Author's note: Wow, this is sooooo late. I'm really sorry guys... honestly I just got into a bit of a funk where I didn't want to write anything. I promise I'll try to update more regularly now.

"I talked to River the other day!" Amy blurted, unable to hold it back anymore. "She said you're getting a divorce,"

"she pointed a gun at me and accused me of having an affair."

"what's wrong?" "Just saw some old friends, reminded me how close we used to be,"

Interning with John during the day, and running the cafe at night, Clara had her hands full. It wasn't that she couldn't handle it, but sometimes it was hard to keep up with her workload. Late Tuesday evening, after a slightly awkward day with John after having tea with him the other night, Clara was fiddling with the buttons on the cash register, glad that things were quiet for once.

It couldn't last.

The door opened with a bang, followed by a ginger girl and a man who was probably her boyfriend or something.

"Amy," the man was saying, "we were supposed to tell him that we're moving to America next month."

"You want me to put that on him after he and River just ended their marriage?" the ginger, Amy, asked.

"No," the man said with a sigh, "but we do have to tell him sometime."

"Are you gonna help them?" Jenny whispered to Clara.

"Yeah," Clara said, "I got it."

Walking over to the couple, Clara cleared her throat to get their attention. "My name is Clara, and I'll be your server tonight, can I help you with anything?"

"Just two cups of black coffee, thanks," the man said before his wife cut in with a whisper.

"That's what his new intern is named, Clara, what's up with that?"

The man shrugged, "Maybe she's just his intern."

"If she's just his intern I'll eat my hat."

Clara had to admit that the couple's conversation was hitting dangerously close to home. An intern named Clara? It was a little odd. Still, who knew how many Clara's were interns..

"I just feel bad leaving John all alone here," Amy was saying, "I thought if he had River..."

"I know, believe me I know." the man said, rubbing her arm gently, "but if she really pulled a gun on him, do we really want to leave him with her?"

"No," Amy sniffed, "I can't believe she'd do that."

"If she really thought he was having an affair?"

Clara moved back toward the couple, placing their coffee on their table. This was creepy weird, a Clara who interned for a John? What if they were talking about her John.. wait her John? Where had that come from?

"But a gun?" the ginger was saying, "that's a bit extreme."

"I wouldn't put it past here," the man said.

"Rory!" Amy scolded.

"What?" Rory jumped in his seat, "it's true."

Amy groaned, "I know,"

Taking a deep breath, Clara asked herself if she really wanted these people to know who she was. I want to know if their talking about me, she couldn't help but think. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation." she found herself saying, "Are you talking about John Smith from Smith Photography?"

Amy squinted in suspicion, "yes... why?"

"I'm Clara Oswald, his new intern."

John groaned, these pictures didn't make sense. How could Clara be in two places at once? She obviously wasn't walking around Donna and John's backyard dressed as a Victorian governess. A cheerful jingle told John that the door was opening.

Click, click, click... high heels. Even without turning around, John knew who had just walked in.

"Hello, River," he said bitterly.

"Hello, Sweetie,"

Bum Bum Bum. As always feel free to tell me what you think! Don't forget to follow and favorite if you enjoy. Next chapter we'll get to learn more about River but until then spoilers!