** Note: Isolde of France is NOT a real person obviously. But Isabella of France, King Edward II and Piers Gaveston WERE real people. NO, Piers never married anyone by the name of Isolde but Isabella and Edward II DID marry. This first part is set in 1314 in England at the time. Some other facts that might help you understand the plot better-
1) Isolde of France was born in 1297 in France
2) She can speak fluent French and Spanish
3) Isolde marries Piers Gaveston in 1309 at the age of 13. The marriage was not something the two agreed to.. Isolde's father, Philip IV, and Edward II set the two up to marry for an alliance and money
4) Piers is abusive to Isolde but only when they are alone
5) It is 1314 when Isabella and Edward host a royal dinner for their return to England and Isolde attends along with Piers. This is when she meets Godric and Eric
6) Isolde is turned when Godric is around 1,000 years old and Eric is around 300 years old
REMEMBER: Isolde is a fictional character, I just molded her into real royal family to make it seem more realistic **

He stood not far away from myself, his intense blue eyes traveling the room. I had noticed him when he had entered, only because of his handsome features and the fact that no one had seen this strange man before. He was my age, looking about seventeen years old, with cropped brown hair. I knew it was wrong to look considering my husband was a mere few feet away, but I couldn't stop. Next to him was a tall, fair haired man with thicker features- he looked to be thirty or so years old. An odd combination they were. My eyes danced away from the mysterious man and to my sister who was sitting with her husband on two thrones. Isabella was only nineteen yet married young like I had been. Her husband, King Edward II of England, sat next to her with a jovial look on his face. They were celebrating their return to England, hence why a large dinner was being provided tonight. Yet my eyes trailed back to the strange man his tall friend. Piers, my husband, a tall man as well, grabbed my arm to jerk me.

"Yours eyes trail so, my dear. I suggest they not waver anymore." His voice was harsh as he held my arm tighter.

"My Earl, I did not mean for it to happen." I stated, hoping his grip would lessen.

"Let it happen again and a whipping you shall earn." I flinched and saw the mysterious man's head snap towards Piers and I. "Come along, my dear, I figure a dance is in order." His nails dug into my arm but he didn't seem to mind as he pulled me towards the center of the room. Orchestral music echoed in the room and we joined other couples to dance. I was aware of eyes on me, not just my sister but the man I had been eying all night. The dance lasted for a few more minutes until Piers was interrupted by a new person. The strange man. "May I help you?"

"It seems I would enjoy a dance with your lovely companion. Give me your permission." The strange man gave Piers a dazzling smile, his blue eyes boring into Piers's dull, brown ones. My jaw nearly dropped at the command that was bestowed upon Piers.

"Please, dance with my fair wife." Piers had a dazed look but handed me to the new man.

"Leave." The man demanded and Piers gave a faint nod and then walked off with no argument. The man grabbed my hand and slid his hand low on my hip to hold me in place. He was gentle, not harsh like Piers had been. "Your husband seems to be distasteful." I looked away but felt the man grip my hand tighter.

"You are correct." I whispered lightly, not wanting anyone else to hear. "Piers is a cruel man if I may say."

"Yet you stay with him?" The man asked.

"I do. The only way to end my marriage with my husband is death, yet it seems to be a better choice." I stated thoughtfully.

"Tell me, fair lady, does your spouse harm you?"

"What are you implying, my lord?"

"That your vile husband does more than enjoy your company in bed." A blush rose to my face.

"I know not of what you say, good sir."

"Enduring a whipping is a wifely duty, is it now?" I pulled back but the man reeled me again, his grip not painful but hard. "You want an escape from him." I didn't say anything but the man leaned into my neck, taking a whiff of me. "You do smell delicious."

"Your forwardness is inappropriate, my lord." I hissed.

"If what I say is correct, you want nothing more but freedom from the chains your husband has clasped on you. Three hours before half-night I will be waiting outside your home, my lady, and if you join me I will assure you your freedom from your spouse."

"How can I trust you?"

"You can't." He had a dangerous glint. "Your name, my lady?"

"Isolde of France."

"You may call me Godric." He let me go suddenly and turned. "Three hours, my lady." He said before walking off to his tall, blonde friend.

Piers had not whipped me that night but did require my presence in bed, fulfilling my wifely duty to him. It wasn't long until he fell asleep, leaving me sore and tired, and that was when I changed into a market gown. A simple gray one made of simple fabric that covered my bruises and made me seem less royal. The house was quiet and no one stirred as I roamed the house with bad intentions. My body now stood in front of the door with my hand on the knob, willing myself to open the door. Could I do this? Could I leave Piers and become free from him? Then questions swirled in my head about Godric's intentions. What did he mean when he said I would be free? Would he kill me? Taking a deep breath, I turned the knob slowly and cringed at the smallest of creaks it made. There he was, standing on the doorstep with a blank look. Godric looked even more elegant in the moonlight but what stood out was his tattoos on his body. He had long changed from his fancy attire to something simple that showed off his dark tattoos.

"Isolde of France." He greeted. "You have shown."

"What does my freedom entail?" I blurted out and saw him give me a smirk.

"Your immortal love and obedience."

"It sounds nothing different than what I give to Piers."

"Your obedience will not be earned by punishment and injury." I nodded at him. "We can walk this world together, along with my other companion, Eric." My breath caught in my throat at his words, my hands trembling. "Strength, power, happiness... Love. I can give you all of those things along with others. So take my hand, Isolde, trust me." He had that dangerous look that made me nervous but I took his hand nevertheless. A rush of cold air flew past me, the wind tousled my chestnut hair and made me shiver. I was later sat down on the cold ground somewhere in the forest, Godric in front of me with a soft smile- one I had never seen before.

"Where are we?" I questioned as I noticed the deep hole that had been dug out beside me.

"Eric, meet your sister, Isolde." I heard Godric say to the tall, blonde man. Confusion flitted in my eyes but I saw the man- Eric- eye me with a nod.

"You are sure of this Godric?" Eric asked, a Swedish accent on his voice. What made me terrified was how stone cold his words sounded. "She is royal."

"I am." Godric stated. "It is time to bring another into our family." What he was talking about, I had no clue. "Isolde, my lady, you trust me?" I gave a small nod, not sure of myself, but I knew I needed out of this life. "Eric, stop me if need be." And then out grew fangs from Godric's gum line and he leaned in with a swift motion and bit me. A scream bubbled in my throat as he sucked down on me, taking my life source. Flashes of pain filled me but then it was all gone as a bright light blinded me.