow of battle, minimizing hesitation and confusion. Servant can even use skills that might otherwise be unavailable. [Enkidu was born with the mind of a wild animal, and even after its education remained close to nature.]

Presence Detection: A+. Servant can detect and track the location of geographical objects and most beings within a wide range of several miles. [Enkidu's connection to nature was of highest quality.]

Divinity: A+. Servant can on occasion alter or ignore the ordinary rules of the world in favor of its will due to its status as a divine spirit. [The king of the gods and the goddess of creation made Enkidu, thereby making him nearly a divine being himself.]

Gilgamesh cutting loose against the only being considered his equal? Yeah, that pretty much ends the war right there, along with everything in a ten-mile radius.

Next up: Rider vs. Rider! Stay Night vs. Zero! Who will win in a bout between Medusa and Broskander!