Remember all characters belong to Stephanie Meyer and I'm just borrowing them for a little while. Ashley ofcourse is mine and if I decide to add some other character those will be mine too! Ehehe I totally wish I came up with Jacob tho!

Chapter 24: Stuck at Charlie's.

Ashley's POV:

I walked into school acting as normal as ever but everything had changed. The last time I was here, I was miserable because of Jacob and now I'm happy because of Jake. I walked to my locker and pulled out my books when I was shoved into my locker. "Ouch" I turned around as I said "Watch where you're going you idiot" I found my sister standing right in front of me with a smug smile on her face "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" then she turned to her friend and smiled "No Jakey to defend you from big bad Bella right?" I couldn't stand it anymore so I punched her. She fell to the ground screaming and clutching her now bleeding cheek. "I don't need Jake to come defend me, I think I do that pretty well all by myself." She looked like she was about to say something but I continued "Where's Eddy Bella? Did he finally realize what a pathetic soul you are and dump you – again? I'm not the one who needs protection, you on the other hand cant even walk straight so next time before you shove me into my locker think about what I did to you cheek today and what I can do to you in the future." I shut my locker and began walking away.

"But dad loves me more and are you totally forgetting that he has access to firearms?" I turned to glare at her. Most of the school was watching our interaction including the leeches. "He would shoot you of he ever found out what you did to me." She was now standing and smiling at me, thinking she had won. "Charlie doesn't know how much you have manipulated him and Eddy and Jake and even me ever since you got here. He think he needs to defend poor little Bella from evil Ashley but what he doesn't realize is that youre the monster and when he does realize, it will be too late for me to give him another chance. You have ruined everything good in everyone's lives Bella and honestly, I feel pity for you. your life must be very miserable for you to try and manipulate everyone for your own personal gain." I turned around and walked away but as I went by I saw the look on Edwards face. It seemed like he was finally starting to believe that Bella wasn't as innocent as she portrays herself.

The day went on and everyone was staring at me. It was starting to get really annoying. I was sitting in last period – physics – when the phone in the class rang. "Yes?" my teacher, Ms. Philips answered. "I'll send her down."" She spoke into the phone and then put the receiver down. She turned to me and said "Ashley, you need to go see the principle, please take your belongings with you." I nodded and packed my bag and then left. I walked into the office and the secretary told me to sit. Soon the principles door opened and he called me in "Ashley, please come in." I got up and followed him in. my sister and father were sitting inside the office. "Sit down Ashley." I sat and waited for someone to say something. Finally Mr. Cooper spoke "Ashley, we called you down here because of an event that took place this morning. I hear that you attacked your sister in the hall and she has a scar on her cheek to prove it." I just looked at him funny and then at Bella who was sitting there acting innocent and then at my father who looked sad.

"I did attack her this morning." I told the principle "But I was provoked. I don't know who told you about the fight Mr. Cooper but I don't think you have all the details."

"Bella, would you like to tell me what Ashley is talking about?" he asked my sister.

"I don't know Mr. Cooper, it seems my sister is a little delusional." She turned to me "I didn't provoke you Ashley, you fell into your locker and I came to help you when you attacked me. I don't know what you're trying to pin this on me."

I looked at Mr. Cooper and said "Ask anyone who was there. Actually why don't you ask Bella's boyfriend Edward Cullen? He was watching while everything happened maybe he can explain to you what actually happened."

"Very well" he called for Edward and he was seated in the chair next to mine in less than five minutes. I couldn't stand the chills he gave me but I had to put up with it because I couldn't exactly tell my principle that I didn't want to sit next to a freezing cold vamp who wants to suck me dry. "I don't want to do that." Eddy said very lowly.

"Mr. Cullen, would you like to tell me what happened this morning?" Mr. Cooper asked him. Eddy looked over at me and then at Bella. Bella looked like she was pleading for him to take her side but I think Eddy was gonna spill the truth. "Bella provoked Ashley this morning. Some harsh words were exchanged and a very biting comment about Ashley's boyfriend was made which cause Ashley to punch Bella." He looked at Bella and then continued "In all honestly, she deserved it."

"How can you say that Mr. Cullen?"

"Bella has been using and manipulating everyone around her for as long as I can remember and I have put up with it for very long, I don't think I can do it anymore." he told Mr. Cooper and Bella. Charlie looked shocked to hear this.

"Mr. Swan, I suggest you take both your girls home and figure this out, I will not have them fighting in my school." We were dismissed and as we walked towards Charlies cruiser I spotted Edward. I ran over to him and said "Thank you for telling the truth leech."

"Trust me, it wasn't for you benefit" I smiled at him and then walked away. I still couldn't stand him but I was glad that he had taken my side. I didn't want to go with Charlie, back to where everything came crashing down on me. I got into the back of the cruiser while Bella sat up front. No one said anything while Charlie drove us to the place I once called home. He parked in the driveway and everyone got out. I wasn't willing to go inside the house so I kinda just stood there. "Ash, you need to come inside" Charlie said, speaking to me for the first time in who knows how long. I looked up at him and replied "No thanks, I'm good right here." He sighed and marched over to where I was standing and then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. I made me sit on the couch and Bella sat on the other end of the same couch. Charlie stood in the middle and watched us both.

"Well?" he looked at me and then her "Would you like to explain yourselves?"

"Don't ask me, ask your daughter" I sneered at him. Yeah so I was still mad at him but hey I couldn't help it.

He sighed "Ashley, you are also my daughter and whether you believe it or not, I love you just as much as I love your sister"

I laughed like it was the funniest thing I had ever heard. "Are you kidding? You haven't spoken to me since I LEFT this house more than THREE weeks ago. You saw me but never said a word. But your precious Bella leaves for Italy and BAM daddy is worried."

"Don't be jealous Ashley, everyone loves me more than you. It's okay to be second best you know?" she smirked. "Even Jacob loved me first."

I looked at her as I replied "You're crazy if you actually believe that, all the boys down at the rez have loved me since I was a little girl. Can you say the same? Jake was my first kiss and I his, can you say the same? I was here with Charlie through Renee and you walking out, can you say the same? You don't know anyone in Forks and no one love you here. I mean come on, even your own boyfriend didn't defend you today."

She jumped off the couch and landed on me. Her hand connected with my face and I threw her off me. She landed on the couch and I turned to glare at Charlie "Control your daughter before I make her bleed again." He picked Bella up and made her sit on a chair that was far away from where I was seated. Then he turned to me.

"Ashley, I didn't speak to you because I knew you needed your space. Bella cant handle everything by herself but youre strong and you know how to tackle even the toughest of problems. Even though I didn't speak to you, I knew where you were and who you were with." He told me.

"Oh really? Then tell me, where I was for the last 3 weeks?"

He smiled at me and replied "That's simple, you were down at the rez, at the blacks house." I laughed again. It was awesome how he knew where I was….not!

"Actually Charlie, I was in Canada." I told him. His mouth fell open and he just looked at me. I got off the couch "Well I have to get going. It was nice chatting with you and stuff. I'll have one of the guys over to take all my stuff from the basement today. And please control her or next time I will put her in a damn hospital." I glared at Bella as I walked out the door. That was such a good conversation, one that you expect to happen all the time with your father and sister. I got out of the house and called Jake. He picked up after the first ring. 'Whats wrong baby?'

'I'm kinda stuck at Charlie's house, I don't have a way to get home so could you come pick me up?'

'I'm on my way, I'll be there in five so hang on okay?' with that he hung up.

I sat on the little side walk by the road and waited for him to come get me.

Hello lovelies! Here is chapter 24! I hope you guys like it! I've had this chapter done for about 2 days now but I've been having trouble with the internet connection so I couldn't get it up earlier. So this chapter is for everyone who wanted to see a little bit of Charlie.

So yeah, I read everyone's reviews and I am so happy with the feedback this story is getting. I'm so happy! We have crossed 200 hundred reviews so yay! so guys! Lemme know what you think and what you would like to see in the future chapters. So yeah, remember to read and REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!

