Hiya, this is just an idea I have to get down because it's irritating me so much. This is a real self-insert, by the way. The idea is something I haven't seen before and I'm excited about it. The character and all her quirks are based off me, I'm serious that all this stuff is truthful (either than her eyes, but whatever).

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is this idea and my character.

Warning: Language. Random kissing.

I stood slightly nervously in front of the class full of kids my age, judging me with their smart brains and higher intellect. Moving schools sucked.

Especially if you were moving in year eight, and to a high school of selective kids. Fucking smart asses. But I can't talk, really, I'm here aren't I?

The teacher, Mrs J-something or other asked me to do an introduction. Okay, didn't seem too hard. Looking anywhere but at the curious kids eyes, I spoke as clearly as I could with my accent.

"Hi, my name is Alice Clostar. I'm fourteen years old in two months, I moved to this selective school from a public school a few suburbs over. I like many things and I hate too many people," I grinned weakly at them, "I'm also a mimicker."

This is the part where we get the whole mimicking business underway and explained, blah, blah, blah. So, basically (to continue with this whole cliché feel) it all started not too long ago...

At a young age there was nothing special about little ol' me, barring my aptitude for contact sports and trying my best to be a boy. I didn't care too much about my aptitude of shirts and shorts rather than dresses, and it was perfectly fine to my family.

Not so much to the kids in primary school.

To my credit I didn't do the cliché, come home bawling my eyes out, or cutting, or suicide. I simply sat there and imagined that I was drop kicking the bastard a hundred metres.

I had a small group of friends, a good sense of humour and was the one female in the school who was bound to challenge a guy to a wrestling match, rather than play house with the other girls.

At the age of eleven, while I was in year five, I had developed a strange new habit. Everyone dismissed it as being funny, but I found it horrifying; I had a vocal tick.

Yeah, laugh it up, but it sucked big time, e]]]. Every once in a while I would blurt out a word or phrase completely and utterly unpurposely. Year five it was stupid words like 'tawesome,' or 'skillfish,' but by halfway through the year, it had gotten stranger.

I was calmly minding my business in class after finishing my work. My teacher was helping other kids and try as I could, I couldn't wait for the teacher to finish explaining the questions. Maths was a bit hard, but English flowed easily for me and I was now staring out the window bored out of my fricking mind!

The usual.

Out of nowhere my throat got an urge. I really couldn't explain the sudden need to do something. I opened my mouth, pushing air out, and imagine my surprise when my throat seemed to jump and beat itself. A high pitched chattering noise came out of my mouth and distracted the whole class.

I had made a fucking dolphin noise.

Of course to the class it was hilarious, but as everyone roared with laughter, I wanted to sink to the deepest depths of the ocean and drown myself in my sorrows.

But not everyone could win.

It got worse as the word seemed to spread and people continued to ask me to do it. I was happy to do it at the start as it seemed to make people laugh and enjoy it, but eventually it got tiring, and then it was...stuck. I couldn't stop doing it. By the time I was in year six, I had also aced the art of surprising myself with strange, new noises.

It seriously gave me a heart attack every time I felt my throat doing something unexpected and new.

I could mimic dogs, cats, horses, snakes, walruses, seagulls, kookaburras, lyre bird mating calls. The list could go on, and on if I tried. But it wasn't just animals I could mimic; a baby's cry, trains, waves, cartoon sound effects (falling sound, etc), crowd cheering, chainsaws (loved that one!) and easily my favourite, ticking bombs and explosions!

After a quick trip to my mother's homeland of Ireland (I was Australian) and a side trip to England and Queensland, I returned home with the English and Irish accent down pat. I continued to listen to other people's accents and managed to mimic French, Japanese, Scottish and Indian. But after mimicking and practising the accents for so long they got mixed up with my own voice.

The kids got a new target in teasing when they found my voice wouldn't go back to normal.

Meanwhile, my family merely accepted what was going on and I finally joined my older brother in high school.

That also meant I had to explain the accent, the mimicking and the vocal ticks that were still plaguing me all over again! Do you know how annoying it is to introduce yourself to someone and they ask where your from because your accents weird, and you reply lamely with 'Australian...'

High school was a bitch of a place, though, and my friends eventually left me for popularity. But that was okay since I had a new and improved version of my friend; the library!

I spent more and more time there until I spent my lunchtimes working behind the counter leasing out books. That was when I discovered the brightly coloured books that sat hidden behind the counter.

Fairy Tail was the first manga I had ever read and I fell in love with the bright animation and people. I caught up with the manga and watched the anime in record time. After that I wandered around for a bit until I found a very familiar person.

Naruto was something I remembered watching on Cheese TV at a young age. (A/N: Who remembers Cheese TV out of the Australians?!) and I quickly fell back into a pattern of speedily reading the manga and blitzing through the anime.

Reading/watching the series actually helped me through the shitty time I had at high school, as cliché and horrible that sounds. My grades were even higher in VisualAart after I mimicked the manga art style, and Japanese was something I excelled at after memorising anime voice actors and their words, which I translated into Japanese.

Although it was embarrassing when 'tebayo became my new vocal tick. Especially when a boy in my class knew exactly where it was from.

Even with all that shit going on, I finally finished year seven with high enough marks to ditch the hell hole and head to a selective school for smart kids. Nerds who were like me, yes!

I started the year hoping to be more accepted (it helped we were all smart rejects), and to refine my talent. I was betting there was going to be a whole heap of new accents here I can mimic! It'll be awesome!

I ignored the few curious looks from the kids and sat down next to a short girl who seemed fairly kind, if a bit spunky if her red highlights were any indication. I'm sure I would enjoy it here. At least, I hope so...

Turns out school life was fucking awesome! I had made a bunch of friends and found myself easily integrated into the school ad its inhabitants - I wasn't the weirdest person there!

Thank the gods!

People encouraged my talent and I aced the start of music when I found out I could mimic singers voices. It wasn't that hard, really, which surprised the crap out of me.

It sounded awesome every time I sung like Rihanna, or rapped like Macklemore. I mimicked famous people's voices and abused my power to be able to use Morgan Freemans' ultra sexy voice.

With great talent comes great sexiness.

Finishing my first school year at my school with good grades and a good mindset I prepared myself for a whole new year, with electives!

Doing Japanese and Visual Arts was fun and all, but life became more sweeter when I got a job!

It was a good paying job at a small pizza place right near my seaside town house. I worked counter, dishie and preparation (preparing the food), and loved it a lot.

In fact, The Incident that started the whole shenanigans (to put it very, very simply) happened as I was walking home from my five till eight thirty shift.

Edging through a throng of drunk, partygoers, I was surprised to see absolutely no one near me. Shrugging it off as a rare phenomenon, I continued my way down the boulevard.

I knew I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself as I heard a strange rattling noise coming from one of the very few alleyways that came off from the boulevard. They weren't very long and were normally brightly lit, but this one seemed to be an odd one.

Creeping closer, I called out softly, wary of disrupting the silence surrounding me; I was starting to get a bad feeling here. "Hello? Anyone there?" hearing no answer, I crept in closer. The rattling sound had stopped, but the hairs on my neck hadn't settled down yet.

I let off a round of shivering as a sudden cold swept across the adventure time t-shirt and bright orange, denim shorts I had changed into after work. Rubbing my bare arms I kept close to the wall as I walked in further. I really could've had sworn that the alleyways weren't this long.

Again, I foolishly ignored the sense of foreboding, and nostalgia that swept across me, and I called out again, "sir? Madam? Is anyone there?"

I nearly wet myself as an answering growl was heard. Was there a feral dog in here or something?

Slowly beginning to shift back, I prepared myself to run, but stopped when a purple and black blur passed through me and doused me in icy coldness. After shuddering off the freaky feeling, I slowly turned fearfully and bit back a scream at the ghoulish face I saw.

A dull purple face stared at me with its glowing yellow eyes that stood out more against its black of its eyes. They were supposed to be white! I flicked my eyes to the pointed horns that contrasted with the spiky, white hair IT sprouted.

The clinking of beads drew my attention to the red, bead necklace that nestled in the middle of the open chest robe IT was wearing. I gulped as I looked back at the watchful, yellow eyes that seemed to be staring right into my soul.

IT didn't have its usual knife in its mouth but I knew who IT was instinctively. I bowed deeply, "Shingami-sama," I managed to blurt out as my heart threatened to traitorously ditch me through my mouth.

I felt the cold gaze even as I bowed and I quickly skittered away from the idea of trying to shove away and escape from a fricking death god! I'd be cut down before I even made it a metre.

I was confused and scared witless, and that usually meant I went into full retard mode with explosions and the whole works, or the ever silent, moody adult.

It was fortunate my body decided on being mature for once.

"Human," hissed out a voice that made me want to either pass out or attempt to kill myself from the pressure and coldness that emanated from it. My eyeballs felt like they were being pressed back into my head and my breathing was rasping tiredly out through the weight on my chest. Before I could freak out any more, claw-like hands pulled at my chin and I could only stare in horror as I had to look IT in the eye.

"I have taken too many souls far too early," hissed Shingami. Fuck! I didn't even know the thing could talk! "Too many souls have been taken..." Yeah, I got that buddy. "And it needs to be repaid!" Ohhhhh fuck.

It seemed to grin slightly, but whatever it was, it freaked the shit out of me! "Your soul is bright mortal..." I don't like where this is going! I especially didn't like the claw-like hands that crept towards me. "Balance is needed!" The claws pulled at my unwilling face until they slowly managed to pry my mouth open. And then I was exposed to my first kiss.

That is, if you call a tongue being shoved two thirds down your throat by a death god a kiss.

Go ahead, I don't know what you do in your free time.

Coldness began to spark inside of me and even as Shingami retreated, I couldn't move or make a single sound. The coldness burned and ate its way through my throat, where the tongue of Shingami had been. My voice box suddenly grated and shifted. I could literally feel it twisting and changing itself. I let out a scream as darkness began to close over me, and screamed again at the inhumane sound that was coming from my throat.

Tottering on the edge of unconsciousness, I only got one more look at glowing yellow eyes before I finally tipped back and slowly fell into unconsciousness.

The hissing, shiveringly cold voice of the Death god seemed to echo through my mind, and I swear to Kami I felt my mind begin to fracture slightly, just a splinter of insanity. Surrendering to that morbid thought, I let myself be dragged down into the depths of the cold that gripped me everywhere.

Kakashi stared warily at the girl before him. He had been walking the streets to home after the tiresome ordeal in Wave when he found this girl passed out on the side of the road, unconscious. It was very odd and weird, but of course his fucking morals just had to make him stop to help what seemed an adolescent girl on the street.

He scanned over her with a critical eye, trying to determine her classification. He could see the rise and fall of her slightly endowed chest and the jump of a pulse in her tanned wrists, so that meant that she was alive and had no problems with her heart or breathing. There were no visible signs of injury on her tanned skin either than old scar wounds on her knuckles and legs; she had been in a few scraps in her life, it seemed. There wasn't even a sign of a struggle which ruled out a civilian mugging or raping.

Sniffing the air experimentally and finding no scent of poisons or tranquiliser, Kakashi finally approached the girl. Judging by the slight sprawl and calm demeanour of her body, the girl had fainted. And although he girl looked fit, she didn't have the same physique as kunoichi her age.

Unless she was a fangirl.

Kakashi brushed off that thought and examined the girls face closely. A dash of freckles across a nice nose, tanned skin, rather long, brown hair that shimmered red in certain angles of light; natural colouring, it seemed. Her cheekbones, jaw or lips weren't prominent in any way, but the whole combination looked slightly...foreign. But other than that, she just looked like a harmless civilian that had fallen asleep. At least, until she suddenly bolted upright like she had been electrified.

Kakashi's one eye was met with slightly dead-looking green eyes that, frankly, actually creeped him out a bit. The brunette then spoke in the coldest, most wrong voice he had ever heard. "Souls are repaid. Balance is fulfilled."

The dead whispering sent shivers down Kakashi's spine and he only just caught the girl as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she dramatically passed out.

Kakashi sighed slightly; he was too old for this shit. He knew he should take the girl to a hospital, but he was tired! Even after a few weeks rest, he could still feel the pull on Obito's sharingan. Shrugging slightly as he made his mind up, Kakashi picked the girl up in a bridal carry and began to walk the last bit to his apartment. He would do something in the morning.

After he'd slept.

Okay that was the first chapter of mimic. This is kind of like a promo so I want you guys to tell me if it is good enough to continue with.

Seriously there won't be any more OC's or OOCness, either than making Kakashi a little more sarcastic and SASSY. Why did Kishimoto make such an amazing person so calm and forgiving around little shits like team seven. Kami knows I would've become even more sarcastic and sardonic if I was around them as much as Kakashi is!

Anyway hope you liked it and please give me some feed back, flamers are more than welcome!

SunMoon Kunoichi out bitches!

(Edited: 1/11/14)