Hey there everybody!! I'm sorry if it's taken a while to write this!! I was busy trying to end my other fic called "If I Saw You In Heaven" Anyway...this is a sequel to The Story of Their Past! Like I said I would write!! I know I left that story off badly...so I of course, decided to write this. This fic is set 10 years later-so they would be like in their late 20's. Um...it's going to be complicated to add in Joey and phoebe...so I think I'll just leave them out FOR NOW...but if you REALLY want them, tell me...okay? Lets say that Chandler and Monica had gotten together later on...and they now live in the apartment they live in today...same jobs and everything...(but earlier on in Friends..., since they're still pretty young) And lets say that Ross is a famous actor...and hasn't seen them for 5 years. OKay-I know, famous actor, what the heck....but hey, this is my fic!! And its only a FANFIC...I know it will never happen on the show!! If you dont like me changing them and stuff...dont read this! I remember somebody complained on the last part that I made Ross popular and Rach not...it's only a fic!! BY the way....Rachel hasn't seen them for like 8 years.

~*When All Hope Is Lost*~

(we fade into this disco/bar place. It's all packed. Lots of people are dancing around everywhere, and we go to this small group sitting around near the back, smoking. There are like 5 guys, and two of them have their arms around a girl. We go closer and see that one of them is Ross. It's kinda smoky, since they're ALL smoking...but you can see that they've drunken lots. They're laughing a lot...we go away from them and go around the disco place a little and we go to this high table thing. Two people are sitting by it, the woman is looking around and the man looks bored. It's C&M.)

Chandler: tell me again why we came here?!

Monica: WHAT?!

Chandler: (louder) TELL ME AGAIN WHY WE CAME HERE?!

Monica: Oh come on! It's awesome!! Come on...lets go dance!

Chandler: No Way am I making a fool out of myself!

Monica: Oh come on Chandler...you spoil sport!

Chandler: You go ahead Mon...I'll wait here...

Monica: Ugh...(glares at him and walks off)

(Chandler shakes his head and we fade away from him)

(we then fade to Ross again. The girl he was with is now gone, and he's talking to one of the guys. The guy spots Monica.)

Guy: Dude!! She's hot!!

Ross: Dude...you've got a wife!

Guy: Yeah, I know...but you dont!!

[uum..Ross doesn't recognise her right now...]

Ross: But what about-

Guy: She wont mind...she hardly knows you anyway...go get that girl man!

(Ross gets up and walks up to Monica, who is looking around so her back is facing Ross)

Ross: Hey babe...wanna dance?

(Monica turns around and her mouth drops open)

Monica: Ross?!

Ross: (looks behind him and sees his friends staring curiously at him, since he's just standing there with the girl gaping at him) Umm...Monica! Um...wow...uh-what are you doing here?

Monica: Where have you been??

Ross: New York?

Monica; you never called....you never wrote....you never-

Ross: Um...can we please talk somewhere else...(glances behind him)

(Monica looks over his shoulders and sees the guys staring at them)

Monica: oh what, does poor Ross still have peer pressure?!(teasingly)

(Ross shoots her a dirty look and grabs her arm and drags her off.)

(they finally get away from the guys and Ross faces her again)

Ross: Soo...

Monica: What have you been doing?

Ross: Haven't you seen my movies and series?

Monica; Well yeah...but the last movie was a year ago...and the series are reruns...

Ross: Yeah well...we haven't started filming the new season yet...we're on a 1 year break...

(Monica nods)

Monica: I know...but Ross-why didn't you come to the wedding?

Ross: I was...uum...I was busy. You know, filming and stuff...

Monica; but Ross-just ONE day...

Ross: (sharply) I'm sorry Mon.

Monica: Um...okay...hey, I think Chandler is wondering where I must be...want to...(pause, unsure) want to come?

Ross: I-uh...sure.

(they begin to walk and we fade out)

(we fade back in again though and we see Chandler still where Monica left him. He's looking around and he spots Monica, but she's not alone. Chandler's jaw drops as he sees who she's walking with)

Chandler: (not sure if he should be happy or angry) Ross?!

Ross: Hey Chandler...

(they just stare at each other for a while)

Monica: Um...hey Ross...you want to, you know...get together some time? To talk or something? It's been like 5 years...

(Ross looks at her and then glances at Chandler)

Ross: Er...sure...I guess...

Chandler: (sarcastically) can you fit us in your busy schedule this time Ross?

Ross: (glances at him again) Yes Chandler...as a matter of fact, I CAN!

~fades out~(*I'll explain later why Chandler is acting like this...)

(time lapse, a couple of days. We see Ross coming up the stairs of C&M's place, and then he sees their place. He knocks on the door and after a while it opens. Standing there is Chandler.)

Chandler: Hello...come in. (Ross walks in and closes the door. He turns around and looks around)

Ross: Nice place...

Chandler: thanks... (silence)

Ross: Soo....where's Mon?

Chandler: Work...she'll be back in a few minutes....here...lets sit down...

Ross: Um...okay...(they sit down by the kitchen table, across from each other)

Chandler: Sooo...what's been going on? Haven't heard about you much in the PAPER...

(Ross flinches)

ross: Well...I'm-the show-it's taking a one year break...

Chandler: Oh really? Since WHEN?

Ross: Since...May...

Chandler: Oh right...I think that was the last time I read about you in the papers...


Ross: Okay-what do you have against me?!

Chandler: I know why you took a break!! I know why your TV show had to take a break!! The last time you were in the paper was MAY...that was 6 months ago!! You were in REHAB for 2 months Ross!! (ross looks away) What were you doing down at a disco anyway?! Getting into more-

Ross: Shut up!! My life is NONE of your business!! This is MY life...and I can do ANYTHING I want!!

Chandler: Oh, so you really want to take drugs and KILL YOURSELF?! Yes Ross...I heard about that too...it was all in the tabloids...your lucky that part wasn't in the paper!!


Ross: Does Monica-

Chandler: (shrugs the question off) Never told her...she would be to sad...and I hate to bring her down...

Ross: Look Chandler-

(suddenly the door opens and Monica walks in)

Monica: ross!!

(Ross and Chandler stand up and Monica goes over to Ross and hugs him. Ross stares at Chandler, a sad look on his face. Chandler has a kinda angry look but is trying to hide it)

Ross: Sooo....

(Monica breaks the hug and sits down and the guys sits down too)

Monica: So...tell us what's been going on with you for these past years!! I want to know EVERYTHING!

(Ross flinches slightly when she says that and he gets a guilty look. He had a lot of explaining to do.)


* Well there you have it!! Chapter 1 of the sequel to THE STORY OF THEIR PAST!! Yay!! I hope you like it so far!! This idea JUST came to me!! I'm so happy! Heehee! If you like it and want more...please REVIEW!! The more reviews the faster the next chapter comes up!! So REVIEW now!! THANKS!! * (yes this IS a R&R fic...dont worry!! Oh yea-and to ppl who dont really like suicidal and sad, depressing stuff...some slight angst is coming up later...so just BEWARE if you don't enjoy that kind of stuff!!)