The Legend of the Black Dragon Slayer

Chapter 1. Acnologia's Adopted Child

Acnologia's POV

It's been another day of causing those puny humans destruction. They are nothing but lowly being that are full of pride and ignorance, they are ants to us dragons and I really don't understand how some of us holy creatures would take these pests in as pupils and care for them. I admit I was also once human but that was long ago.

As I was to arrive at my next town to ruin, I sense an unusually aura coming off of something from the deep part of the forest. I had time to spare and tormenting those humans are getting abit boring so I decided to see what it is that is giving off this aura.

From the long years that I have lived I've seen, felt, heard, and knew much but this feeling was something new. Something that seemed to exists even before me, something ancient and possibly worth a visit. Maybe even worth a challenging fight, as I had not had one of those in eons.

As I landed and transformed into a more portable (Human) form, I begin my track to that smell. I wonder through the bushes and trees and found nothing odd but a basket. It seemed like a stupid human trap or a worthless prank if it is but suddenly I hear movement and sound coming from the thing. It sounded like a human, a child that is possibly not even a year old.

At first I was disgusted at the human for it is human, but then I see that it is not a normal human it has talent. But special or not it is still to me a pest and I shall not feel for such lowly beings. I shall take my leave.

As I was about to walk away the thing looked straight into my eyes. It didn't flinch, cry, or die, it's didn't seem to fear me. We glared at each other for sometime. Finally the baby blinked and holded up it's hand and waved at me.

Now I was terrified. I Acnologia , the king of dragons, the dragon of acopolpse, and the so known black dragon was frightened by a BABY ?! I didn't know what to do. I wanted to just fly away, anywhere but here but I can't. Those eyes radiate power and potential and most awfully they show fearlessness. I couldn't look away, move or even breath at the moment. I was panicking for the first time in my whole LIFE.

"Hel- Lo" the baby said

"wa es yo name?"

I didn't expect a 1 year old to talk but since it's already been a weird as hell day I replied rather than blast the thing with my roar.

"I am Acnologia, child and I am a dragon and I do not like you humans!"

"Aci logia?" the baby repeated with a cheerful squeak

"I mu Nat su, nice to mit you."

I was lost of words that first a baby was in a forest (maybe not), second it is powerful, and third how intelligent is this insect if it can manage to talk without much difficultly at such a young age.

I thought of this over and over in my head and eventually I broke my own rules and beliefs and actually am curious of this being. So I decided to offer him a position as my, the king of dragons student.

"Do you fear me human?" I said in a dark voice

the baby just shook his tiny head.

"Okay then would you want to become my apprentice, and learn magic?"

simutaniously the baby nodded and through his small hands up cheering and dancing abit.

I thought of what type of trouble I have put my self in now. But at least it's more entertaining than terrorizing those idiotic humans. I walked over and lifted the basket from the ground. I ran and jumped and flew in the sky with a baby in my hands. I slowly transformed back into my original dragon form and traveled back to my cave which I would need to stay now often and redecorate, because now I have a baby to take care of.

I don't know what hit me today to change my mind and if you were to ask me a day before I would have laughed my ass off from your plain insanity of accusing me, the most fearful of the dragons to back down to a BABY.

I landed on the ground, putted the basket down and immediately drifted into deep sleep. Never have I been so tired and oddly enough it felt good at the end of the day. What is tomorrow gonna be I really wonder.