A/N – This is going to be my main story so expect frequent updates.

The following is a work of fan fiction.


Aboard a mighty space station, red clashed against blue. Stormtroopers gathered round the deadly dance; to see a duel reminiscent of a more civilized age. An old robed hermit-looking man was fending off bone-jarring blows rained down by an imposing figure clad in black armor.

Darth Vader cursed when his former mentor pivoted sharply and dealt him a glancing blow to the shoulder. Enraged, he lunged forward arcing his lightsaber with such force that Kenobi's clattered lifeless to the hard polished floor. Despite the steady hiss released by his former padawan's respirator, the hate oozing from the now Sith Lord filled the corridor. "This is the end for you, Kenobi."

"Anakin, I…"

"What, Obi-Wan?" Vader hissed, his cape billowing ominously.

"Padmé would be proud of you, Ani." Obi-Wan replied, sarcasm bleeding through the force. Moments later as he felt the red beam sear through his midsection, the world spun out of focus, and he decided that perhaps his words were poorly chosen.

Chapter 1

Far away, nestled in Dagobah's swampy heartland, the last of the Jedi buckled to his knees. His gnarled green hand clutching tattered robe. Across the stars, across time and space, a cry of death and sorrow reverberated within the force. Yoda's ears drooped as he mourned the loss of the man he helped raise from a crècheling to masterhood. So full of light his aura was. Before the dark times, before the empire. *sigh* Salty tears flowed freely now. Goodbye old friend, miss you, I will.

Picking himself off the swampy ground, the ancient master began to recite a prayer much older than himself:

Fair beautiful dawn, child of the light

Let fall your rays from where you glow above

Stretch out your warmth to him, he is cold

Rock him gently, all to an end comes

Child of the light, fair beautiful dawn!

After what seemed an eternity, Yoda broke his vigil and hobbled back inside the small hovel he called home. By now, multiple layers of vines and roots wrapped themselves around it to such an extent that it was unrecognizable from the original prefab shelter it had once been. Feeling tired and exhausted, he used the force to snuff out the lone candle in his window. Moments later he collapsed in a dignified heap onto his bed, evening meal forgotten.

While the grand master drifted off to sleep, the force spiraled into oblivion and time itself was thrust into the ensuing chaos. His prayer had been heard. Then, nothing, only darkness — the beginning of an end.