A/N: So ever since I've finished playing dangan ronpa this story has been itching at me for a long, long time. So why not make a SYOC story (although this fandom has more than enough of those)

NO MARY SUES OR GARY STUS. And for those who dont know what a Mary Sue is, a Mary Sue is a character that has no flaws and way too perfect.

Please submit all characters forms submitted through PM only. Any characters submitted through review will not be accepted.

You may only submitted up to 2 characters per person.

Each numbered slot is labeled Mastermind, Culprit, and Victim. This is a way of evening out who will be who for convenience purposes .

Have fun and I wish you the best of luck!

Name: Heidi Dawnry

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birth Date: March 28th

SHSL Title:


Number: (check out the slots list)

Physical characteristics

Physical appearance: (be descriptive)

Clothes & accessories:

Special feature(s):

Personal Characteristics

Personality: (be descriptive)

Speech pattern/the way they talk/ catchpharses:




Strengths: (at least 2)

Weaknesses: (at least 3)

Fear(s): (at least 2)





Fatal Flaw(s):





Questions & answers part

Q: What will be their role during investigations?


Q: And their roles during trials?


Q: Why are they the best in their talent? Why was the title given to them and not to another person who is just as talented as they are?


Q: If your character was selected as the mastermind what types of incentives would they offer?


1. Akio Tachibana, Super High School Level Leader

2. Daisuke Hikami, Super High School Level Chemist

3. Heidi Dawnry, Super High School Level Vioninist

4. Kayo Ikeda, Super High School Level Hacker

5. Ayato Kashiwagi, Super High School Level Orator

6. Leilan Rin, Super High School Level ?

7. Regulus Aston, Super High School Level Soccer Player

8. Lucy Nike, Super High School Level Ride Designer

9. Soma Shirokage, Super High School Level Hypnotist

10. Hoshimi Maki, Super High School Level Video Game Character Designer

11. Kanzaki Yamanaka, Super High School Level Mechanic

12. Quentin Mendox, Super High School Level Light Expert

13. Jaime Synagogue, Super High School Level Sniper

14. Ambrosia Mendox, Super High School Level Pyrotechnic

15. Hatsuka Nanbu, Super High School Level ?

16. Kelly Richards, Super High School Level Caretaker

17. Rinko Fukuda, Super High School Level Journalist

18. Neils, Super High School Level Baker