Chapter 9

The fuck have you been?

Shadow nicely dressed with black dress jeans, a blood red shirt. As he arrived one of the employees quickly attended him.

"Welcome Sir, do you have a reservation?" He said politely.

Shadow looked around the restaurant, it sure looked fancy and expensive... He turned to the employee, "Um, a person said I would just have to say my name."

The employee nodded, "Yes, there was a request, what is your name?"

He swallowed some saliva a bit nervous, "Shadow."

"Oh yes, please follow me."

Shadow was led into the restaurant, finally he was led to the back where there were not much people. He saw someone sitting looking at the menu with a white hat covering the person's face. The employee signaled Shadow that is was the correct table. He thanked him sitting down trying to figure out who it was. The person kept his look down.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Shadow asked getting a bit agitated.

Slowly, the person looked up grinning making Shadow gasp.


She kept grinning, "Hey Shads, long time no see huh?"

He simply stared at her in shock, his brain was trying to adjust to the situation. It was very shocking, so surprising. He was sou dumbfounded at this. Almost 3 months of not seeing her, no trace no nothing! And then suddenly showing up out of nowhere! Amy was almost strange looking to him, for him it felt like years of not seeing her, Amy's quills were a bit longer down to her breast, she had some kind of matureness in her presence. Amy just looked at him a bit confused waiting for some kind of reaction since his mouth made an 'o'. For some minutes they had an uncomfortable silence, people's chatters were hear, music kept playing in the background and only Amy and Shadow were silent. His eyes couldn't keep off of her, there were so many questions gathering in his mind, mixed feelings arouse inside that it was getting so overwhelming.

Finally Shadow stood up, walked to Amy's side and hugged her as hard as he could. Her eyes widened blushing furiously, then the corner of her eye did one of her body guards saw the scene, he immediately took action and started walking towards them. She held a hand signaling it was ok, he nodded getting back to his place. Shadow finally let go looking suddenly angry.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouted, luckily they were a bit far from the people to not hear his shouting.

Amy sighed, this was something she didn't expect, "Come with me Shadow."

Both left the restaurant, her guards discretely left also watching her from a distance, she took him to a car (the car she came in) and stepped inside. She sighed again looking back at him who was angry.

"Amy, where the fuck have you been? You know how worried I was? Do you have any idea how worried I was? How worried we were?"

"Shadow let me...try to explain myself. I know, this is fucked up, I know this is so sudden. I know...I repeat, let me try to explain ok? It's so much to say, so many details please just listen."

He folded his arms, "All right, begin before I loose my patience."

Amy rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up. First, I'm sorry I didn't call...I wasn't really thinking that night I disappeared. I simply needed to get away from everything, I thought I could go and take care of myself."

"What happened? Where have you been all this time?"

She didn't respond quickly, she got nervous, "I-I almost got raped."

Shadow gritted his teeth, "God dammit Amy! Who the fuck was it?! TELL ME?!"

Amy widened her eyes at his outburst, "Calm down! He-he's gone ok? Somebody helped me and I got away."

"Fuck it Amy! That doesn't deny your stupidity or why you disappeared!"

"I-I had to go after that. I couldn't come back, It's something I can't really explain clearly to you. I should have communicated with you but I couldn't. I had to be completely alone with myself. I hope you can understand that. Unfortunately I have to go back."

Shadow sighed, "I understand."

"You do?"

He nodded slowly, "Yes, although I won't deny I'm still very angry at you, I do. That's why I went away for some months from Station Square trying to find my self."

Amy nodded also, "Yes I remember, we were also worried that something had happened to you."

"Hehehe, but hey it worked out in the end. I hope it did to you but why do you have to go back? Why did you even come back? Where to?"

"I can't tell you where, give e some time ok. I came back because I was home sick, I miss you guys."

He growled, "You're holding some secrets Amy I know, just be careful stupid pink hedgehog!"

She smirked, "Oh shut up Shadow, you have your own secrets as well!"

Amy turned on the ignition of the car, she drove to where she was staying, her house where everything was untouched.

"Welcome home Amy," Shadow said opening the door for her.

The pink hedgehog thanked him waling inside, her eyes watered, the feeling of actually coming back home was over whelming. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her hands touched the furniture, the walls. Even the cup she last drank was still in place. Shadow just observed her actions, it was such a nice feeling knowing she came back safe and sound. Amy's eyes quickly turned to see a dried up rose on her table, she wondered who had left it there.

"It's very dusty in here."

He chuckled, "Well, you weren't around what do you expect?"

She laughed, "You're right hehehe. Shadow I need your help, I need to let everyone know I'm back. They'll all freak out when they see me but I don't know how to present myself!"

He rubbed his chin, it was true they'd all freak out if Amy comes up to their house and just shows up like nothing ever happened. Maybe if he created some kind of reunion, a party maybe? A party huh...No no I can't host a party it would be too weird. But this is for Amy, If I could just relax them, warn them about some very important news. That's it! A small party hehehe Oh boy, this is going to be a problem.

"Don't worry Amy, I know what to do. I'm going to host a small reunion."

She raised an eyebrow, "You? Shadow hosting a party? Isn't that kind of uh, suspicious?"

He narrowed his eye, "Yes it will be weird! And it's to tell everybody the truth already, like 2 heads in one shot! I'll invite everyone! Cream, Rouge, Knuckles, Tails, Sonic-"

"Sonic? Why him?"

He turned around smirking folding his arms, "Hehehe is somebody surprised?"

She stuttered, "We-well yea I-i mean-"

"Yes, he actually went around looking for your pink ass everywhere. Turns out he has some feelings towards you."

Her heart beat fast against her chest, her cheeks turning red. Oh no oh no, not this feeling again, oh gosh why?

"But I thought-"

"I know. Anyway, we'll be seeing each other, tomorrow I gotta start the stupid 'party' things. Pff. Oh and before I go."

Amy was met by Shadow's sudden hug, at first she tried to squirm away but seeing that it was a sincere hug she simply smiled. It was rather sweet, she felt loved. A feeling in which she missed so much, Amy melted with happiness inside of her.

"Good night Amy, don't you be running off again without warning me at least."

And with that he left, Amy smiled with tears running down her cheeks.

I'm back home.