Sorry for not updating in a while. Here you go.

Anna's POV

"You ok?" I asked the next day, after the whole Maddy thing kind of settled in my head.

"Yeah, you?" Elsa asked me as casually as she could at the time.

"Fine," I didn't know what to say, for the first time in my life.

"You sure?" Elsa asked me, making sure she got the answer she wanted.

"I meant, yeah, I guess," I stumbled on my words, as I always do when I'm nervous.

"You guess?" Elsa said slowly, more in question form.

"Ha ha," I nervously laughed, not wanting anything to get weirder than it already was.

"Can I ask you something?" Elsa stopped to turn to me and smiled, but not how she usually did.

"Yeah, anything," I could feel my mood brighten, as well as my face for a second.

"Wait, we're walking the right way home right?" Elsa turned around, looking at her surroundings.

"Yeah, I'll walk you to your house," I told her, happy that her question was normal.

"Ok, just making sure, can never be too careful," Elsa laughed, more like how she always did.

"See, there it is," I said turning a corner in the middle of nowhere. We walked up to her door laughing about events that happened today while in classes.

"Ok, I'll see you later!" I said turning around from her doorstep.

"Wait," Elsa said before she closed the door.

"What is it?" I asked still smiling from earlier.

"Thank you," she said slowly, as if she was going to say something else first.

"No problem," I smiled before we said our goodbyes and I started to leave.

Elsa'a POV

Why? Why me? Why didn't I do it? I'm always like that. So stupid.

I know that right now everyone hates me right? Please review!