Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, Princess Tutu or the song 'The Circle of Life' by Elton John. All credits go to Disney and the record companies. I own only my OCs.

While the DigiDesitneds had school that morning, Davis was sound asleep in his new bedroom, he and Veemon blissfully slumbering with warm blankets and fluffy pillows.

The door opening didn't distrub them. Leopera tip-toed in silently, back straight, hands behind, a coy smile playing on her face. She placed her hands flat on the bed, smiling fondly over him.

"Davis…" She whispered, leaning in.

Davis mumbled but didn't wake up.

"Davis…" She tried harder, louder, firmer this time.

He turned on his side, trying to ignore her. She raised an eyebrow amusedly, her mouth twitching in a slight smirk. So she grabbed his nose and waited patiently.




Davis shot up, gasping for air, waking up Veemon rudely in the process.

"Huh, who, what, where?" Veemon questioned.

After calming down, Davis twisted his head around and glared at Leopera. She was trying to fake pure innocence, which was ruined by her amused smirk.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" He screamed at her.

"Good morning to you too." She calmly retorted. She patted his back, gesuring to get up. "Come on, get up. We have a big day ahead of us."

Davis groaned and then noticed her ears. A sudden, familiar urge rushed through him. His hands reached and touched her ears. She allowed him rub her ears, purring in bliss.

"You used to love rubbing my ears." She caressed his face, gazing adoringly. "Do you remember the first time we met?"

Davis thought of a faint memory. "I think I found you in the sqaure. You were scared but I thought you were cool." He remembered the day, when he wandered away from his protective parents and ran into a catgirl who was in a panicked, frightened state. It was impressive that a 1 or 2 year old ended up hugging her like a doll, begging to his parents with puppydog eyes if he can keep her. His father had told she's not a pet and his mother only opened her arms out, engulfing Leopera in her warmth.

"C'mon. We have a big day ahead of us."

She pulled away, dragging him out of bed, much to his mild dismay.

The sun was shining bright with such new light. The main city was currently in the process of rebuilding, workers labouring themselves in all parts of it.

Down in a garden within the massive, now glowing palace, the three newest rulers sat crosslegged on the ground, eyes following Leopera's every move as she gave a lesson on how to rule a kingdom.

Well, two pairs of eyes were following Leopera. One pair were drooping as someone was threatening to fall asleep. For him, it was like being back at school.

"Davis!" Leopera snapped. Davis awoke straight away with a snort. His adopted sister was giving him a stern look that was softer than the ones his old teachers gave him. "Pay attention. You have 10 years of lessons to catch up."

Davis groaned and his sisers giggled.

"Its gonna take more than 10 years to teach him anything." Jun snickered to her newfound younger sister.

"Jun!" Leopera snapped at her, making the girl blushed in embarrassment. Leopera sighed. "Anyway, we have a lot to do. Your mother taught me everything so I can pass it onto you in case she couldn't."

She voiced sadness at the very mention and rememberance of their mother. Although Jun, Davis and Ahiru were the queen's biological children, her adopted daughter had a much closer relationship with her in her kids' absence. Leopera understood what Nori had to do.

"I'll teach you everything. I'll prepare you for what your ancestors' world has to offer." Then she threw her hand off, slapping a sword, causing it to fly up and she caught it effortlessly. "And I'll prepare you three in the way of the warrior."

The three kids watched her in awe as she posed, sword in hand.

She smirked. "Let's start with mastering the sword, shall we?"

{cue Circle of Life by Elton John from 'The Lion King'}

She gave each of her students a different sword which she believed suited them. Davis had a katana, Jun had a naginata, and Ahiru had a rapier.

Leopera used a spatha sword, demostrating some amazing moves. The kids marvelled at her display and attempted to copy her, only to fail clumsily. The kids drooped their shoulders and heads, feeling so uncertain about themselves…espiceally Davis.

With a soft smile, their adoptive sister came over to them, coming behind Davis and helping him lift his katana. In his ear, she begun to sing.

Leopera: From the day we arrive on the planet

And blinking step into the sun

There's more to be seen than can ever be seen

More to do than can ever be done

She pulled away, leaning him holding his katana up properly.

Some say, eat or be eaten

Some say, live and let live

But, all are agreed as they join the stampede

You should never take more than you give

Back to facing them, Leopera brought her sword down slowly, as did her students. They followed her every move.

In the circle of life

It's the wheel of fortune

It's the leap by faith

It's the band of hope

Till, we find our place

On the path unwinding

In the circle

The circle of life

Leopera brought her arms up, the great golden sun shone behind her, making her look like a glorious sun goddess.

Some of us fall by the wayside

And some of us soar to the stars

And some of us sail through our troubles

And some have to live with the scars

Next, she had them doing stretches before doing anything else.

There's far too much to take in here

More to find than can ever be found

But the sun rollin' high

Through the sapphire sky

Keeps the great and small on the endless round

Then she taught them Karate. She swept and kicked her legs furiously, as did her swinging and punching arms. She moved as fast as the wind.

The three kids gawked at her and when they tried to copy her moves, they made fools of themselves and messed up.

In the circle of life

It's the wheel of fortune

It's the leap by faith

It's the band of hope

Till, we find our place

On the path unwinding, yea

In the circle

The circle of life

The kids practiced and practiced, sharing a family determination, eventually getting better.

In the circle of life

It's the wheel of fortune

It's the leap by faith

It's the band of hope

Till, we find our place

On the path unwinding, yea

In the circle

The circle of life

Leopera smiled widely as her students performed splendidly.

On the path unwinding, yeah

In the circle

The circle of life

She clapped. "That was amazing! Well done."

"Yeah, thanks sis." Davis answered.

Suddenly the leopardess froze with shocked look on her face and she gasped. "Excuse me?"

"I called you sis." Davis shrugged.

"But I'm only taking care of you."

"You're not our nanny. You're our sister."

Leopera slowly smiled loving. She came over to him and kissed his cheek. He blushed and smiled in response, feeling nostalgic.

"Now I remember that Davis is your favourite." Jun commented with a sharp edge in her voice, arms folded.

"I don't favour him." Leopera answered softly.

"You like him more than me!"

"Of course she does! I'm the one who got her into this crazy family!"

As Davis and Jun immediately argued back and forth, Leopera giggled and shook her head while Ahiru laughed.

It was as if the war never happened.

Davis ran down a gold-yellow paved path, katana strapped on his back and Veemon running aside him. Davis grinned when he spotted the four girls he actually grew up with and their Digimon up ahead.

"Hey Davy!" Annalise called, waving as he caught up.

"How's the high life?" She asked, while Atsuko suddenly pounced on Veemon, followed by Cleo, Quartz and Helena, promoting a friendly wrestling match.

Davis shrugged. "Not so high. I just live in a palace with three sisters and an older one cracking the whip on me."

"Bummer." She teased, eyes closed and rosy lips smiling.

He grinned right back. Then they all went off and explored the building city, fondly remembering the good times they shared before the war.

For the first time in years, he felt completed.

"Davis?" A gentle hand touched his arm. He turned and faced the beautiful, concerned face of Kokoro. "Are you ok? You look distracted."

He turned away. "Its nothing."

But she was persistent. "But it is something."

Knowing that underneath her angelic beauty lies an equally stubborn soul, he sighed and then spoke the truth. "I just wish I can talk to her or dad. Just to clear up my feelings. I love and hate them for everything they'd did to, all to protect me."

She grasped his arm comfortingly. "I'm sure they understood how you feel."

While she gave him comfort, he looked up the sun, eyes not blinded by the sight, watching it descended into a sunset, and then replaced by the moon.

Looking on them, it was like an couple enjoying a romantic moment. Cleo was even rubbing herself against Veemon, making him blush furiously.

"Davy! Koko! Are you coming or what?!" Annalise screamed, forcing Davis and Kokoro to realize their position and they quickly jumped apart, Davis blushing and whistling while Kokoro also blushed and shyly hid her face behind her hands.

"Splendid work on disturbing them, Anna!" Anya berated.

"Shut up, Anya!" Davis shouted, taking Lori's outstretched hand and dragging her and Kokoro away.

"I bed your pardon!" Anya retorted while Annalise burst out laughing. The athlete knew that Davis was only one brave enough to snap back to Anya's fierce mouth.

The next morning, a huge mass of people showed up in the royal city. Some were pretty excited while some were scared and confused.

Davis stood alongside his sisters on the palace steps, ready to make a royal introduction to the immigrants, the people his mother forced to leave for their safety.

His friends, the girls, Veemon and Digimon, waved at him from the crowd. He waved back. Jun slapped his arm in disapproval and he pouted at her. She glared back, Ahiru giggled and Leopera rolled her eyes amusedly. Standing before the crowd of new citizens, the royal family opened their arms and welcomed the immigrants back to the royal city and Sola. The entire city applauded. After a decade of darkness, light shown again.

Davis, grinning, had his arms wide open, embracing his title as prince, embracing his family, embracing his friends, embracing his new life.