My first! So be relatively nice, please! -Gives cyber cookies-

He saw them everywhere. Those lotuses, those sweetly smelling flowers. It's just an allusion they told him. He tried to ignore them. Closes his eyes, only for Alma to appear. Only for her to appear. He saw her bleeding, screaming and crying. Yelling thing like 'Save me!' and 'Please, help me!' while Alma kills her giggling maniacally. It was scary. Kanda always woke up crying and drenched in sweat. Having nightmare about his friends dying. About Alma killing them too. He wanted to scream and cry. To scream out, 'Make them go away!'. Not to scowl and act like he didn't want friends. But he didn't want anybody to worry. To look at him with pity and sympathy. So he hid behind his mask of the devil.

He smiled a lot. Joked around a lot and acted like a fool. He actually saw no reason to grin and mess with the person who went by Kanda Yu. Or to call out 'STRIKE!' everytime he supposedly saw a pretty girl. He saw no reason to be around Allen Walker or Lenalee Lee. He cared for none of them. He wondered if he should feel sad if his 'friends' died. No. He is a Bookman. Bookmen aren't war creating humans. They don't feel happiness or sadness. Hate or anger. Love or loneliness. Bookmen are above emotions. He always kept his mask up. Even in death.

People would think she didn't have a mask. She did. Under all of the exasperation and politeness there was a desperate need for love and insecurity. Silently screaming 'Don't leave me!' and 'Do they really love me?'. Komui wasn't the only one who saw this. Kanda, Allen, and Lavi saw this. Kanda pretended not to see. Only showing her that he cared when they were absolutely alone. Allen was with Lenalee whenever she wanted to see him or when she needed it. Lavi pretended to care, But really didn't. His words had no real meaning. Komui tried the most. Showering her with love and adoration everytime he saw her. If any of them left she'd go mad. She didn't want those who didn't know to worry. So she never showed this.

He had the hardest and most firm mask of them all. Building it up over the years.

He'd make sure to be the perfect gentleman. Always pulling out chairs first. Letting the others go first. Never talking back. Never swearing. Always smiling. Always making sure Red never comes trusts Kanda to kill him when Nea takes over for good. Lenalee, he sees her as someone to protect. To love as a sister. He believes Lavi still has a heart. Just a little. But he is still just a mirror. Mirroring Mana. He would never show them Red. If he takes off his Mask of Mana he would go mad. Berzerk. Bonkers. Insane. Beyond saving. So he will keep dancing this fake dance as an imitation of his hero. Of Mana. Just to stay alive and sane.

They would never take their precious mask off. Their real selves died long ago. They're just dolls.

-Gulp-...So how was it? Hate it? Love it? Make you wanna puke? Make you wanna cry?

Please review and tell me! -Gives cyber cookies-