Guys! I am alive! It has been a crazy long time since I did anything with this story, like a year, that is scary! I have some good inspiration so hopefully I can get chapters out. Also thanks for the feedback!Anyway let's answer some reviews!

CherryHearts13- Haha we think alike, if that is your idea I think you will enjoy the chapters coming up! The Fasion scares me too.

Koolkid- Haha thanks I try. :)

PureBeast- Nice to hear from you again, moving doors are kinda scary, espically when you think they are gonna open and they don't and you run into them...

Third POV

On a bed in a very small hotel room lay three young ninjas, where two of said ninjas are learning that the third ninja was the biggest bed hog ever. Normally Sakura would love to be this close to Sasuke but when It came to sleeping she liked to be have at least room to lay on her back if she wanted to. Sasuke on the other hand had tried sleeping on the floor, but when he was trying to get comfotable he rolled over and was facing the bed when he saw what was under the bed and quickly decided the bed was a good sleeping place. And Naruto, well he was just relishing in the fact that he wasn't sleeping in his apartment alone, he had never shared a bed with anyone, he liked knowing someone else was there.

"-ake up! Na- wake up!" When the young blonde did not respond, Sasuke decided to shove him off the bed, waking Naruto up immediatly. When Naruto opened his eyes he was looking under the bed.

"What is that!? What's under our bed?! You know what don't tell me I don't wanna know!" Naruto said jumping up quickly.

"Hurry up and get ready we need to get to our missions quickly." Sasuke said. After everyone was ready they looked at the missions they were handed out.

"What kind of missions are these?" Sakura asked. Sasuke and Naruto looked equally confused.

"Pick up milk up at the store JK. Wait what does JK mean Is that like a type of milk?"Sakura asked confused.

"Probably." Sasuke answered.

"Well that ought to be easy, then it says explore the area, write down suspoious behavior, go shopping and rescue a cat from a tree..." Sasuke read out loud.

"Lets get started, -dattebayo!" Naruto said leaping to the door. The other genin just sighed and followed him. After about 20 minutes reassuring Naruto that the sliding doors were safe, they were on there way to the store to get milk.

"Look at that shirt it has the JK on it like it what was on the paper!" Sakura exlamied.

"Hmm, maybe the mission was a riddle to see if we would be able to find the shirt, it must be a one of Kakashi-Sensi's tests. To test our observations and stratagies." Sasuke explained.

"So how are we going to get it? It's not like we can just go up to him and ask for his shir-" Sakura was cut off by Naruto. Naruto had stopped the guy on the street.

"Hey, can I have your shirt?" Naruto asked innocently. Sasuke and Sakura both facepalmed.

"Sorry sir, our friend hit there head today and they don't know what they are saying." Sakura apologized to the guy while Sasuke pulled Naruto back.

" If it were you who wanted my shirt, I would gladly give you my shirt, beautiful." The guy said, which made Sakura plush big time. When Naruto heard this he was in blind rage.

"Let me at him! Let me at him!" Naruto yelled while Sasuke held on to his shirt. A couple minutes later Sakura came back carrying the shirt with a grin and still a slight blush.

"Here is the shirt, your welcome by the way. Oh and don't worry Sasuke you are still my one true love!" Sakura said thrusting the shirt into Narutos face and clinging to Saskues arm. Naruto was grumbling words that shouldn't be repeated.

"Well I guess we should start exploring the area. I'm curious to learn more about this place." Sakura said looking at both of the boys. Sasuke agreed, whie Naruto was still grumbing something about a slow death..

Okay guys how was that? Did you like it? Did ya did ya did ya? Well review and tell me what else you would like to see in the story!