In a long, overdue chapter of Phantom Force, I give you a Halloween treat for…Halloween. Yeah, a lot in my plate when I worked on this chapter since June along with someone to help me with this story. BlueKnight-X2. So without further ado, here's the Halloween chapter of Phantom Force!

I do not own Danny Phantom and Power Rangers, as both are owned by Nickelodeon.



Chapter 18: Halloween Haunt!

Inside the Ghost Zone, the Fright Knight stood outside of Pariah's Castle. Ever since the Rangers manage to defeat Mal, they have gotten stronger in members. Now that there are six rangers, Fright Knight questions Plasmius's leadership.

'Plasmius says that victory will be ours, but each time the Rangers proved to be formidable!' Fright Knight thought in anger. 'If only I have the Soul Shredder, then I would have guaranteed a sweet victory against the Rangers!'

"Fright Knight, right?" spoke a voice as the ghostly knight jump and looks at the figure of the dark voice.

"Dark Blood Ranger, what are you doing here in the Ghost Zone?" Fright Knight demands.

"I was thinking of coming to greet the oh, and mighty power knight of the sleeping king, the Fright Knight." Dark Blood Ranger said as he held up something from his back "Which I came here to give you an offering."

Fright Knight narrows at the Dark Blood Ranger, as he grabs the gift and unwraps it. To his shock, he saw what it is. A green sword where the helm as a pumpkin on the end.

"The Soul Shredder! Where have you found it!?" Fright Knight demands.

"At an old temple farther away from the Ghost Zone. You should be thankful that I found it and give it to you before Plasmius did." Dark Blood Ranger answered.

"Why are you giving this to me? Unless it's for something in returns?" Fright Knight asked with a glare.

"Oh, I need something from you, but I'll tell you that if beat the Rangers." Dark Blood Ranger replied as he flies out.

"Either way, I don't care. If it helps destroying those rangers. So, beat it!" Fright Knight declared as he holds the Soul Shredder, begin feeling lot of powers from it. "AHHHH!"


At Casper High, all the students are preparing for a Halloween party. Danny, Sam, and Tucker are seen setting up the decorations.

"So, Mike and Zoey got their own apartment?" Tucker asks Danny.

"Yep. Thanks to Clockwork, he manages to give those two their own apartments under his disguised name." Danny replied while putting down a box of decorations. "With their help, we have a better chance in fighting ghosts popping up our town."

"Let's just hope we don't over crowd ourselves." Sam muttered while setting up the bats on the wall.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tucker asked.

"Nothing to be concerned." Sam responds.

"Well, it's not so bad in getting more help." Danny said as he saw Mr. Lancer talking to Principal Ishiyama.

"I'm not so sure, Mr. Lancer. Having a Halloween party if there's a possible ghost attack." Ishiyama told him.

"But Principal, the students have been looking around for this event all month." Mr. Lancer states trying to reason with her. "Plus, this is for charity for brand new uniforms for the Basketball team."

"So by having the party, those students will be more distracted rather than worrying about ghosts attacks." Ishiyama said as Lancer nodded. "Very well, but if there are any ghost incidents I'm shutting down the party!"

After overhearing the conversation, Danny turns to his friends "Guys, we have to double our shift in getting rid of the ghosts on Halloween." he told them.

"Why is that?" Tucker asks.

"Well, with ghosts around, the principal's going to cancel the party." Danny states.

"No party!?" Paulina screeches after hearing what Danny said, the last part basically. "There's no way I'm allowing that! Dash Kwan, we're going to patrol for ghosts!"

"What?!" Dash and Kwan asked her while carrying boxes for the heavy stuff.

"You heard me! Once we scout out some ghosts, that Phantom Red Ranger will fall for my progress and asks out with me!" Paulina states as she drags the two boys away.

"Should we be worried?" Sam asks after watching the scene.

"Nah, as long as they're out of trouble, we got this." Danny told her as they continue decorating.


At Pariah's Castle, Skulker came back with another ghost for hire. A robotic robot that is made of pumpkins, body, hands and feet.

"I, the Pumpkinator, shall be of service to take down the Phantom Rangers!" the Pumpkinator declares in front of Plasmius, Desiree, and Skulker.

"Hmm, I don't know. A Pumpkin-themed ghost on the mist of Halloween? Isn't that a bit of cliché? Anyone?" Plasmius asks turning around as Desiree gave a "I dunno" shoulder nod.

"Who needs pumpkins when you can bring nightmares!" shout Fright Knight as the three ghost generals look back, stared into shock.

Fright Knight wearing different armor, by his armor his purple with black stripes. Spikes in the shoulder and feet. The helmet is turned black, but still has the purple hair. He holds the Soul Shredder with all his might.

"Fright Knight, it's that you?" Plamius questioned.

"Yes, but more powerful once before." Fright Knight replied.

"Powerful is an understatement, you're packed with intense ghost energy!" Desiree states.

"I am, and I'm ready to face the Power Rangers with this new power!" Fright Knight told.

"Now hang on, pal. I was-" Pumpkinator didn't finish as Fright Knight swipes him with his sword. Next thing they knew, the Pumpinator vanished.

"What did you do to him!?" Skulker asked.

"I sent him to a dimension of his darkest fears." Fright Knight states as he held the Soul Shredder. "The Soul Shredder's power is to swipe at the enemies, and send them to their worst fears. Probably forever!"

"Hmm, I think we may have a way to defeat the Rangers. thirty Ectoloids shall do it." Plasmius said as the ghostly foot soldiers march by to join Fright Knight. "By the way, where did you find the Soul Shredder?"

"Let's just say, a fan gave it to me as an offering." Fright Knight said grinning under his helmet.


Clockwork froze as he felt an unsettling presence, which Sydney noticed.

"Something wrong, Clockwork?" Sydney asked him.

"I... sensed a familiar yet terrible power that is coming." Clockwork said in fear.

Clockwork goes to his time window, begin to change to Fright Knight holding the Soul Shredder. Clockwork almost drop his staff.

"No... I thought they locked it up." Clockwork state.

"What's wrong Clockwork?" Sydney asked.

"Fright Knight has the Soul Shredder in his hand." Clockwork said with a frown. "We need to get the Rangers here, now!"


"So, what are you guys going out for Halloween?" Danny asks them.

"I'm going out as Blake Belladonna." Sam states.

"Who" Tucker asked her.

"Don't tell me you've never seen RWBY?" Sam said in shock.

"You mean that YouTube show that's trying to be like anime?" Tucker responds.

"You should go and see it, it's really good especially when you get to the 3rd season." Danny told him as suddenly they heard a voice.

"Time Out."

Time froze still as the trio gets teleported to Clockwork's Tower.


Mike and Zoey were unboxing their stuff when they're at their new apartment.

"Man, I am loving this new place. Gotta thank Clockwork for this." Mike said excitedly.

"Yeah, and we get to fight ghosts and protect the world as Rangers." Zoey replied as the two were teleported from their apartment suddenly.


At Clockwork's Tower, Danny, Sam, Tucker, Mike, Zoey, and Jazz were teleported to Clockwork's Tower. They were shocked by the sudden teleportation down there as Clockwork and Sydney are present.

"Clockwork? Why did you bring all of us here?!" Danny asked him.

"Rangers, I've sensed a grave danger looming." Clockwork told them.

Clockwork open up his time window, showing them Fright Knight in his new suit as well as carrying a sword.

"Okay, now that's some kind of get up." Mike states.

"Rangers, Fright Knight has the Soul Shredder sword with him. You all must defeat him and take that sword away from him." Clockwork said.

"Why's that sword so important?" Tucker asked.

"The Soul Shredder is a sword made out of nightmares, used by the Fright Knight to unleash horror and terror to his enemies. If they are cut by the sword, they're sent to their darkest nightmares in an alternate pocket dimension." Clockwork told them.

"Sending us a dimension of our nightmares?" Zoey shivered.

"But how are we going to get the sword away from him?" Jazz asked, "If you say the sword's that powerful, I don't think we can get it away from him."

"Fright Knight is the ghost of Halloween, by Halloween night the Soul Shredder will be activated on this day. Legend says that the Soul Shredder must be sealed in a pumpkin." Clockwork states.

"Then we need to stop him before the struck midnight." Danny state

"I think you need to do something else before going after Fright Knight." Clockwork said look at the mirror.

"Really, what's that?" Zoe asked

They look at the time window, seeing Amity Park getting attack by Ghost Armada.

"Seriously, they have attack on some bad timing!" Tucker states.

"Alright everyone, we take them down before we find Fright Knight." Danny said as the team transport to Amity.


Civilians scream as they run away from the marching Ectoloids. Leading them is Fright Knight, along with Desiree, Skulker, and Plasmius.

Meanwhile, Paulina, Dash, and Kwan are seen holding nets and jars looking around for ghosts. They also appear to be wearing some kind of backpack with a hose with them.

"Where did you get this stuff, Kwan?" Dash ask him.

"Got it from a cousin, he used to work with a guy name Murray once who gave him this stuff." Kwan replied.

"This is perfect for ghost hunting!" Paulina states as she looks around for ghosts, as the three don't even realize the ghosts are passing behind them.

"Though, these are more props then actual ghost hunting equipment." Kwan states.

"Shut it, or I make sure to put this hoes in your-" Paulina snarled angrily.

"Okay, okay, we get it!" Dash said as he and Kwan hugging each other.

Suddenly a really cute small ghost came out of the ground.

"There's one, get it!" Paulina ordered.

"But it so cute." Dash said warmly.

Then the small ghost came out of the ground, realized that the whole body is three times bigger. Then the head change into a hideous monster, roars at them.

"We not scare of you, right guys!?" Paulina asked look back.

Realized they not there, leaving their backpack screaming like little girls. So, Paulina look at the ghost who glaring, she starts running while the ghost runs after her.

Soon the Rangers came as they saw the ghosts attacking through the empty streets. Thankfully, the civilians were evacuated.

"Alright, let's split into groups." Danny told them "Me and Mike will take North, Sam and Zoey will take the left side and Tucker goes with Jazz to take on the ones at the park."

"Got it, let's show these ghosts what we're made of!" Tucker said as the six starts morphing.

"Going Ghost!" they all shout as they transform into the Phantom Force Rangers, and to Mike and Zoey, the Spectral Squadron Rangers.

The Red and Black Ranger head down North to face off the Ectoloids there, Blue and Violet goes to the left side to deal with a group of ghosts there, and Yellow and White goes to the park to stop another fleet from terrorizing.


Meanwhile with the Ghost Generals, Fright Knight is starting to feel his army getting defeated all over the Amity Park.

"What's going on? My army's getting weaker!" Fright Knight states.

"You know who's stopping the army, it's those Rangers!" Plasmuis snarls angrily.

"Want me to wish you more soldiers?" Desiree asked.

"No... because is almost time..." Fright Knight said as his sword starts to burst into flames, as he summons his skeletal horse with batwings, as he gets on it. "I shall show them the fear of Halloween!" Fright Knight declares as he rides his horse to deal with the Rangers, personally.


Violet and Blue were seen beating up the last few of the Ectoloids, as they all fall and turn into ecto-goop.

"Ugh, I thought they look grosser on the outside." Violet said as Sam shoots another one with an ecto-pistol.

"Yeah." Blue replied, as Violet notice her paired partner's tone.

"Hey Sam, you alright?" Violet asks her comrade.

"I'm fine, Zoey. Now let's go meet up with Danny and the others." Blue respond as she marches forward.

"No, not until I know what's bothering you. I don't know what it is, but can you at least talk about it?" Violet asks her, seeing Blue's posture lowered with a sigh.

Sam didn't want to put in Zoey on the spot, but it has been building her up. So, she is left with no choice but to talk to her about what she feels.

"I guess, I'm just not used to the fact that they'll be more Rangers like you and Mike. I thought it would be just me, Tucker and Danny, then Jazz became a Ranger and now you two got involved. I'm just not used to work with other people around other than my friends." Blue revealed.

"Look Sam, I know getting other Rangers popping out of nowhere sounds bothersome to you. But we'll help you because we have been chosen to protect this town from ghosts." Voilet respond "Isn't that what friends are for?"

Sam look down to think that all of them maybe on the team, but they treat each other like loyal friends.

"I guess you right, let's go find the others." Sam said as both run off.


Meanwhile, Phantom Yellow and White knocks out more of the Ectoloids one by one.

"Make sure these guys don't go near the school!" Yellow notes while slicing some with his claw gauntlets.

"Why's that?" White asked while slicing them with her feather blades.

"School's having a big Halloween party, so no ghosts are gonna ruin it!" Yellow replied as they heard a horse's noise. They turn to see the Fright Knight holding the Soul Shredder up high. "Fright Knight!"

The Fright Knight charges at the two Rangers, as the sword slashes both of them. Tucker and Jazz then starts to glow as they teleport to each alternate dimension of their biggest fears.


Tucker woke up, not in his Ranger uniform.

"Jazz? Where are you?" Tucker asked when he finds himself in a field of grass, a barn, and he's wearing a black button jacket with a white button shirt, suspenders, black pants and shoes, and a top hat with a whitebeard. "Why am I dressed as if I'm Amish?" he asks as he looks around, noticed that there's no technology. "It can't be! A world without technology, my worst fear!"


Tucker ahead to see his parents wearing farming clothes. His mother carried a shovel and a bucket.

"Son, it's time for your chores. But you going to do it without any tech." Tucker's father states.

"And we gonna eat all vegetable for now on." Tucker's mother state happily.

"NOOO!" Tucker scream out of terror.


Jazz opens her eyes, finding herself in a large college classroom.

"Dr. Fenton, it seems that your thesis on many subjects of psychology is WRONG!" shout a teacher as many students laugh at her.

"Wrong, I can't be wrong!?" Jazz said in panic.

"Oh yes, and on your test papers, you have got three hundred questions wrong!" Teacher shouts as he maniacally laughs.

" worst nightmare...IS GETTING A FAILED SUBJECT!" Jazz scream as she fainted.


The Red and Black Ranger has defeated most of the Ectoloids around the area, as they saw Blue and Violet heading their way.

"Guys, have you tried contacting Tucker and Jazz?" Blue asked them.

"We did earlier, but they didn't respond." Red respond.

"You don't think something happened to them?" Black asked in worried.

"What if they've encountered Fright Knight and-" Violet didn't finished as she felt the sword slashes her on the back by surprised. The team gasped as they saw Fright Knight being the one who perpetrated the assault. Violet then disappeared.

"Zoey!" Black shouts seeing his girlfriend disappeared "What did you do!?"

"Oh, I've sent her to her worst nightmares along with your other friends!" Fright Knight told as he chuckled.


Zoey is seen back in the Total Drama cast, "Huh? Why am I back in the show?" she asks herself, looking at the cast and realizes who are they made up of "No way, Lightning, Jo, Eva? Why are you all doing here?"

"Alright, someone gets voted out of the island and that's you, Zoey!" Chris McClain points to her, as Zoey's eyes widen.

"No! I can't be eliminated by jocks!" Zoey cried out. "That's my worst fear!"


"You send our friends to their nightmare?!" Red question angrily.

"That's right, and I'll make sure keep it that way." Fright Knight answered with a smirk.

"What's that supposed to mean, you metal freak!" Black asked.

"I make sure you Rangers get slash by my sword, to put in your nightmares. When night time ends, you will all be stuck in there for the rest of your lives." Fright Knight answered as he bellowed in laughter.

Phantom Red, Black, and Blue all stood in their position as they back away from Fright Knight.

"We gotta get that sword sealed in a pumpkin!" Red told them.

"But where can we find a pumpkin at this hour?" Black asked.

Blue noticed a carved pumpkin in display of a shopping window, as she turns to her team "Guys, I got a plan!" she said as she charges at Fright Knight with her Blue Bazooka Cannon to shoot Fright Knight with the cannon. "Go to the shopping window!"

Red look at the shopping window realized Blue means. "Black, you help her by attacking in the back. I get the pumpkin!"

"Got it!" Black shouts pull out his weapon. "For Zoey!"

Red charges at the shopping window, seeing the owner that hiding under the table.

"I needed this pumpkin!" Red shouts grabbing the pumpkin.

"Just take everything to get rid those ghosts!" The owner said in fear.

Red grabbed the pumpkin and run out seeing Blue pinned down on the ground while Fright Knight standing ready to slash her.

"So long, Ranger, to your nightmares!" Fright Knight declares as he raises his sword up, as he throws it down towards her.


At the last second, Fright Knight looks down, seeing that a pumpkin was put there as his Soul Shredder has stabbed it down. The Red Ranger held it to block Blue.

"What is this!?" Fright Knight demands, feeling his powers being sucked in the pumpkin.

"Sealing the Soul Shredder with a pumpkin!" Phantom Red replied as he places the pumpkin down, the Soul Shredder's powers deactivates as it sucks away all the evil and ghosts spreading.

"NOOOO! My powers, my chance to prove myself!" Fright Knight shouts as he goes to grab the Soul Shredder, but is then tackled by Phantom Yellow, White, and Violet who makes it out of their nightmare world.

"Alright, team. Let's combine our weapons!" Phantom Red declares.

All the rangers combine their weapons into each of their cannons, the Banshee Cannon and the Spectral Shooter. The Rangers all stood by aiming at Fright Knight charging their cannons.

"Ready." Red, Yellow, and Blue shouts charging their cannon.

"Aim." Violet, Black, and White charges their cannon as well.

"FIRE!" The cannons out an ectoplasmic blast that comes together and charge through Fright Knight much he's shocked and fear.

"How can this be. I the master of fear...I am the true nightmare...I AM FRIGHT KNIGHT!" Fright Knight scream out of agony as the blast hits Fright Knight. The knightly ghost starts to fall as the Rangers turns around. Once they turned around, the Fright Knight exploded into nothing but ecto-energy.

"Whoa, we did it. We've defeated one of the Generals!" Phantom Blue states.

"Yeah, and we got the Soul Shredder!" Phantom Yellow respond.

"Come on, let's take it back to base." Phantom Red said as everyone agrees as they teleport with the Soul Shredder.

Unknown to them, the Dark Blood Ranger was at the scene, smirking under his mask.

"All according to plan. One general down, the rest to go. Then, it'll be my time!" Dark Blood Ranger states.


"What do you mean the Fright Knight's destroyed!?" Plasmius demands as he face Desiree and Skulker.

"It is just as I said, the Rangers destroyed the Fright Knight." Desiree states while crossing her arms.

"Of course he got taken down, he's too cocky and arrogant when it comes to the Rangers." Skulker states.

"I don't believe this is happening, we have lost the a general. Even now they have the Soul Shredder, which is important to bring him back! Next time, we won't be so easily on those Rangers, count on it!" Plasmius shout as he crackles ectoplasmic lightning out of his hands.


Later on, Casper High's Halloween Party has started. Tucker is seen dressed as a mad scientist, Danny is dressed as a Jedi, and Sam's dressed as Blake Belladonna from RWBY.

"This Halloween party's the blast." Tucker comments seeing everyone having a good time.

"Yeah, now with Fright Knight gone, the Ghost Armada has one less general." Danny replied while drinking the punch.

"And you know something else? I guess having Zoey and Mike around wouldn't be so bad." Sam states. "I wasn't sure about having more additions to the team, but we all need the help we can get."

"That's what I'm talking about Sam." Danny said as he high five each other.

"Guys check it, looks like some don't learn their lesson." Tucker said point to the problem.

Danny and Sam look at the problem, some jocks got grabbed some eggs about to throw at the kids. But suddenly two ghosts pop out front of them, scaring them.

"We'll swallow your soul!" the ghosts declared with their eyes pop out.

"AHH!" the jocks scream in fear as they ran away from the two ghosts.

But the two ghosts are actually costumes, revealing to be Mike and Zoey who laughing at them.

"Got you!" Zoey shouts.

"Those guys got punked!" Mike said while laughing.

"And they are really good people." Danny said with a smirk that starts laughing.


Meanwhile the Dark Blood Ranger walking in the unknown place in the Ghost Zone, he saw a black portal.

"Time for a wake up." Dark Blood Ranger said with a smirk.

Dark Blood Ranger then creates some red dark energy, and then shoots it to the portal makes a red blood color inside. Then a hand pop out of it and the rest of it.


Next time, the Rangers deal with a powerful ghost, while Plasmius makes his move as Vlad Masters.

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